Cub bread

Cub bread

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Look OP you got to help me out here




Finally. A good thread.

Fuck that straight shit by the way.


No fucking kidding

Either or, it doesn't matter keep it coming

It's a cuntboy


>I'm an idiot.
That's fine by the way.

It's a cunt boy



Ye man. Fuck that straight shit. GTFO

Cuntboys are fine. Sorry about the slight mistake.

Better animated


wtf no don't destroy the thread

























This thread shall not die

Let me stroke you to it.

Cubs are the superior Boys

Fuck that's hot. I've had a dog lap at my piss before :P they love it. Especially if you train them from a pup



That's really hot

Lucky guy

Can I crawl under the table and let you use my mouth too user? I think it would be better than my hands :3


Oh lawd yes plz

Oh please do~

:3 benefits of being 13 and being told to take care of and train my puppy. Heh. :3 he was my cum slut.

Why is this so goddamn pixelated, and all that pencil garbage.
Pose and expression are perfect. Need a cleaner version nao!

>tfw you have bf that is into ageplay and cub
>tfw you can erp with him while he plays a cub

omg it's the best, cutest thing and I know it's fucked up but I love it

Lick me too?

That is why a dog is a boys best friend!

Jesus, if you, any of you in fact have Kik or Telegram I give you full permission to message me. Both of them @False_King _Zeraph.

Heh yep. Pretty much whenever I pulled my cock out, he ran up to take care of it. He knew better than to ignore it :P


Sadly no, I used to have it though. ;^;

And sadly my dog is nothing like that, the thing wont even let my cock poke at it's hole.

Niiice~ Bet there was plenty of late night dick licking. Hope you would jerk him off in return. Assuming it was male and not fixed :p That would be my fantasy.

That sucks. What breed?

I swallowed my fair share of dog cum :P but he was mostly my bitch.

Husky, it's fixed so I'd assume that is the reason why.

Understandable, but you at least help get the puppy off occasionally.

Yeah. And huskies can be pretty dominant. They don't usually like gentle anal. Does he lick?


Luckily he does.

That's at least good. I love painting doggies with cum :P


Cum on a dog's muzzles is always super hot! Always makes me want to go again.

Heh yes! Especially if it's streaks of dried cum. And the dog just reeks of musk :P

So hot! I wanna just cum on a dog's balls and sheath till it gets all crusty and musky with my seed.

What happened to this thread?

Mmmmmm :3 I like the way you think

If you can get Kik or Telegram, please message me. You seem like my type of guy. Hahah


Glad you think so! I am kind of a twisted fucker :p I've met worse then myself so at least I am not too far gone.

Twisted is a good way to describe me :) I've embraced it.

dog fucking

Me too! I've got my limits but there is not much.

Let''s take away the middle man

Mmmmmm :P

That's an interesting view xD

>tfw gfur can make a degenerate out of all of use


Happens to a fair amount of us



>tfw I was that kid that walked around nude while others were getting dressed

I'm not gay right?

Guess the dog fucking scared everyone off

Not necessarily gay, just an exhibitionist

Well, everyone else was a boy. I don't think I because an exhibitionist until I was around 11 tho. Before that I just hated clothes.

Well at that age I doubt it was a gay thing. A lot of kids go through a no clothing thing at some point. Could still be gay though...