Who else here is tired of women?

Who else here is tired of women?
Post your most stupid experiences with females.
>Be me
>16 year old
>I like this girl in school
>Redhead and with great ass
>A little too short tho, but I wanted to smash
>She was into me
>I asked her if she wanted to fuck
I know it sounds stupid, but I don't like the whole "Netflix and chill" thing, I've been always been direct and it usually works
>She ended up being too christian for this and gets angry
>Now she starts spreading rumors about me
>Teams up with another girl who was into me for this
>Now 3/4 of my class thinks than I'm a pervert
>She even says that I followed home
>Move on, find actual fiancee, we fuck
>We kind of start dating
>Redhead gets angry for some reason
>Once fiancee went to pick me up from school
>This bitch and her friend start following us
>We get to the mall, fiancee goes to the bathroom
>They fucking followed her there
>She tells me that readhead friend just looked at her the whole time
>They even left the moment she left
>Two days later fiancee receives a facebook message saying that I was cheating on her
>We weren't even a couple, we just kind of hung out and fucked
>A couple days later my mother almost slaps me and called me dad because "two girls told her that I was looking for threesomes"
>Mfw I immediately realize who those "two girls" were
>Mfw some fucked up girls tried to ruin my life because I was direct
Really tho, why was she so jealous?
She was a bitch and then got angry because I moved on.
Fuck I hate women.

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This is why we need thot patrol

All redheads are thots

Find yourself a nice passable trap. Problem solved.

So glad I'm bi and can choose the easy life with my bf :)

Man I'm also bi
I can fuck guys but not really be in a relationship with them, I'd miss boobs

Everyones on a spectrum I guess :) and I've never been with a girl so I don't know what I'm missing out on

Nothing really.
I was a total beta until I was 14 and started dating, and also yearned for a relationship.
After a while you just get bored I guess, is nothing special.

Good to know, thanks man ;)

>2 girls were unfair to me
>im tired of all women now

this sounds so made up it gave my weeds cancer

>Me again
>But in the past
>14-15 years old
>Was with this 8/10 (small but nice ass) Colombian girl
>First long relationship, first fuck
>But man was she crazy
>Makes me block females friends
>I couldn't watch Wreck It Ralph in the cinema because of her (long story)
>Went out to smoke weed and drink until she needed help to walk
>But man help if I didn't answer a message after half an hour
>When we talked over the phone I could just live the thing there for five minutes and she wouldn't realize
>When I manned up and admitted to her I had a foot fetish she just laughed and me
>I never really came while dating her (not even our first time), only time I did she told me "not to do it again" because "the texture is weird"
>Sex ended when she came
>Used to insult my friends
>When other people sent her nudes she wouldn't say anything
>Ends up braking up with me because I unblocked a female friend she blocked
To be fair I've only had like five bad experiences, but I'm tired of their shit.

I wish this was made up, after that my mother took my laptop while I was sleeping and hid it for almost half a year because she believed more two random girls on the street rather than me.
The day following my 18th birthday I made my bags and moved out of her house.

I got you fam, story time.

One of the females on my ship got pregnant right before our deployment. We're supposedly going out for 7-8 months and for some reason about 25% of the girls on the ship will get pregnant just so they don't have to go on deployment. This clearly costs the Navy money but they will still bring them in knowing that 25% won't make it through the deployment. I've even met a few that get pregnant half way through the deployment and have to get air lifted off the ship. Why is this ok for women to do this? Any sailor will tell you the same thing happened on their ship right before a deployment. They're usually piss poor workers that won't/can't do manual labor so why are they allowed to join in the first place if they're just going to be a hindrance to the mission?

Don't give up, user. You'll find a non crazy girl eventually. You seem decent enough to get girls, so just keep looking. And don't take their shit - if a girl demands you block other people and do stupid shit and gets pissed for not responding, be honest and tell her why she's being unfair. If she can't deal with that, she's not worth your time.

Sorry bro. You gotta sift through the trash heap to find the good shit. :(

Pretty much this. Don't fuck with crazy bitches.

My father in law was the equivalent of a Seal here, he told me stories of how once a girl tried to get on the "Seal" system and then got angry because they "were pushing her too hard".
Really, why join if you are going to be a bitch?


A fiancée is someone you are engaged to get married with not a friend with benefits.

Yeah I know, all that happened because it was my first relationship and I was just desperate for sticking it.
Right now I'm with a pretty good girl, she sometimes rustles my jimmies too but no one is perfect.
I just had a situation recently with another girl from college and it made me remember the story from the thread.

>Move on, find actual fiancee, we fuck"
The "actual" part is the important one, this was three years ago and we are engaged

dubstripsdubs confirm this as truth.

Also women, from all my experiences, are mentally children all their lives. It's just they way it is.

And you'll be divorced 2 years after

You sound like such an incredibly whiny, entitled little bitch. You're the problem, you little snot.

You just attract shit woman.

Does this belong in /r9k/ cause I'm thinking it does

>"lol wanna fuck

holy fuck you're a dumb worthless piece of normie cuck trash

>goes around saying "lol wanna fuck"
>it actually works for his lucky dumb ass
>one day it backfires

>fuck i hate women

seriously how fucking mentally ill are you gen z kids, god damn, you should be gassed


Women never want you to be happy, they want you to be happy with THEM.

Want a real relationship or connection with someone?
Find a soulmate, not a girlfriend.
Find a soulmate, not a wife.
Find a soulmate, not a partner.
If they would not want you being happy, in any scenario or variable, usually "With someone else", then their priority is not your happiness.

Not saying to be a cuck,
but if someone really loved you,
you wouldn't have to cheat -
you'd work together to do anything that brought either of you happiness,
including but not to limited to relations - intimate, conversationally, or otherwise - with another person.

I only asked someone if they wanted to fuck, they said no and I moved on.

Whatever your mental illness is I hope it's not contagious.

you could be charged with a crime for being so obnoxiously degenerate, you fucking entitled dumbass

She wasn't fiancee at 16, is my "actual fiancee"
And it is more of a political thing actually, emigrating to some countries is easier for young, married couples
So you think that the reaction was understandable? Is not like I touched or stalked her, it was just a few words ONCE.
And is not that I hate women, they are just tiresome.

no its totally unreasonable, keep going around asking random women to fuck, trying to undermine actual relationships, totally oblivious if they have a boyfriend or friend they fuck nearby who would bash your head in for it

Now you're just jumping to conclusions.
In the post I said she was into me, and I knew her for a while.
I don't go asking around random girls, that would be stupid. The thing that made her angry was that, in her words, "you don't ask that, maybe after a date you get to do it but being so direct is weird".
Every time I made a move was if I knew the person and was sure that there was a possibility, I may be retarded but not enough to just asking random women to fuck.
Why entitled? The fact that she said no doesn't bothers me, but her reaction was fucking stupid.

Don't mind the bitter virgins

im not a virgin
>Why entitled?

you literally said "i knew she was into me"

so you think that means you should just outright ask to fuck girls like they're some heap of trash that dont place any value on the act of sex and just do it for fun?

Yes, exactly
There isn't any value in the act of sex
It is better when you do it with a partner you love, but sex itself is just something you do for fun tbh
Romanticizing sex is exactly what a virgin would do tbh, there is nothing wrong with just having sex with someone out of boredom.
She saw sex as a reward, telling me that "maybe after a date" and shit, we came to disagreement and she went bananas when I fucked another person, am I really that bad?

>There isn't any value in the act of sex

says some retarded 19 year old faggot who cant get a girl to stick with him unless he signs away his right to his own money and possessions in marriage


This is an 18+ board kiddo

You got it.

Some women's only worth they can offer is their "reward" of sex. And if a guy doesn't crawl on hands and knees to them, through shit and over broken glass, then what value do those women have?

When you shatter their illusions and show them the truth that the act of sex itself (from them) is not something to be worshipped without question, then they get very angry indeed!

>There is value in the act of sex
Please explain why?
Shit wasn't it Sup Forums for /babies/?

women are inherently worth more than men to society because for them to reproduce takes much more time and effort

all you have to do is nut

thats why women value sex as more than just something for fun, unlike men

we evolved this way, and the culture reflects it as well because its the optimal way for society to function, without it society goes into decline. birthrates drop, the economy slumps, or migrants come and act as a bandaid but ultimately make everything worse in the long run

but you're helping trying to fuck that up, but increasingly will get your way i guess if you play your cards right

you absolutely bluepilled cuck

>women are inherently worth more than men to society because for them to reproduce takes much more time and effort
>Bluepilled cuck



So since you're tired of women, you must like anything that was biologically born Male? (Traps, Trans, etc...)

There's approximately 900 million more women on this planet than men.

They're literally worth less. Not more.
Stop gagging on niggercock you fucking european goyim.

Nah I'm tired of their bullshit, but I'd be lying if I told you that I wouldn't fuck a cute trap.

>Have job where I'm constantly on the go
>If you gotta poop you look at gas station
>It's poop time
>Go to gas station and begin pooping in mens restroom
>Crazy lady comes in demanding to use the only shitter that I'm already in
>Tell her she has the wrong bathroom
>Continues to go on saying she needs to poop ans begins banging on stall door
>Tell her to go ladies restroom
>I then see her squatting leaning against the stall door begging to shit as she pulls up her dress
>Holy fuck this lady is shitting on the floor
>Use Google to look up the gas stations number and tell guy on the phone what's happening
>Lady is yelling "Not the wrong bathroom now? Huh bitch?"
>Guy comes into the bathroom
>Yells what the fuck in horror
>A cop then comes into wrestle a shitting lady out of the bathroom.

Im telling my worst encounter with women as I pooo in the gas station. Feels good man.

Lol. This cutie was here a few days ago.

Women are scum. Always looking for some. New dick and for whatever reason won't hesitate to use you in the process trying to keep you in the dark then turn every situation on you to make you the bad guy. Not worth the energy.

key word


men are only worth something when they make something of themselves

and many women throw out most of their value for men who dont do anything with their lives, or dont stick with them because they're out of their league, and end up having to settle for some cuck as an old worthless hag, or die alone

Dude Holy shit you're a real faggot ass sperg lord. Chill your shit sjw

you are like a little baby



Holy fuck, was she on drugs?

tell me again why there are four times as many male homeless people and four times as many male suicides, if what im saying isnt true

I dont think you know what actual means

I don't know. I assume so.
She did fling shit too kek.

I felt bad for the cop. And the poor guy I called thought I was just prank calling g too.

[ak-choo-uh l]
existing in act or fact; real:
an actual case of heroism; actual expenses.
existing now; present; current:
The ship's actual position is 22 miles due east of Miami.
Obsolete. pertaining to or involving acts or action.
How does it not fit in the second definition?

Your mom lowkey deserves a beating for jumping to conclusions.

"Dont ever take sides against the family..."

Because societal views are now always skewed against men to make them seem like the bad guy. No matter what they do and say they're written off as misogynistic pigs. So they end it

I got one
>have girlfriend for 6 years
>be 21 at the time
>go to Europe with girlfriend and large group
>another girl takes a liking to me
>flirts with me constantly
>politely tell her I am taken
>doesn't stop her
>girlfriend gets so pissed that she cries
Later on same trip
>guy starts flirting with gf
>right in front of me
>he hugs and tickles her and she digs the extra attention
>1 year later catch her cheating on me
>find out later she had been cheating for years
Fuck not just women, but fuck all people.


those rates havent changed much over the past century

Oh not to mention if a women is homeless than can just find a man to leech off of

Haven't seen her since december, and that was just because of work lol

you gotta learn to get the fuck out as soon as you realise she's a crazy bitch dude.

because society values even trash homeless women more than men who do nothing with their lives

I said now because look at the news, having a dick makes you a bad guy. End of case. Before it wasn't as bad

My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because I was "too good to her" her depression ate away at her so much that she felt like she didn't deserve to have me and that ended up killing her feelings for me.
>inb4 she found someone else and didn't want to tell you straight up



The future of comedy is female.

its changing thats for sure

now if you're a worthless faggot with no job but good genes/aesthetic you can still be on top of the world and get oceans more pussy than someone in the same circumstance could dream of decades ago

learn to

Fuck man I get you, I also had a gf that hated when people flirted with me but accepted every flirt they gave her

I hope your father wasn't such a cunt about it and gave you a highfive first instead of straight out slapping you.