
Was this Kino?

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I thought it was screen savers

like colorful pipes or a show? also didn't answer my question: IS THIS KINO?

>Morgan Webb will never sit on your face and prattle on about innovative game design

>Forgetting to mention her rating the sexual experience on a 5 Star scale when its over and giving you a 3/5 while she says ur dick game was weak f a m.

I just fucking got 3 dubs in all my posts so far and still no one can tell me if this was kino or not


G4 was cancer not kino

This started everything. Besides gamespot's show

TechTV era: Kino
G4 era: Joint

More than half this board is too young to remember this.

What the fuck show was it that had Three 6 Mafia playing Halo: CE splitscreen on Xbox in one episode? I can't remember for the goddamn life of me and Google isn't helping.

Reminder that she got a boob reduction because her husband told her to do so.

Yeah, but Adam Sessler gave me the willies.

It went to shit when it became too much like a regular news channel. I honestly don't know how many times I beat off to Kristen Holt as a teenager.

Was it Cinematech? Could have also been Arena.

the TechTV era was pure GOAT

that seemed to be the only time they were allowed to be funny and racy, the last time I watched one of the later episodes on G4 it was like they had been lobotimized and the direction was completely different, no more zany costumes and really ripping on shitty games

such a shame, both of them are great charismatic hosts and they had really witty off-the-cuff banter

the whole tone was just different, really laidback and quirky, also I was in the midst of my gamergurl phase and Morgan was an epic role model

It was called "Players" I think. Pre-Tech TV.

early G4 was the tits. too bad it didn't get the audience it needed to keep it pure vidya beyond 2005.

>ywn sit in your shitty apartment eating Chinese takeout while watching Attack of The Show! again

Is this best Morgan?

yes. I will never understand why people prefer her lesbian look with the short hair
plus the long hair frames her face better and makes her manjaw less obvious

pure fucking kino bro !

Players sounds correct. It was sort of like MTV Cribs but with celebrities playing games, right?

I like short hair and a strong jaw on a woman.

She had the most epic rack. Used to really love that show

Because when it was still tech tv it was one tiny studio and basically all one big team. It was comfy as fuck because it was just a bunch of geeks living the dream.

As soon as G4 bought them out, they closed down the tech tv studio and moved them into the G4 studios.

I used to masturbate to morgan webb all the time as a teenager. good times.

Correct. I mostly stopped watching the channel in general after it became G4 and came back to it after a while and it had just turned into a bland shill show where they talk about a bunch of unrelated shit.
I missed Adam just fucking blowing the fuck out of random games and them just doing a bunch of dumb stupid shit for no reason. Was top comfy when I was in middle school.

Morgan was a 10

Sessler was definitely a fetish porn addict, probly trannies

Fuck you don't talk about my childhood like that I am now an offended milllenial
maybe Attack of the Show?
Reminder that the Morgs doesn't require excess tits to be THICC f a m
Nah he was cool, Him and Adam Sandler always got mixed up in my head, and since the early 00's were booming with sandler movies I was constantly reminded of my boy sessler
>Not fapping to foreign The Feed girl broad furiously
I agree the transition from the fuego ass red X logo to Blocky shiny orange X logo was like watching the death of a great meme show die
F A M what if I told you Kevin Perrerieirerieiaperrier sparkling water just tried to revamp "the attack" yesterday only to get his upload taken down by G4 a couple hours ago look it up look at his twitter right now and look at my coment complaining about G4 jews
eww Transmorgan, no thanks
>Not jizzing bathtubs to brunette mean subtle dominatrix morgan
>Come on now son
hot 2016 morger is hott

Op here btw talk to me my 9gag army

>Kevin has a podcast
why can't he just fade into obscurity already

>worship Adam Sessler on xplay as a kid
>goes solo after g4 fails
>he's a fucking loser SJW numale who gets offended by achievement names
>realize you never liked Adam, you liked his scriptwriter

I mean it should be him having the quirky nerd show on comedy central not chris hard dick in my ass, he does it way better
buy his Freddy game that just came out then

I like every Morgan. She will always be my gamerfu.

kek confirms Morgan is top tier.

there bits with the stan lee impersonator were the best.

trips confirm

why does she age so well lads?

His podcast is great. He's a really good interviewer.

What do you think Sup Forums thinks of this?


Which generation grew up with the better X-Play?

>tfw there was a poll on which tech tv person people most wanted to see in playboy
>morgan wins in a landslide
>g4 buys the network before it happened
At least I'll always have Kat's tits.

I thought she was younger but apparently shes almost 40, she DID age pretty well
meanwhile sessler looks like a crackhead, is she sucking out his life force?

>tfw you'll never lurk on the xplay message boards

I love when people try to frame that millennials are entitled when the most entitled generation in history is the baby boomers.

The only entitled millennials I've met are the rich ones.

>implying anyone Gen Z can even remember X-Play
Also, which 12 year old crafted that bait?

its alright his access to guests is not ass big as marc marons or joe krogans but yeah he knows how to chop it up
>X-play message boards
I seriously think late 20s sessler can out meme daniel tosh
the only bad millenials are the ones with money
suburban hipsters giving us a bad rep
She wouldn't even fall into mature or milf category, shes still fuckin hot

X-play lasted until 2013, someone born in 97 could remember it (though the show had gone to shit at that point)



Is there anywhere/any way I can watch old X-Play episodes?

>tfw you remember extended play and Adam getting shot up with paint balls when he tries to keep up with a swat teams training session

>tfw one of the tech tv show hosts was from the same city as you

don't remember which one though

their all on youtube but its just kinda wierd that the guy you uploaded them also put all the old commercials making them all sort of time capsules, all those devry, jg wentworth, cingular commercials etc. link related


I'll take it.

the commercials add a little extra kick to it the thousands were so much simpler, no reddit, no sjw cancer full blown aids yet it was just before/during the recession, sorry if I sound like a nostalgia fag it was just true

Check the website it's still the same from 2013.

No episodes at all just stupid shit.

damn old ass site lol

Damn, the gaming news feed scrolling at the bottom said that Nintendo just announced Pokemon Platinum. Nearly 10 years ago now

Don't forget "Nintendo CEO says to Apple, "The Ipad is just a bigger version of the iphone touch"

Beyond the grave CEO battle: Jobs gets BTFO by Satoru san

>Fan-fiction cosplayers. Can't live with them, can't stuff em in a sack
Classic Sess

>Adam dressed as Lando

Yeah late 20's early 30's Sessler was confirmed for savage, I feel he could of done a better job of narrating or at least cohosting tosh.o with his delicious bantz
freal this nigga look like willam dafoe in that suit

Check SpaceJam.com and tell me it's an old ass site.

>hes like a brother
fucking hilarious joke right there

>SpaceJam.com is an old ass site

>eww Transmorgan

It's the most feminine Morgan there is.

her jahoobs look pretty small here

I miss Morgan. I watched old Kevin talk to her on a podcast recently and it was nice.

Morgan would rake games over the coals too but it wasn't usually on Sessler's level. I still remember her review of one of the Final Fantasy game ripping on the character designs:

"Hey you know what keep you warmer then a scarf? A shirt"

Her delivery of that line was perfect.

Also pressing F for techTV, I loved their weird as fuck anime block.

I think the best part of old X-Play and the thing that really set it apart was that they reviewed games nobody gave a fuck about. They didn't just hit whatever was being hyped or shit from studios everyone already knew.

Yeah their review of that horrible horrible big rig racing game was great. Everyone knew that game was shit but they went all in so everyone knew exactly HOW shit it was and were entertaining as hell in the process.

>their weird as fuck anime block.



what was that one show where like this alien disease has taken over the world and there's this team of psychics piloting mechs and there's this weird mutant alien/human hybrid or something that's the brother of one of the psychics

and like infected humans grow a fucking flower out of their heads and the mutant guy eats them and turns into different forms

one of the psychics has these like gold things over her ears or something that redirects her telepathy and strengthens it or maybe she's so sensitive she needs it to tune out ambient psycho waves, they reminded me of how you can hear the ocean in conch shells, idk she dies while she's preggers i think

there's a relatable nerd with glasses that's into the mutant guy's sister

it had an evangelion kind of feel but even wackier

Don't forget Aquaman

Betterman, it's also the first show I ever saw on techtv flipping through channels in middle school one night

I read your whole post, but then you said
>evangelion kind of feel but even wackier
Are you serious? I don't think you should be here. Do you even know what wackiness means?

If memory serves me right, Morgan turned it down. Olivia Munn went instead and had non-nude shots.

Didn't Morgan end up doing a couple of non-nude shots in like esquire or something?

She did a photo shoot for maxim iirc

>tfw Webbhead for life

I had so many formative faps to Morgan growing up. She'll always have a special place in my heart, and my dick.

She was real qt in that podcast episode

I don't like games having a number rating. I give this post a 4 out of 5 stars

Candace Bailey was kino.

Munn is pleb-tier.

Sara Underwood was the best G4 host.

When it was TechTV, yes.


have you ever tried to explain the plot to a normie? like the full plot including the part where everyone turns into tang?

I love wacky shit, it's not a diss in my book

the Holy Mountain is one of my favorite movies and that's pure wacky (yes, I do get it's symbolism and message, I'm an occultfag, but you have to enjoy all the wild antics going on, that's part of it's brilliance)

>The ScreenSavers
>Unscrewed with Martin Sargent

TechTV was GOAT.


for the first half of Xplay being under G4 is was still pretty good.

problem is G4 kept changing ownership and with it increasing bullshit by the owners

Once Comcast gained ownership of G4 they pretty much dictated all fun and games were to be cut and essentially slashed the budget to shit.

I remember it being mentioned that Ratty the puppet was not to even be shown around the office let alone be used on TV because one of the Comcast highups that regularly monitored the G4 offices hated it so much

Remember when Munn quit? And they ran commercials more than programming every day, claiming she was still there? Killed the network.

"Guess who's motherfuckin' on G4, O-liv-i-a Munn, like she was before! ... Stupid fuckin' skits? We got 'em, oh my gosh, it's Olivia's bottom!"

>dat feel when you used to check TheFeed daily
>a year after G4 was all but shuttered a mysterious moderator started posting recepies on TheFeed
>didn't happen but a couple times but it all stopped as well


I like when they used it as bumpers between commercials

Was the guy embarrassed that she was taller than him?

You had one job.

Anyone see this?



fuck off kevster

KP has nice titties

Yes. But I think it is because of nostalgia. The show I dont think seems as interesting anymore when you look back since none of the news and games is recent anymore.