Sup Sup Forums

sup Sup Forums
see this outside your window, what do you do?

It's a trap.

Watch in awe as the world ends

u wont try to run away user?

Yeah pretty much this.

be happy my shit life is about to be over!

If a giant flying saucer the size of a city (and multiple ones like it - if we're taking this straight from the movie) came to doesn't matter what form of resistance we could offer up if the aliens are hostile. It'd be like bringing the weapons we have now back to fight cavemen. Even if we run, it's not going to help if they're out to get us. The end.

Kill myself because I'm in a shitty movie.

Go back to sleep

Underrated post

Start raping feminists.





I dont think theres anywhere to run really

Japan would be safe :D They have Gundams.

lul wut m8

Summon my Titan

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I'm sad no one got it


And a coupe of beers and a packet of peanuts.

turn 360 and walk away