Who else is still disgusted by the sexist comments Trump made regarding the shape of the first lady of France?

Who else is still disgusted by the sexist comments Trump made regarding the shape of the first lady of France?

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Suck it up buttercup, the era of limpwrist leftist is gone.

All hail the God Emperor Trump.

He just complimented her. How is that disgusting?

IKR XD! I see you frequent /r/the_donald as well! Upvote for you! Praise Trump and Israel!

You and your confort zone can go fuck yourselves.
He just said she was in good shape for a 180 years old wom...huma..thing.


>being this upset



Not an argument. Go back to R*ddit and worship your Twitter meme tier predsifent over there.

I feel that you're trolling, but I'll bite. In the highest possible political circles, it's considered bad form to compliment others on their physical appearance. Especially coming from a guy that likes to grab women by the pussy. Personally I don't give a fuck, but considering he's making a mockery of your entire nation, I would be concerned for his mental capacity if he does not realize this. This isn't cable TV.

You're in such great shape. I would grab your pussy.

I don't understand the upset. He gave her a compliment.

At last I truly see.


fixed it for you

your welcome

Someone enlighten me?

I love how Americans still jump to his defence as he keeps on embarassing himself and by extension, you.


He says what I think. That's why he's president


The fuck is wrong with her ?

> the mummy

It's funny because this is more than likely what most of the people who argue over trump on Sup Forums of all places (who aren't shills) look like

Lol seems like a backhanded compliment. Just more of him making fun of these stupid pussy countries, I like it

>Everyone that dissagree with me is a Leddit shill

Fucking kys normie

She's lucky to get any comments at her age.

Good luck with this political direction, sir.

What happened?


> You're in great shape.



>What happened?
Trump woke the mummy and is now a victim of an ancient, Frank curse.

Anyone else here hate niggers?

>Ledditor accusing others of being normies
>using "normie" instead of normalfag because it offends gay (((Trump))) supporters.

She's actually 64. Nigga managed to fuck and marry his milf of a history teacher, that's living the dream for sure.

13.04.1953, you dumbfuckshitnigger!

WTF, why is Macron 39 and banging a 64 year old? Disgusting granny-fucker.

The first Lady is 47 and banging a 71 year old escaped oompa loompa. Equally disgusting.

> (You)
>>Ledditor accusing others of being normies
>>using "normie" instead of normalfag because it offends gay (((Trump))) supporters.

Kys fucking nigger newfags, I have been to Sup Forums since 2010 and never been to that disgusting Le reddit place.

>Who else is still disgusted by the sexist comments

Take a look at where you are. If THAT disgusted you, please dont open or view any one of the tens of thousands of posts on this website.

/gif/ has a "rape the bitch" thread going on that you should especially not view

Yessir, I hate them porch monkeys.

Yikes! Sounds like a case for Scooby Doo &Co.

Bitch that is practically summer, now get the fuck off my lawn.

Maybe thats a big part of what is wrong with the world. All the "that isnt proper" "ohhhhh what did they say?!?! Shocking" bullshit.

People need to pull the stick out of their ass and get on with their fucking day. This isnt even about Trump, its about modern society being so "proper" you cant even have a civilized conversation with a stranger anymore because lord knows what will "trigger" them.










I honestly don't care.


Considering the natural resources, military power, and economy we have... we dont give a shit what you think about our "political direction" you mudslime cock sucker













































