Why are liberals so delusional ?

Why are liberals so delusional ?

Why are conservitards so 'tarded?

is that the only argument you have?

but everyone who disagrees with them is retarded thats how liberals can feel superior whilst always being totally ignorant

that seems to me like a continuation of the same argument, its like kindergarten level socialization.

but thats liberalism in a nutshell

It's literally not.

Is that what you think?

Liberalism is wanting to try new things.
Conservatism is not wanting to try new things.

That's it. It doesn't have to do with superior or ignorant or whatever.

>pinko commie traitor thinks Trump working with the reds isn't the most treasonist thing imaginable

Well well, delusion comes in all sorts of flavors.

Why are people so stupid as to perpetuate this "us vs. them" mentality. Go fuck yourself mate you're part of the problem. So is everyone replying to this thread. All of you go fuck yourselves.

"New things" ? like how having a penis doesnt make you male ? progressive liberalism is mental illness

Liberalsim had become so fucked,not even Liberals want to defend it anymore

can i keep my flag ?

Liberalism is an actual mental disorders.
Liberal views all come from fake news media

That guy behind is wondering is that thing an actual human or hippo

yup a definite wtf moment


They think emotionally not rationally.

>mfw the main conservative argument is 'muh tradition'
>mfw I have no face

Why do liberals think Net Neutrality is a good thing?

Trumpfags love their totem pole leader so much that they have gone from fearing everything about Russia, to openly endorsing Russian capture of democratic elections in just 18 months.

It's like collective borderline personality disorder.

Building a big expensive wall that cant possibly be funded or maintained without taxing your own citizens to oblivion because you are xenophobic is irrational.

Taxing the poor to give money to the rich and shutting down most governmental services that were put in place to aid the poor and help them get out of the shit-hole they are currently in, isnt rational.

Attempting to shut down the free web because you are a butthurt snowflake and you dont like what people are saying about you isnt rational.

Like I know you are a Russian, and das vidya and all comrade, but learn what being rational means. Not like Im expecting you to find much rationality in your motherland...


Says the Russian who's government controls their news and internet information.

Das Vidya.

Sure. Gender vs. Sex is a relatively new concept. A conservative probably wouldn't agree it's valid.

Yes, your homeland.

That place that should be bombed off the map. You guys are still a second-world country for Stalins sake.

>MFW the main conservative arguments are heavily supported by data and the main leftist responses are personal character attacks.

About what?
Life and stuff?

Everyone makes fun of Bill bye, but I've never actually seen anyone refute the things he's said, they just attack him personally

" relatively new concept " nah there always been degenerate cunts who need to die

>MFW the main conservative arguments are heavily supported by data
I didnt know just going "Believe it" makes it true and supported by evidence.

Though I shouldnt be surprised when you worship an imaginary old man with a beard in the sky. Shouldnt expect logic or even reality from you people.

If you knew politics at ALL, you'd know this isn't the case...


>the main conservative arguments are heavily supported by data
If by "data" you mean "baseless assertions", then sure

>he's defending conservatives as they look at facts and hard data
>he MUST be a Christian

Yet another shining example that the political left ONLY has ad hominem as an arguing tactic

>Can't be funded without taxing your own.
So would you be opposed to Senator Cruz's proposal to fund the wall by seizing El Chapo's estimated $14bn in assets? Seems like a win win to me.

>Taxing the poor to give to the rich
No man, that property (money) has been getting redistributed from the rich to the poor. Stopping the unconstitutional government redistribution of wealth is not taking from the poor to give to the rich. The poor have nothing to give.

Its simple really. Conservatives are the bible thumpers right? That shows your intellect right there, and its incredibly lacking. Conservatives need to go the way of the dinosaurs and be extinct.

You know, dinosaurs, the things you dumbshits dont believe in, lol.

See, this is your facts and hard data. You just say...
>Facts and hard data!
Go say a prayer for me bud, lol.


I dont need to argue with you ruskie. Im an informed American. I tell you things, we dont discuss them.

I see where your going to, the general platitudes of "the right" like....spend taxpayer dollars to fund endless wars, cut taxes for the wealthy because voodoo economics is very successful, look to red states for guidance where factory jobs have been shipped away by their own legislatures-and high rates of teen pregnancy and meth/heroin abuse exists
T. Trump voter who hate the cuckservatives on the right that act like they know better, liberals have good ideas sometimes too.

Now who is indulging in ad hominems?

Libtards or more appropriate libcucktards believe the stupidest shit because they keep repeating the same made up shit over and over again. None of them has an alpha bone in their bodies (unless a conservative is fucking them). They are the true fascists and really should be globally rounded up and marched into Auschwitz and gassed. That is the only way to save humanity from their childish and wasteful views.

Haha, defending conservatism != defending Trump. He's not a conservative. Also find it funny lefty's like you will make bigoted, heterophobic, and racist (against whites and jews) attacks and blame everyone else for bigotry, racism, sexism, etc...

And "science" said that vaccines cause autism.

There is a such thing as false science, believe it or not. You gullible ruskie you.

Kek.. here come the character attacks.

And everyone that disagrees with OP is "delusional"

You're the biggest hypocrite alive.

yeah, i used to look up to Bill Nye because I actually liked him as a science man, being the CEO of The Planetary Society n' all, but as soon as he pulls the bullshit with gender and some liberal bullshit, I kinda lost respect for him

>Also find it funny lefty's like you will make bigoted, heterophobic, and racist (against whites and jews) attacks and blame everyone else for bigotry, racism, sexism, etc...
You are going to have to prove that not only am I left leaning, but that I make bigoted and sexist remarks.

OH SHIT THATS RIGHT YOU CANT! Because you people make claims and never back them up. Go poor me a nice tall glass of god you dirty ruskie.

T.Trump voter....but from the looks of it, net neutrality opened up competition in my area, I was limited to literally 5mbps until a couple years ago, now rocking on 50mbps, yes this is technically an analogy however I would never defend billion dollar tech companies especially when they outsource and have the h1b ownership, just saying desu it's not always the left v right bullshit the billionaires want you to think.

science enver said that vaccines cause autism.

Once scientist published a report that said there was a connection, he was found to be lying, and subsequently was blacklisted from the scientific community.

Yes, calling you a ruskie is the most heinous of crimes.

Even though you are a ruskie.

bill nye the science guy flipping out over global warming. Too bad he doesn't teach about margins of error in his show.

Well, my jobs done here. You know its not easy informing you cretins but, someones gotta do it right?

Just remember, you are wrong, Im right. And thank God...for me.

Who are you calling a liberal

Which God?
You damn muzzie, you'll get beheaded for your blasphemy.

ITT: Liberal and conservative shitforbrains throwing kindergarten insults at each other because everyone is an uneducated retard cuck

Sure I can

>Go pour me a nice tall glass of god


I'm happy to back up any claims I make. You haven't said one thing worth debating. So much for well informed.

its time for a race war

libshits vs cuckservatives

Reminder that net neutrality has been around for less than five years. the entire idea of net neutrality was hamfisted into place by obama and liberals are shaking in their boots now that republicans and the fcc are getting rid of it.

it's corporate welfare that passes the cost of internet usage down to the customer. there's a reason companies with large bandwidth usage like google, Facebook, netflix, and r*ddit are the ones shilling for it, because they don't have to pay a fair amount of money for their operations. as a result, cable companies raise the rates of the average joe customer to subsidize them.

the only argument FOR net neutrality is a strawman or slippery slope which claims that if the government doesn't protect us from the ISP boogeyman, they'll move to a pay-per-view model (which doesn't even exist in cable tv now) and charge per website. or you'll pay $1000 to visit Sup Forums. or you'll pay 50+ for each website genre. the internet existed for 20+ years without this regulation and none of these fallacies took place.

now tell us how great net neutrality is without a fallacy

>no alpha bone

pick one dumbass, you can't be a Nazi and beta pussy at the same time

Blame the baby boomers for this bullshit

We all lose in the race war, only the Jew wins.

As if republicans and fcc give a shit about consumers as the anti-neutrality guys are AT&T, Verizon and corporate media all want to go back to the old days.

But be a good goy and support that curry nigger in charge of the FCC.

Okay....ideally the only proof of net neutralities is the cost put on the consumer?
But then how come other nations, like where I'm right now, Czech Republic, give you 120mbps for less than I'm paying for my 50mbps~~relative to their wages. I pay 50$ for my 50, they pay less for the 120, but that's right, here they dont let telecom giants rape them for every single service.
So you don't think internet is a utility in 2017???....every bit of metadata is supposed to go where exactly? I'm not a cs person but without the internet we'd all just be watching tv all day with no freedom of expression like we have today
>So as a trump voter, I hope that poo in the loo chokes on his faggot Reese's mug.

For the same reason you are. They are the product of a shit culture, that consistently settles on mediocrity. Because they too have been conditioned from birth to accept and crave emotionally satisfying bullshit. Because they've been convinced that hyper-individualism is natural, and that their own personal merit is all that determines how their lives turn out--well, unless things don't turn out according to plan, and then it's someone else's fault, for holding them back. Compete endlessly in order to better consume endlessly, and of course be surprised over and over again by how fucking miserable it makes you throughout it all.

I'd be for relaxing the laws on net neutrality if the barrier to entry into the ISP business was so low that I could start my own that could compete with Comcast on the same level without a multimillion dollar investment and an army of lobbyists. I want mom and pop isps to create true competition. Net neutrality is the only thing holding back the shitstorm that inevitably happens with a monopoly.

>Why are liberals so delusional ?
Yeah, They actually believe that Trump is a fake President
That the Mexicans are not going to pay for the wall
That Trump colluded with the Russians.
That Sessions lied about not meeting with Russians
That Manifort lied about not meeting with Russians
That Donald Jr lied about not meeting with Russians
That Kushner lied about not meeting with Russians
That Trump lied about not having Russians investors

I saw a delusional bumper sticker the other day
it said

I wish I knew where he got it

You're not better for being neutral; you're just a coward.