How should Batman die?

Assuming he dies.
How should batman.. That is Ben Affleck in this Snyder universe die?

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Shooting him before throwing him out of a plane.

Slips on banana peel

flying the Batwing into Lexcorp Tower

Disintegrated by Darkseid's Omega Beams

flying the lexcorp tower into the batwing

Something symbolic like being killed saving a kids parents

Only way to do it

I like the way it was handled in the Endgame comic, The Joker tries to crawl away, and Batman holds him down, while the Batcave collapses in on the both of them, killing them both.


This is actually the best one.

>only starred in one movie
>people already thinking about how he should die

fucking hell

He puts a Tampax up his ass before he masturbates. Forgets about the tampon and develops a fatal bowel infection.

>Snyder adapting Final Crisis



i-i don't want batdaddy to die...

abruptly ceasing to exist when WB pulls the plug on the DC Cinematic Universe


Any death from this will do.

whoa slow your driving pal

He's greviously injured and taken to hospital. Because he's a cishet white man he has to wait while the transethnic otherkin trans woman has the broken nail treated. Batman dies. Instant oscar.


by getting his head cut off in some insane badass battle.

By getting raped to death in prison.

>Everyone says that about "Batman Begins." "Batman's dark." I'm like, "Okay, no, Batman's cool." He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn't, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that's how that would go.

You mean Batmanslaughter?

That's so fuck up.....but it would be kino

This is how Ben wins another Oscar

Some time after Supes' death, a new Doomsday arise. The Justice League is out for some reason and it's up to Batman to stop it all by himself.
Hell of a battle involving absurd amount of destruction and kryptonite. Batman trips the beast and is on its chest, ready to stab a kryptonite spear into its chest. The creature looks really mopey. It says one word:
Batfleck stops for a second. He notices the small cut on the left cheek. Dejavu ensures.
The beast roars and punches the heck out of Batman and he is crushed into a puddle of blood.