/who/ - Doctor Who General

Paradise Towers edition part 2

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Is season 24 the only one where no story has ever had a sequel?

Wait, never mind, I just remembered about pic related.
I'd rather not have desu.


last thread:

Is this canon?


>BBV audios have pages on TARDIS wikia
Does this mean they're treated as canon there

According to TARDIS Wiki it's canon, as is every other BBV audio that was licensed to use actual elements from Doctor Who.
Everything with licensed elements from Doctor Who is considered canon, that's the discerning rule (except for Faction Paradox. And Vienna. And Death Comes to Time/The Minister of Chance. And Doctor Who Unbound. And The Infinity Doctors. And whatever they feel like not including at the moment).

What's the most important aspect of Doctor Who?

Two thread deaths in a row. Our userbase is decimated by relentless shitposting and being starved for new content. Is it time to let /who/ hibernate or can we tough it out until Class airs?

Post episodes that were very disrespectful and rude to historical figures.


Here: It's so weird. Trying to have a standard canon for something that has no official canon, although it makes sense to a degree for the wikia, gets rough when you start picking and choosing.

Heaven Sent is the best episode of Series 9. Nobody can deny that

In like 10 minutes or so we're gonna watch the first episode of Victoria in ThoraxTime if anybody's up for that.

cytu dot be /r/ thoraxtime

get in guys

Get in here guys.

reeled in a schloom. anybody else?

Come on guys. Don't you wanna see Jenna?

Speaking of /who/ actors, I saw Mark Gatiss in a pretty shit movie called "Sex Lives of the Potato Men" the other day

It's cancelled, nobody showed up. we'll try again tomorrow or saturday.

Just the screenshots are making me uncomfortable. but maybe that's cuz' I'm already in that place.

Works for me, I can't watch it at work.

Yeah weekends are probably a better idea anyway. I've just been holding this off enough and wanna get it started.

I knew that you thick fucking cunt, I addressed it in the post you were replying to, shithead!

ThoraxTime is showing the series 10 bts clip with Pearl Mackie, and man, that is one hot woman.

why would you watch shit for the first time in a stream?

I bet you sad sacks post in the livethreads.

Thoraxtime is pretty chill, compared to /live/ Who. And it's different when you can look at comments and webpage on one stream, rather than move from one to other.


Would have been if I could have spoken, but you can't speak with a newly registered name, which makes normal logging on as a guest impossible.

Ah. That sucks.

Poor imitation desu.

Well I'd be down for it since it's not a show I'd normally be that interested in watching anyway.

Funny guy

It's really me, I just couldn't believe the stupidity of relaying a fact to me in a reply to my acknowledgment of it.

Okay... you seemed disproportionately mad though.

I just fancied a good swear, I've been pretty polite on here the last few times I've posted.

>I've been pretty polite on here the last few times I've posted.
By my recollection you've actually been pretty rude most of the time. Not swearing != being polite.

No, as well as not swearing I've also been hugely forbearing.

> only my tastes are real

Sure you have.

Which is the comfiest Doctor and why is it Three?

If you read those threads, you know what I mean. Unless someone has imitated me in my absense for drama, the way my 'name' was used against another poster for drama, my posts over time mostly describe an arc from lesser to greater civility.

I dunno user, Cushing might give him a run for his money, especially if you count the added comfiness from young Wilf

Well, thanks for that I guess

You're welcome.

>implying you have taste

Davison is pretty comfy as well. And so is Tennant. One thing his era excels at, is feeling like a family.

Is that an adult film from Sontar?

Nah. Class stuff will be here within the week.

I think if you actually see yourself as being polite then you must have a poor understanding of social norms. To put it simply, I don't think I've ever seen you treat someone else like an equal. Even when someone agrees with you, you talk to them like a student who's got the right answer rather than someone whose opinion is worthy on its own. I can't remember any of your interactions with people here where your posts weren't full of explicit or implied insults to the effect that whoever you're arguing with is stupid, uneducated, autistic, we all have no lives, etc., even the more "civil" ones that actually manage to remain about Doctor Who. And to take an example from just the last thread, since you said you were "pretty polite the last few times" you posted.

>one of those soap operas you run to stave off boredom when I'm not posting.
is obviously very condescending. I mean, you can see that right? And it's one of the milder examples. Not that that kind of banter is necessarily uncommon or unacceptable on Sup Forums, but it's usually called trolling. Playing the saint who just wants to have civilized, intellectual discussion is pretty rich when this is the way you talk to people. Can you see why your posts usually don't invite the most rational, productive responses? Honestly I could go back through all the past threads you were in to find dozens more examples, but I shouldn't have to. I find it hard to believe you don't know what I'm talking about.

Eh, ignore 'em.

Have you written in the anthology yet?

That's a good title, too.

Nah, I can't into writing. Looking forward to reading it though.

Should try it out. It doesn't have to be good. Just have fun.

The Eighth Doctor is also rather comfy, especially when he's with Fitz or Charley. And he goes through less hell overall than Fivey, although he has his moments (getting tortured by Middle Eastern terrorists in one book was a memorable low point).

>Eighth Doctor
>goes through less hell
I admit that Five's lived a hard life, but not as hard as being mentally broken every other story, watching the majority of your companions die painful deaths, and just giving up and letting yourself die because the girl you're trying to save thinks you're no different than a Dalek.

Reminder that One is the perfect balance of comfy and edgy.

Trying out a chronological watch of episodes, books and things starting from 9th doctor. Currently up to winner takes all and so far it's been a pretty decent run of stories.
Even found myself liking the slitheen after the monsters inside

Are you reading the Fact File shorts? I believe there's a slitheen story there too.

What did she mean by this?

>mfw melanon actually started reeing when someone didn't know who he was/reacted with confusion to his self-importance

You can give Chibnall one instruction for his era, that he will then be forced to follow absolutely.
The catch is it can only be 3 words long.
What do you say?

No Overarching plots

Overarching plots are a blight that eating NuWho. None of them are good. Bad story is isolated, but plot arc taints and devour all in its path.

no more Gatiss

forget new who

Just revealed the title of the Christmas special. Trailer at NYCC! twitter.com/OfficialLTDS/status/771674558382366720

something about that video made me feel like i was watching a snuff film

I'm looking at Sammi's 'Living The Dream Stories' channel and trying to work out what the hell it is. Is it literally just his video blog

Don't fuck up.


so i guess we know Larry's opinion on the impending chibs-era now

While Chibnall definitely not the best option (Save us Jamie Matthieson, you are my only hope) most of disdain for him is coming, I think, from his tenure at Torchwood, which was a very mis-conceived project and really not his fault.

I'm hopeful because his stories are diverse, he can handle large casts relatively well and doesn't try to show off that much.

Its him
Living his dream

i like chinballs now

thanks larry

Chief Caretaker, the key baddie in Paradise Towers, is just Richard Briers in a silly cap, silly moustache, putting on silly voice. Mugging for England. Sending up Doctor Who in a horribly misjudged, self-indulgent performance, especially after the Caretaker has been “zombified” by the Great Architect. Briers growls and clomps about like an embarrassing dad playing the Boogeyman. It plunges an already teetering production into the abyss


Actual Home Of The Doctor episode about Eight pottering around his TV Movie TARDIS when?

WTF I hate Christmas now.

I've gotten nostalgic for the ol' Sammi videos...but you should see what Matrixlord's up to, guy has developed an insane attachment to the female ghostbusters and is in denial over it being a flop, he's made thousands of videos on the box office numbers and he claims he's NOT autistic

>he's made thousands of videos on the box office numbers and he claims he's NOT autistic

oh no

I love the Sammi video about the turkey monster in the christmas special. Any good Matrixlord videos?

The waifus. When there are bad waifus like Martha, Donna, and Bill, the show always sucks more than it should.

Pic related is best waifu to good for this earth so she had to live on a different earth.

Then explain why Donna's season is leagues better than Rose's second season

I won't doubt that Ross's second season was a drag.

Ok, I will admit Donna's season sucked, but we got the most kino episodes hidden in that suckish mess.

Being fucking shit (Why else would I be fun)

Also diversity of setting and stories and overall anthological nature.

Osgood is the only good waifu.

Season 4 was the best season tho

Doctor Who is tumblr show, mate.

>the literal fat Tumblrite
Wew lad

I had to edit my post, but anyway, here's a (You)

>current Doctor Who
>Tumblr show
Matt Smith seasons were Tumblr, Peter Capaldi has been reddit

What would Sup Forums look like?

>Peter Capaldi has been reddit

I'll bite because I want to hear this logic

As a proud redditor, I dream of marrying a fat tumblrite and have many, I don't know, twitter children.



6 or 9

Shit Trips Vol. 1

Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough

Its just b8. Reddit hates Capaldi.


>tfw Capaldi will drop dead from exhaustion before S10 finishes filming

A lot of the Whovian tube war drama is good, most of them's been deleted though because they got too personal

Besides any of the works of Larry Miles, which books does /who/ want for a rerelease like how they made a new edition of Human Nature a year back?

I'd say Timewyrm Revelation because I want to recommend it to people without going "you're either going to have to torrent it or buy it on Amazon for five times the original price". That book's too good to languish in out-of-print obscurity. Cornell admits that it was just some old fanfic he re-edited for publication, but it's shockingly good fanfic. If only modern-day Cornell could write something as good as he did back in the VNA days.