Warm, creamy logs

Warm, creamy logs....


I haven't been on Sup Forums in 5 years. Explain this meem to me



Rolling for a corncobbed hearty log roll


Grow up

Some faggot retard which is the OP in this thread forced a meme back in 2011 and he keeps doing it.

This site is actually 18+, sorry

>Explain this meem to me
OP creates a thread only he likes
Talks to himself, replies to his own comments and finally it will 404 and then he does it again




He will also tell people to "grow up" if they don't like his retarded-ass meme hes been forcing for years.


Grow the Heck up

Mature, much?

If you don't want logs don't go to a log thread ; )

He's not going to understand that concept. That's a bit too much for him to comprehend

op stop responding to yourself

8 separate posters on this Logg

and 22 posts, strange.....

both of these people are OP
he acts as though there are multiple people who enjoy his forced garbage when in reality its him and only him

>implying I shopped this in 28 seconds

Haha k

Enjoy these LOGGS!

OP will also show you a picture that says its different people
When its been proven that he uses a proxy and all the posts are actually him
He was banned a few weeks ago and came back and bragged that he uses a proxy


OP you know its true. You have been doing for like 6 years straight trying to get anyone to like your "meme" and you failed.

Now the fool has nothing to respond to by being caught in his bullshit so he says


Case closed

>it's been proven he uses a proxy it's just one guy


>So what do you do in your spare time?
>Oh I post threads on a japanese image board about eating an emo band singers poop
...come on now son



Dubs logged





OP, will you loggify this fun fellow?

Pee yew!

Mature much? Maybe you should try!

Did someone ask for a vintage log???

Massive faggotry powered by aids

Grow up kid

Soooo dreamy, and a little steamy ;-)

This kid has some real growing up to do.

Grow up kid