Anyone watching the podcast in 40min?

anyone watching the podcast in 40min?

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so we demand nudes?

Who's on it today?

They asked you a question. Fucking answer them.


idk, they said something about net neutrality on twitter

h3 podcast


they are already on

H3 podcast is boring. Compared to all the other podcasts youtubers are making now, they are lackluster.

Stopped watching after ep 2.

i feel like these podcasts are going to ruin their career.

theyve been doing some really dumb shit thats making me second guess even watching them anymore.

and its been about jake paul or whatever for the past month. like holy shit get new material already guys.

steve-o's episode was pretty good.

steve gets really real about his life and made me look at him with a whole new perspective.

been wanting to get into more podcasts.

any recommendations?

gib link

link to stream anyone?

Dude soup

I like their content and they got some really interesting guests, but Jesus, Ethan is not a good interviewer. I'm not even counting Hila because you could replace her with a potted plant and it would have the same effect on the podcast.
Ethan's questions are either boring or loaded as fuck. The way he tried to corner Joey Salads into admitting he's a racist was embarassing. He doesn't know jack shit but seems really opinionated on certain subjects.
I like him as a goofy comedian, but with this wannabe serious act they put on in their podcasts, it seems they are really out of their element.

found it

twitch tv/h3h3productions

Joe Rogan is probably your go-to podcast if you want genuine conversations with literally every single person that lives on this planet.

>but with this wannabe serious act they put on in their podcasts, it seems they are really out of their element.
all of my yes.
i almost cringe at the way he talks to his guests. literally no respect at times. instead im gaining major respect for the people who he used to make fun of.

I remember when I used to like h3h3's content. That was long ago.

i particularly like the ones where he talks about drugs / hallucinogens.

good stuff

Podcast 911 (lol) with Alex Jones has to be the funniest 4 hours I have ever listened to.

I agree. Sometimes they need to remind themselves its a podcast interviewing guests, not Ethan goes on an opinionated rant. I listen to them while playing vidya or driving

what do they talk about?
i realize 4 hours is a lot of time to cover many subjects.

but which ones stood out to you?

What career who are these people?

I find it frustrating how he interrupts people and make it about himself. Why bring guests on if you're not gonna let them talk?

Just general conspiracy stuff.
It starts out somehwat tame with theories that have some truth to them.
But soon enough, they talk about interdimensional vampires.
He's a clip:

theyre ethan and hila klein.

they run several channels on youtube including
h3h3 productions
ethan and hila
h3 podcast

theyre the ones responsible for making hugh mungus a thing.

>But soon enough, they talk about interdimensional vampires.
thats my shit user.
thanks for sharing.

I hope you are not going to be surprised when I ask who the fuck is hugh mungus?

joe rogan, the steve o episodes are the fucking best

lol im definitely surprised user.
where have you been?

hugh mungus was the victim of an extremist sjw all caught on video.

h3h3 made a reaction video to it where everyone ran to hugh mungus's aid. they even had a patreon or whatever for him that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. it was a huge deal for a long time.

h3h3 is also responsible for the death of fake prank channels. he ruined careers like joey salads's, then had him as a guest on his padcast where he indirectly berated him for like 2 hours.

maybe its good you dont know whats going on. its all downhill from here anyway.

first few episodes were really bad.
When they were getting longer they were getting better.

And I still don't understand. Or give a fuck. Carry on without me.

oh well. thanks for trying user. see you around.

Lol the podcasts are legit

When will JonTron be on it?

Sleepycabin (RIP)
Official Podcast

I think Jon is off the grid forever.
I don't think he's an actual racist, but man did he choose his words poorly on that discusission with destiny.
That talk can be held against him forever and he won't ever find a reputable sponsor again. With the dying youtube add revenue, that's a death sentence.