Any pipe smokers out there? Tobacco that is. Pic related, my Italian rig. I am smoking Borkum Riff these days...

Any pipe smokers out there? Tobacco that is. Pic related, my Italian rig. I am smoking Borkum Riff these days. What's your setup?

too lazy to take a pic of my pipe. currently smoking some 1-q while i wait for some frog morton in the mail

I've got a briarwood that balances nicely for when i'm out walking or mowing the lawn, but otherwise i prefer my small bowled meerschaum pipe.

Use to smoke Mc'Barons Scottish Blend very good

I've never tried the frog. It's good?

OP here. Thanks for the recommendations. I'll have to see if I can find some online.

I have a pipe and some tobacco but it doesn't stay lit so I stopped trying.

i just got my first briar, and i like its form. my normal is a cob, good for chores.

So far my favorite is Casey Jones Last Ride. I've stuck to mostly bulk so far. When i really want to settle down after a long day, I go for Irish Flake.

it's totally normal to re-light 4-5 times per bowl. try packing a little tighter, might help.

I have a French leather wrapped meerscham block block pipe. Pics?


I'd like to see.

Snazzy. Wish it said

>top zozzle

On it though

we always want pics.


How do you know the real thing v the composite trash?

I rotate between 2 meerschaums. Ones an Indian head with a lot of reddish patina from the tobacco. The other is a lattice billiard. I smoke drew estate Gatsby luxury flake and Peter stokkebyes Navy Flake a lot lately. Sometimes I smoke captain black when I get desperate. I used to use corncob pipes at work so i didn't fuck up my good pipes.

Dang. So pretty. Does it smoke well?

It goes out after 5 seconds or some shit. I'm packing it correctly.

It doesn't feel like the fake stuff. I'm not certain though, I bought it at an antique store.

I try to take good care of it. I've only had it for 7 months, and it still smokes very well.

you're right. that's pretty quick. i'm not experienced enough to help, sorry.

Try to really fill it and hit it harder

Posting essential pipe accessories ITT.



the inexperienced guy here. here's how i pack: fill pipe with tobacco. tamp it down to about halfway. fill it again, tamp to about 3/4. fill one last time, tamp. take a test puff, it should feel about the same strength as a sip of water through a straw.



There are a couple of different styles of packing a bowl. Some prefer a light pack that lasts a short time, others prefer a tighter pack that lasts longer. Either way, if the pipe is clean and the tobacco is made for a pipe it should be pretty easy to figure out what works for you. Maybe check that the tobacco is fresh and that the pipe is set up right, no cracks or anything. It's normal for a pipe to go out if you aren't puffing on it constantly, and it's not normal to puff on it constantly. I relight almost every time I take a pull. Hope this helps.


Nat Sherman 509 is my favorite Cavendish


dude, i pack mine tight and plow through that bowl. often times a contest to keep it lit, lol.

**i only get dizzy sometimes... XD


OP here. I like Nat Sherman. I'll try that out. (someday)



I paid $14 for Borkum Riff the other day... 1.5 oz. Did I get ripped off???





so.. question. do ya'll only keep 1 or 2 tobaccos on hand in bulk? or do you have the same problem I do and have a small amount of like 15 different blends? I'm trying to figure out the best way to store them.

Where do I go to smoke if my apartment bans smoking? I'm not allowed to even smoke on the porch or the property at all. This is the only thing that has kept me from starting to recreationally smoke.

I'm not 21 either, so I can't go to bars or anything.

The real question is how moist is your tobacco. That sounds like your problem honestly. Don't hit it hard either you'll get tongue bite and burn. Take your time when you smoke and don't rush it. You have to figure it out. I usually leave my tobacco out for a minimum of 30 minutes before i pack it. Remember pipes take time. It's not a cigarette and won't keep itself lit. Puff it lightly and relight as necessary. Go check pipe smoking forums. Some of those guys have been smoking for years.

I store my tobbaco in a Mason jar inside cardboard boxes. The air and light destroys the tobacco. I'm trying to age some. See how it works you know. Supposed to improve flavors and mellow blends and stuff.

I have a $5 pipe that I got at the mall for my birthday. I don't know the type of laminated wood but it werks.

i wouldn't know, sorry.

Just buy a pack of Marlboro like a normal person you faggot nigger


Yeah, I did that for ten years. Pipes are better.

ayy. I just got into smoking a pipe. Picked up some dunhill nightcap, flake, and navy rolls, and also a few house brand aromatics. I dig it so far.

I mean, you could probably smoke an aromatic and get away with it, if anyone asks say it's incense or some shit.

hey user, started 2 years ago.
i'm 27 now.
really nice aromatic smell and much less corrosive than most of the other smoker counter part options. i'm glad with my choice

i'm getting this new (pic related) baby beast soon

its not the same kind of tobacco.

this guy doesn't even smoke.

Those will give you lip cancer, Sarge.

i am cancer

this is my new one i got last month.

Frog Mortans Cellar is my go too, with across the pond for nice days out.

My issue is, even with these decent tobbaccos and a good pipe, im getting less flavor, and more burnt tobacco taste instead. What am i doing wrong?

I'm kinda the same. with cigars I can usually get at least a general flavor profile, but something about the pipe doesn't click with me. Still enjoy it for the smell and the ritual though.

you maybe are packing it too tight and pulling too hard making it burn hotter and faster than it should. you should pack it a bit looser at the bottom of the bowl and get tighter towards the top. pull slower and don't worry about trying to keep it lit from inhaling. if it goes out just light it again. practice dude, try different ways of packing the bowl. you will get it.

This is identical to my system. After the first few puffs, tamp again. Relight.