Just got finished watching this, its pretty good...

Just got finished watching this, its pretty good. I never really expected Disney to have such a ruthless villain in a mainstream movie.

fuck off tripfag


>Movie out for months
>Nobody on Sup Forums talks about it
Suddenly out of nowhere two fucking threads on it at the same time.........

Is it safe to say you DIDN'T pay to see this film OP ?

This makes me want a cgi version of the Lion King.

no, I bought it. it was a package deal with the OG animated one disney movie club isn't as bad as people make it out to be im not even kidding

I wouldn't mind seeing something like that. The CGI is really impressive here, and I normally hate overuse of CGI.

I really enjoyed it

How terrible is the kid?

I have a low tolerance for shit child actors

He's the best one I've seen in a while. a couple of times you can tell that his delivery's a bit stilted, as he's in front of a green screen for the vast majority, but overall Neel Sethi did a pretty good job.

It would be a wonderful movie if Shere Khan was the main character. It would be about how he got his scars upholding the laws of the jungle. How he's ostracized for realizing the obvious truth about why man is forbidden. How nobody listens when he tells them the worst will happen. How they all turn on him when the worst does happen.

It's beautiful and tragic. Pure kino.


The cuckoo analogy really caused me to consider life choices

Why were the wolves such cucks?

I get the feeling that they considered that at one point, given what Shere Khan said in his introductory scene.

>I never really expected Disney to have such a ruthless villain in a mainstream movie.
>hasn't even seen The Lion King
You really need to leave this board.

I have. Scar's plan relied on too much careful planning that could easily be fucked up. The minute Khan gets a chance, he starts killing dudes. no plan, no useless henchmen, just quick to-the-point violence.

Trust a tripfag to think Khan is more ruthless than Scar. Scar killed his own brother, then claimed his women, then attempted to kill his own nephew. You can't top a villain in a family movie who kills his own family.

both characters are motivated by revenge, and are not averse to violence. But I don't see Khan singing any songs about how badass he is. He shows it through his actions.

>But I don't see Khan singing any songs about how badass he is.
Wow, you're really clutching at straws now. The singing is a stylistic choice because it's a musical, it isn't supposed to represent a character as someone who loves singing all the time. Villains sing in Disney films all the time, it doesn't make them any less villainous. If anything it makes them more memorable than a shitty CGI tiger who starts killing dudes with no plan.

call me old fashioned or a tripfag or whatever, but I prefer my character development through dialogue and visuals, instead of an interchangeable song. don't get me wrong, I love Lion King. always will, always have. but making it into a musical to move the plot is just lazy

>implying The Lion King had no dialogue or visuals to indicate Scar's motivations and was apparently non-stop singing
>"I love The Lion King but it's lazy"
This is why we shouldn't feed the tripfags, they make dicks of themselves all by their lonesome.

So I'm in the wrong for admitting that a movie I like is flawed?

What did he mean by this

You claim it's flawed by having no character development through dialogue or visuals. Again, I'm hesitant to believe you've even SEEN The Lion King.

If you're going to be this hypocritical I wouldn't draw attention to yourself with a trip.

This movie is shit. The villain is shit. What is his motivation? Because he got a scar when he tried to kill the human? It's weak as fuck because he fucking started it. Or did he not expect the human to fight back, the fucking idiot? Also if he wanted the kid dead so bad why didn't he kill him when he was little? Why wait until he's 10 or something to go after him?

You know this an anonymous board right your trip is not needed friend

They're attention seekers, who think they're above Anonymous and need to stand out. Just ignore them.