Tfw you can't pull off the bald look

>Tfw you can't pull off the bald look.

I can't pull off the stuck in jail look either.

I think it suits him pretty well. In general, non-white/asian dudes can look decent bald without much effort.

jail is just a natural part of life anyway man its no big deal

>tfw that end scene
>tfw Naz finally realizing he did it

I want to try to pull off the bald look since I'm Latino and have pretty masculine facial features but I'm fucking scared because my hair grows pretty slowly due to it being curly af and if I look like a potato then I'm stuck with that look for months. Is there specific facial features someone must have to pull it off?

>Spent a good portion of his life behind bars for a crime he didn't commit.
>All he got out of his time in the pan is a drug addiction and being ostracized from the community.

His character didn't deserve that.

>tfw I shaved my head and I looked even better
I think it just made my beard look better but I hate having my head stick to my pillow at night

Can't say for sure, but the most important thing imo is to not be pudgy or anything. If you're fat and bald it pretty much always looks awful. If you're that worried about it, why not just try buzzing it first, that way you'll get an idea of how it will look and if it's bad it can grow back relatively quickly?

>for a crime he didn't commit.
he did it. he was realizing at the end

Niggers actually believe this.

well its probably right then because nobody has more jail experience than niggers

The issue that I have is with my nose. It's slightly curved and tilted a bit to the left due to boxing in the past. I keep thinking that if I go completely bald my nose will just end up looking twice as big.

I don't know how he was realizing it. It seemed more like he was just remembering her and then realizing that this is his life addict.

he was thinking "damn i killed her" then he took a hit to make himself forget. why do you think he got into mind numbing drugs so easily? he wanted to block it out

I think Naz did it and the financial advisor was just stalking her

I guess each one of us has a different view of it. If I was locked up for a crime I didn't commit I would be using drugs as well to forget the fact that my life has literally been ruined.

learn to subtext

you only do 2 days, the day come in and the day you come out

I'm pretty sure you're trolling but the text was pretty explicity not that he killed her, but that he was grieving for her. He had been so caught up in trying to put that night and his action behind him that he hadn't ever had time to consider that this was a person with whom he had a brief connection and is now gone. He's finally getting to process, but that is now forever tainted by his addiction. Naz will never heal.
>you learn to subtext

There was no indication he did it. He just got hooked on drugs while in prison under Freddy's wing. It was just a message saying "if he was an innocent kid before, he ain't anymore."

In the UK version he is innocent anyway and they are fairly similar.

this show >> stranger plebs