Preordering ghostbusters: answer the call on amazon

>preordering ghostbusters: answer the call on amazon
>DVD $19.99
>Blu-ray $22.99
Why are dvds so expensive bros?

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even the cover is horrible

So you buy the blue rey

Leslie looks like mfw I saw dem nudes

damn bluray so soon? wasn't that released last month.

coooool dude!
it's pure kino, my wifes son loves it!

Sony has to pay the shills.

Box cover artists are expensive.

>4K and 3D in the same package

Why is shitbusters the only movie to get this right?

>that photoshoped Leslie

it's actually really good you picked the wrong thing to complain about what the fuck in fucking ghostbusters

>Certified Fresh Rotten Tomatoes

Unless your some indie documentary or something it's really pathetic to have to put that on your dvd cover.

>certified fresh
So desperate it hurts.

Hey! They paid good money for that fresh rating!

>"Certified Fresh" on the cover


they added a subtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle?????

>still have to put white man on the cover in order to sell the movie

There was always a subtitle, what universe are you from?

DVDs have a bigger demand than Blu-rays, that's why the price is so high.

Makes me feel bad for Sup Forums, they believe normal people care about 4k.

I love how they put the "certified fresh" logo on the cover as one last ditch effort to convince us that this shit is worth watching.

Mad Max did it

DVD resolution is 480p, why would anyone be interested in that?

Because they don't care and the quality is still good, look dude the best way to explain it, Full HD and 4K are like .flac, yes it's better but nobody who is not autistic cares.

Someone post Leslie Jones' nudes

>Certified "Fresh!"*

>*Not really, sorry

If it's a new movie then I would get it on bluray but if it's an old movie then it really doesn't matter and in some cases like Ghostbusters 1984, the bluray is worse because it made the image so clear that you can see matte cuts for the special effects which were never meant to be seen. So all these people complaining "well the original isn't even that good you can see the cuts for the SFX" just out themselves as having never even watched it before this year because it was never a problem before the bluray.

You pay more because of the fresh certification from RT.

Will the extended edition be better you think?

not unless it comes with some bonus LSD and a copy of Speed Racer

Absolutely, it has the full 20 minute dance scene that didn't make it to the theatrical cut.

I wonder what the VHS version of this movie looks like with the Special FX

It has an audio commentary of Paul feig explaining how to tie a noose

slightly blurrier and cropped for old TVs. The DVD is fine because it's clear and has full aspect ratio but the way Sony bungled the bluray release is just another example in the long line of ways they've shown they don't give a shit about Ghostbusters from the newest movie to the 2009 video game being the inferior port with reduced resolution/effects/textures on their own console against the Xbox360

Holy shit paul feig does an audio commentary?


The question is did he record the commentary before or after the theatrical release?

Can't wait to see SJWs posting that they bought it

So how much did this hurt SONY?

They're very proud of that "All Critics" rottentomatoes score, hahahaha.


It was extremely painful

This. Would be fun hearing him be angry at how bad it bombed

They put the film back into some cinemas believe it or not.

Does Sony think they will get more ticket sales suddenly?

>A favorite for your collection! A delightful comedy from the eighties pushed through the most soulless of filters, marketers, inept producers, and terrible writing. Feel the mismanagement as the movie stumbles and fumbles it's way through basic storytelling. With bonus features like the cast blaming you for it's failure. Experience every cringe full moment in 4K as you watch cinema die right in front of you. If you know how to suck the fun out of everything, this one is for your movie night.

I dont see how it can. I was just curious if there were heads rolling

what looks bad about this? looks fine to me.

>movie night
Sorry I only do kino nights

I couldn't find an example picture but on the bluray it's apparently most visible when Vinz is chasing Louis Tully across the street from his building into central park.

>rotten tomatoes rating on a bluray cover

Fucking hell. Truly a sign of the times.

>Paul Fag has swore off touching established IPs ever again
>mostly everyone involved at Sony that had a hand in creating this shitshow were already out the door by the time the movie even was released
>Sony have pretty much frostbitten feet on doing a sequel to this movie

Last I heard Sony is pretty much handing it back over to Dan and Reitman to do with it what they want.

In hindsight thats probably the reason Dan kissed as much ass as he did, knowing full well the shitshow was gonna fall apart and Sony would hand him back the reigns

The current plans are for a 2018 animated tv show, and 2019 animated movie. That at least makes some sense.

NO NO I want a live action film with scary practical effects.

No animated movie

I hope it's the original characters again then The Real Ghostbusters cartoon showed that it can still be done very well with different writers and actors so long as they stay true to the spirit drumroll of the originals.

Alright, fuck off, film prints were always in HD. You could ALWAYS see faults in old special effects if you looked close enough, even if you watch it on DVD.

>implying 1980s projectors and screens could highlight such details.

> That Egon

The lesbicunt in the new movie looks exactly like that. So much for originality.

Is this bait?

She seems more modeled on Dr Strangelove to me

>Mein Fuher, I can bust!

Why do DVD's still exist? Who the fuck can't afford a Blu-ray player? They're cheap as fuck now.



I still use both quite frequently. Not all films have bluray transfers. Some still don't even have dvd releases I believe.

It's not a question of affordability it's just that most people unless they own a PS3 or PS4 never bothered to upgrade because getting off their duff to put in a disc is too much work for them in comparison to just watching whatever Netflix decides they should choose from.

Moms can't tell the difference in quality.

The difference in price on the disc itself is secondary. The price of a player is the real factor. And even if you say it is inexpensive as well, it is a purchase that, given the model, can mean that all those DVDs are now useless. Which is a problem in the fact that you bought them all already. You'd expect everyone with legs and arms to rush out and get the new player AND buy all their favorite movies again? Like, why would that be the way it was?

Furthermore, calling forth the gods of "it's cheap now," why does bGreyhound still exist? Airplanes are comparable in price and you get there in a few hours.

4k/UHD is a joke. I have a 32-inch led tv, cost a smidge over $200 with tax. Fuck spending big money on a OLED or a big 4k/UHD screen and paying extra for the 4k/UHD disc.

1080p on a smaller tv is fine with me. And I'll wait for this shit to come on Amazon Prime, Netflix streaming. Fuck buying that dumb shit.

even boosting this movie's metrics by streaming it is to be discouraged.

Angry Birds did that too I think

>Why are dvds so expensive bros?

You think $20 is bad?
The first Disney VHS titles like Dumbo sold for $200 at all video stores back in the 80s,and that was $200 back in the fucking 80s when things were cheaper.

Even in the fucking 90s a copy of a VHS film could cost you $29.99 on average.
>Video very related.

When the first Child's Play film came out they actually wanted $89.99 for each VHS copy of it.

>Video very related

>Ghostbusters: Answer the Call,[3] initially marketed as Ghostbusters,[4] is a 2016 American supernatural comedy film

This has to mark the first time I've ever seen a fucking Rotten Tomatoes "Certified Fresh" logo on a dvd or Blu-ray cover.

Oh, that was nice of them.

Now we have Ghostbusters, which is good, and Ghostbusters: AtC, which is bad.

Guess Sony decided to pull one last trick to hopefully not tarnish the original name any further.

you have to remember these are people who watch yifi rips

The fuck does this word mean.
I hate it when new flavor of the moment words pop up on this site.
If I had $1 for every fucking word I've had to google because of this site over the past 10 years.
>F A M
> The Truth By The way (abbreviated version)
>Rustled Jimmys
And now Kino. Fuck I'ma going to start making some up one of these days "GAZUZOO"

You are disturbingly new here.

not the first and def not the last

They're charging for the license to play that piece of shit, not for the piece of plastic or the decades old technology.

>certified fresh
is there any doubt that rotten tomato is pure garbage now?

Child's Play had to be priced that high for consumers because that's what rental video stores were paying for each copy because it was a brand new release.

This made sure that a consumer wasn't a video store owner who was going to get a better deal and make more money renting copies of Child's Play cheaper. As soon as Child's Play came on cable the value of the VHS dropped to like $20. You can get it a Kmart.

Since the video store market down the street business is dead now, Hollywood studios don't give a shit anymore.

I remember when The Doors (1991) first came out on video, I bought a VHS copy for $65 just because I was a huge fan of the band (and it wasn't even letterboxed).

You and I both know it's going to be an animated show with the FemaleBusters just to rub salt in the wounds of pissed off male 80s kids.

I hope this is some new bait

Fine with me, they just have to actually try and make it a proper good show this time.

I'd be perfectly happy if we got a great new show out of this otherwise irredeemable disaster.

I fucking wish . I fucking wish. Every time some Dank rapper releases a Based song I have to go searching for the meaning to new fucking words, and I've gotten 1000s of "How new are you" replies on Sup Forums since 2008 every time I mention how much I hate having to keep up with the times.

This site does't change, but the anons on it do, and they bring their new fun flavor of the moment slag words with them.

Do you ever think, just maybe, that you're too old for Sup Forums?

Earnest question.

>thinking anyone will touch this money pit after its failure

that room, wow. I can't decide whether I love it or if feel afraid of it or I feel afraid that I love it.

are you fucking retarded? 4k is 4 times the resolution of 1080p

it's a massive difference

It might be time to leave grandpa.

same user as this but now that I've had some time to snap out of that attached image, the way things are now reminds me of.. I can't remember if it was the book Neuromancer or Snow Crash but one of them talked about how that future had reached a point where whole subcultures would flare into existence and die within months. Well, here we are.

The sony jews own blueray and no one elses allowed to touch it

Damn I'm a fucking oldfag and it ain't that hard. It's like reading one of those old British novels with a million words you've never heard of before. Instead of looking up every word in the dictionary, I can pretty much guess what the words mean in the manner in which the author utilizes said words. It's the same with Sup Forums, but easier since all they do is repeat forced memes until one of them sticks. Yeah, I think the old days of unintentional memes are few and far in between these days.

In Sup Forums it's different because they repeat forced memes until one of them sticks. I think the days of unintentional memes like "ayy lmao" are dead.

Truth , but nobody just gets to leave.
The fucked up part is that I'm an oldfag that keeps getting called a newfag because I can't keep up with new flavor of the moment words. These words just slowly creep their way onto the site, they hits a peak in popularity, and than they drop off like the word "neckbeard". In 2012 every other post had the word Neckbeard in it. Now you rarely ever see someone post it. The flavor of the moment word now seems to be "kino"

I just woke up one day and everyone, and their mother decided they were going to start posting it in every thread.
A while back "wew Lad" almost became the next it word/ phrase, but kinda failed to take off.

Now it's forgotten much like the failed and forgotten babe meme.

Oh my sweet sweet summer child

It sounds like something out of snow crash, but I can't remember anything like that last time I read it
>tfw there will never be a good adaptation of snow crash

You don't know that. We could get a resurgence of the cyberpunk genre in film if the Ghost in the Shell live action adaptation does well enou..pff hahahaha I couldn't even finish that sentence. Maybe that new Cyperpunk game by the people who made the Witcher will revive it though.

The eyes care about degrees, not pixels. At a distance, you can't really tell between 1080 and 4k unless you're glued to the screen or it's huge. Besides, 4k is 4 times 1080 when it comes to area. It's not 4 times as tall or wide, but 2 times.

> I can pretty much guess what the words mean in the manner in which the author utilizes said words.
This is pretty much what I do. I just don't feel like investing energy into a word that may or may not stick around for long, and when they don't go away it feels like the poster is constantly nagging me to learn it's meaning.


>certified fresh
>no "featuring dante from devil may cry"
Are they even trying?

>The sony jews own blueray and no one elses allowed to touch it
It's like they have a learning disability lel

Why would a studio want that ugly ass Rotten Tomatoes logo on their dvd covers? Since when did that site became everyones go to website for movie reviews. Why are they now viewed as the world's foremost authority on movies?

Back in the day they would just quote the words "Siskel and Ebert gives it two thumbs up" to talk you into believing that a film was worth watching.

I kinda like the whole Siskel and Ebert two thumbs up thing more than having to turn to an ugly ass cartoon drawing of a fucking tomato.

I have one of those Muppet Masterpiece Replicas. I used it once for shitposting.