
>Do you fear death?

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No. I welcome it.

Man this character is still fucking impressive.

How did they fuck up so bad on the fourth one?

Story has nothing or little to do with the original saga, which pretty much already nicely wrapped with the third one.

>Blackbeard and Mermaid attack was great though

Rank from best to worse:
1. Dead Man's Chest
2. Curse of the Black Pearl
3. At World's End
4. On Stranger Tides

He sure is

Leaving out almost all of the main characters except Jack makes it seem more like fanfic than a sequel.

Nup. Pearl is and always will be first.

The fourth one was leagues better than the third, lad.

You almost had it. I've got respect for you for recognizing that 2 is the best though.

Strangers tide is fucking awful. The only thing thats remotely good about is is Penelope and thats because she made my dick hard

So when the fuck are we getting a trailer for the new one or any damn news about it?

Strangers tides was objectively the best one

I've seen it thrice, once in theaters and actually even twice at home, it's better than 3 mate. It was a total return to form.

I'd even be willing to accept this, but nothing is better than Dead Man's Chest.

the fucking CGI on Jones is still god damn impressive

It really is like the T-Rex in the rain of it's time and has yet to be remotely rivaled. Don't know how they did it so well.

yeah it's obviously better made than the shit we see nowadays

When they say the fourth is better than the third one

Best death scene

fucking samefag I saw you delete that post

These flicks are maximum comfykino. Who /watchingonAMCrightnow/?

For the love of God who has the info on this, I've been hurting for the damn trailer for ages and the damn movies coming out next year

>Still the best CGI character of all time
>After 10 fucking years

How the fuck is this possible

>Stranger Tides
>better than World's End
top kek, friend.
Stranger Tides could've been good but Marshall is just a flat-out boring director. How the fuck do you get Ian McShane as blackbeard and make a completely forgettable movie?

World's End is actually fucking great. Just watched it the other day.

>Asian Pirates
>Dat flipping the boat upside down
>Dem ghosts underwater on the way out of Davy Jones locker
>Davy Jones getting bossed around by the evil British people
>The Pearl and the Dutchman spit-roasting the British ship

I'm legit struggling to think of flaws.

>said no one ever
Disney is being smart and waiting for this Amber Heard / Johnny Depp shit to cool the fuck off.

I spat out my drink upon reading this.
Here's your (you)

>Special effects look fucking godly TEN WHOLE YEARS AFTER RELEASE

How is this actually possible? Is it just money? Apparently the budgets on these were insane... and AWE alone cost 300 milly

Bumping this just so everyone else can see what an embarrassingly terrible opinion it is.

Stranger Tides was 410 million.

I have no idea why that one was so expensive.


Holy Christ.
It didn't even have any crazy CG in it unless I'm remembering wrong... the mermaids were kind of cool but Davy Jones and his crew must've been more expensive.

>having this bad of mermaid philia

Bad opinion, 3 and 4 were honestly both shit. Keira Knightley character and her speeches to all the pirate Kings were all cringeworthy and the whole plot was just shoddily paced. It just rambled on and on until that CGI diarrhea fight scene with the ships in the whirlpool.

>implying the malestrom fight scene isn't one of the greatest action set pieces of all time

walk the plank

Anything else is objectively wrong.

>maelstrom fight
>dozens of ships on both sides lined up preparing for a huge battle
>battle is fought between only 2 ships

Johnny might have felt the alimony coming on. Luckily the opposite happened and he literally JUSTed that blood sucking bitch.

Not then they weren't as compared to a few years later with inflation. There was some impressive blackbeard cgi at the end, but aesthetically I don't think it tops the pretty much perfection of Jones. There were plenty of reasons why Pirates 4 would be expensive though really.

>I can't resist mate

>being this dumb
Instead of having the whole thing turn into a clusterfuck he sent in the Dutchman to rek the Pearl's shit to demoralize the pirate army.

Do you even fucking strategy, bro?

B-but muh all out battle..

Why not send support along with the Dutchman? Why didn't the pirates send help to the Pearl?

>Johnny had to pay her 7 million
>can literally make that much in a month easily


Yeah, it's tough.

He thought the Dutchman was invincible.
Why would you send your whole army in when you could just make a fucking power play and end the entire conflict?

>Barbossa kills Blackbeard for taking the Pearl
>takes Blackbeard's ship the Queen Anne's revenge

Stranger Tides is laughable in how dumb it is

I admit I've only seen At World's End a few times, but I believe On Stranger Tides was better. 3 tried to accomplish too much, which was admirable but made it into a clusterfuck. Everyone switched sides way too much, I didn't like the Davy Jone's locker scenes, and Elizabeth becoming pirate queen was laughable. The maelstrom was amazing but overall, I was very happy to finally be done with Will and Elizabeth.

The 4th movie is simpler and it feels more enjoyable as a silly adventure. While I can't say I care much about Sparrow anymore, Barbossa is great and he really carries the movie. Blackbeard could have been more memorable, but he's decent. Most of all though, I liked the mermaids and Ponce de Leon's ship. 4 is not a great movie exactly, but I think it accomplishes what it set out to do a bit better than 3 does. Dead Man's Chest is still the undisputed best though.

Just find out that good ol' Will is coming back for POTC 5

Which leads me to believe this movies gonna be fantastic

Accurate representation of Johnny Depp's condition right now

Greatest villain in film history.

Can someone answer me how the fuck the wasted their opportunity with Stranger Ties? You get Ian Fucking McShane to play motherfucking Blackbeard, and you decide not to do anything with it.

His introduction was incredible though, and the fact that he turns into a mustache twirling empty villain immediately after made me think that the following probably happened.

>get Ian McShane obviously because of Deadwood
>write Blackbeard as basically Al Swearengen, but a PG Pirate
>probably give him some development and some actual charm
>suits come in and say that Blackbeard was taking up too much Depp and William/Elizabeth replacement screen time
>cut almost everything and rewrite the rest to shove the plot along for Blackbeard
>however, keep the one Deadwood-esque dialogue in his introduction as a glimpse of what they intended

Stranger Tides is a two man show of Blackbeard and Barbossa and should stay like that.

I'd rather Sparrow acts as the side character on Barbossa's side from the start, that'll be more interesting.

The Kraken is representative of the gaping vagina that will eat his finances?

Pirates 2 & 3 still have the best CGI in the business, how is this possible?

There are definite flaws to World's End.
>Keira whenever she opened her fucking mouth
>"funny" scenes like when she takes out a bazillion guns as if we haven't seen that before
>that bullshit romance drama as if anyone gives a fuck about these two fucking characters
>elizabeth not letting norrington the bro fuck her brains out
>that wedding in battle shit
>the entire 10 years later epilogue
>the whole armada of like 200 ships or something turning away because ONE ship, flagship though it was, got rekt
But it's still a great fun flick and you have to be a faggot to hate it

so he just freaked out and took 15 minutes of slow motion to walk down 5 steps of stairs instead of trying to put up a fight?

world's end is pretty cool but the calypso bullshit and the will and elizabeth romance fucked up the movie for me. if they focused on davy jones, sparrow and beckett instead of trying to make it into a "end of an epic saga" type of movie, then it would be brilliant. hans zimmer fucking saved it though.


Kraken got killed off screen
Davy Jones got turned into a pussy
Calypso plot line took 1/3 of the movie to develope but really served little purpose
Based Chow Yun Fat died like a punk
Got 2 fucking armadas lined up only to not have an epic sea battle, basically what Costner did in Postman
Jack didn't show up until 30 minutes into the movie, then we get 30 minutes of just Jack doing dumb shit all by himeself




Why didn't Orlando have a better career? He was part of LOTR and POTC, two huge franchises. I mean he's not even like Keira, doing indie/oscarbait flicks or whatever, he's literally been in nothing other than that shitty three musketeers movie. What happened?

I've seen Death, he was a distinguished old gentleman in a suit, he waved a pair of scissors at me, his body language communicated "not your time yet"

Type-casting? To be fair Keira is a better actress and show more diverse talent compared to Orlando. He also appear in the Hobbit and some smaller movies actually.


I Honestly enjoy Stranger Tides a lot. It felt the closest to the feeling of the first. It's Jack's adventure and these are the people who get dragged along with him.

DMC and AWE kept increasing the story of Will and Elizabeth, when each should've been a separate Jack story. They could've popped in at the end of some other movie saying they married and wrapped up their story that way. Making Will Davy Jones was kinda retarded.

I still wish the third movie was just Jack in Singapore fucking shit up for 2 hours but I will admit The Maelstrom scene is still fucking great.

The fourth is the only one where Jack become the focus. The first is more about Will. Second one is about Will, Jack, and Elizabeth in more or less equal divide. Third one is about Will and Elizabeth.

Just wanted to drop in and say Dead Man's Chest is a terrible, terrible film

>five uninterrupted minutes of 20 Johnny Depps running around in the desert mugging directly to the camera


Summon the Kraken on this heretic!

Whoops i killed it, never mind...

Dead Man's Chest is way too supernatural, the previous two movies have always been a bit low key on them.

I fucking love the Kraken, honestly. It needs way more love than it should.

To this day, this, and Dawn/Rise of the Planet of the Apes are the only movies I think did CGI, absolutely fucking perfect.

This and only this

Nigga the mutherfucking kraken was the main reason I was hype for 3 and then they killed him off screen wth.

To this day potc3 was the most dissapointing movie theater experience I ever had. Its not the worst movie I've seen but never before or since have my expectations been so high when the result was so low

jack isnt a good main character, he works well as a comic relief.
barbosa would work better though

He was too good for this world.

Pretty much the patrician husbando.

The way he destroys the boats, hnngg..

Id switch black pearl and DMC

I guess quality doesn't matter user
It's just good business

I think he wasnt used to people fighting back

Reminder that based Norrington did literally nothing wrong

Is this the first modern ensemble family action movie? We've seen the genre taken over by capeshit since (for better or for worse), but before this the only comparable movie I can think of is Hook, and that's not because of the pirates, but because of the tone, the slapstick and sarcastic humour, the decent action scenes and the fact that it's family friendly without being a dull children's movie.
The cast is great, Johnny Depp had a great performance, so much so that he has since been almost exclusively typecast as the "lovably absurd weirdo" (though I haven't seen anything in which he lives up to his performance as Captain Jack). Geoffrey Rush is my favourite in the series, he's so believable as a pirate. Even Orlando Bloom, Hollander and Davenport, each of them delivered great performances. The stunt work was good, the witty repartee was quick, fun, and completely at home in the setting. The CGI was ahead of its time.
I'm a huge fan of the trilogy, and I enjoyed the fourth one though it was comparatively forgettable and derivative in a market which, at that point, had more competition for the same type of movie.
Any insights on other movies between Hook and Pirates, or before Hook that really captured this feeling of a family action movie?
I feel like movies of the 80s and early 90s that fit the bill of family friendly action followed a very different formula of adventure, things like The Goonies and ET and even The Princess Bride.

You're forgetting The Mummy

Shock and realising you have lost can do this to a man I guess.
Man that scene is great.

It wasn't that bad. I'd say its at least on par with 3.

Ah, good point. I absolutely did forget The Mummy. That definitely hits the same notes that Pirates does, good call.

Tfw based governor and based conmodore are killed unceremoniously in the 3rd movie cause they had too many characters and ideas going on

Tfw cuttler Beckett had a better send off (even tho his death was stupid in a different way) and he did fuck all thru the two movies he was in

I unironically think Tom Hollander is one of the most underrated actors working today.

Even in a movie like World's End where he plays such a dick, you feel that sympathy for him when you see his face crumble as he says the line.


Norrington dies redeeming his honor, even if it's a underwhelming. Agree with Govt. Swann send off. Beckett's death is epic af.


Exactly, i need more Tom as other charismatic brit character.