Why didn't frankposting get big like baneposting

Why didn't frankposting get big like baneposting

because frankposting is not funny

uhh yeah it is

better than baneposting but the thing is frankposters are not really around

> Sings

> God tier actor

> Handsome af

Why is The Fass so good at everything?

shit movie

because baneposting doesn't get to bring friends

only one facial expression
fassbender could add some emotion to the mask (man's a great actor) but just still images are too flat
CIA is dynamic. We have over 4 minutes of extant facial expressions to draw upon--nearly an infinite amount in the meme-sphere. The one tried and true ingredient to meme success is flexibility.
t. [s4s], resident meme expert

Because it came from an excellent movie and not meme capshit

mask was too big for him

The character himself is a walking forced meme.

Dont forget big dick

Frank is intentionally ridiculous and funny, TDKR is the complete opposite and it has a large and pompous fanbase that insist it's an artistic masterpiece.
Also some autists spammed baneposts everyday for years which is why it's still alive now.
What this guy says is also right there's 5 minutes of CIA and a whole movie of Bane which is much more material than most memes, which are usually only a few seconds long or still images.
Oh and finally that time that god or a wizard or whatever said baneposting was cool really helped

becuse nobody saw that movie but everyone saw the dark knight rises



what was wrong with Frank anyway? Lobotomy?

all i remember when the dude goes to Franks mother house is Frank having scars all over the back of his head

I tried to meme Coca Cola Lipstick Ringo but it was unfortunately a meme ahead of its time and just proved to be too avant-garde for the average Sup Forums poster.

Autism. The scars and bald spots and shit were just from wearing the mask for so long without taking it off.

I see, makes sense


>he thinks they dont fap for a bit to have a chub on screen

>missing the point of the movie THIS MUCH

The part of the movie where they're in the cabin in the woods recording the album is comfy as fuck

I want to live there

fuck off ryan

you are a faggot
because Frankposting requires a lot of talent to pull off. Baneposting is easy to do


I think you get a lobotomy through your eye IIRC

So WEARING the mask was extremely painful?

>Frank: a 2014 comedy film
>not funny at all

I like the movie but i can't think of a single memorable line.