
Camgirl general

Post your thoughts and opinions about this fascinating web actress, Miss Alice.


why is her internet so shitty now her streams are blocky as shit

did this slut ever take dick on camera or what?

i need link to that exact video

what did user mean by that?

she moved to a new apartment and she's still getting her internet sorted out.

she has a better layout now too. it's a shame.

It's fucking New Zealand. It's just above Antarctica in internet speed.

no, she's pure

>veiny feet
fucking DR OP PE DD

Man cam girls make so much money. Do you think she's getting dicked down for cash on the side too? i mean they take a hefty amount off the top.


that's a shame

yeah, she """escorts""

I don't have any, sorry senpai.

No. If she did and someone found out no one would ever buy her videos again.


>Do you think she's getting dicked down for cash on the side too?
Why wouldn't she.
But her act would be damaged if a client released a video of fucking her.

What did she mean by this?

There's this one vid on xvideos that someone tried to say was her, but the people in the comments say it's another cam girl. She doesn't show her face and the chick in question did look like the other cam girl in that she wasn't quite as muscularly toned as Alice, but it was odd how the people in the vid went out of their way to make it look like Alice. I think there's even a mirror with those same kind of lights on it in the vid.

And no, I don't have the link, but I know it's on xvideos and shows up on Miss Alice's page.

I think an easy way around it is to have a "boyfriend" and use them for money.

i'd drop a stack to fuck her in the ass .. but i'm not going to that shit hole of a country just for that.

>camwhores are now "camgirls"
Man this site really has been taken over by "The Man". By which I mean a landwhale with purple hair.

it's been a little rough this and last year.

the reason she doesn't do anal is because, firstly, she would be forced to make her vaginal/standard videos cheaper, and secondly because she doesn't enjoy it.

hey, man

Another slut doing softcore on twitch?

no another slut that's actually a slut/

Where does this attitude come from? Chill.

Someone said something about a Kati3kat vid in which she confronts some guy giving her herpes by proxy or some shit. No sauce was provided.

Is this legit or user being a fag?

She is beyond boring with no personality

> putting pussy on a pedestal

And that's why you're a beta

How much money will it take for her to have real sex with me?


she's not an escort