Europoors have to drink water because they can't afford sody pop

>europoors have to drink water because they can't afford sody pop
holy fuck

How will they ever recover?

Holy shit


>actually preferring coloured sugar water over essentially free completely clean water

>essentially free completely clean water

pick 1

Your fault for choosing to live in a capitalist hellhole

> 2017
> having fluoride in the water

>tfw my local grocery store stopped selling sunkist ten

Pls...bring it back, it's one of the few low-sugar/sugarless sodas that tastes better than or equal to the normal one.

>tfw my city doesn't do fluoride
>tfw the government keeps trying to force us to


for what porpoise

>tfw thinking about all those hundreds of exotic flavored american fizzy drinkys you're missing out of because you don't live in the great country on earth©disney

Atleast i can drink the water whenever i like, straight from the tap.

>tfw cactus cooler sounds tasty af
>tfw it's only available in california and the southwest

I know your feel bro.


Motherfucking URGE just came out in cans. It's only been in plastic bottles since it was introduced in the 90's.

Too bad I can hardly drink any soda at all anymore, because I just reached 90 kg on the bathroom scale, and that's the weight of a disgusting lard ass if you're a king of manlets size male like me, at least to Norwegian standards.


>americans have to drink soda because they can't afford water

Will try.

Isn't it 'surge'? Or is that the joke?

A russian, a german and a american walk into a bar

the bartender asks:"What can I bring you guys"

The russian orders a vodka shot

the german orders a beer

the american says:"I am a dumb fat american son of a whore brainwashed kike puppet bitch i love BBC and watching my wife getting fucked by black cock."

the bartender pulls out a shotgun and shoots the american in the face

Or do couch to 5k. That's easier to ease into imo but HIIT sprinting is just more effective. Doing 7 repetitions of 15s of sprinting and 1min of walking had me losing fat 2-3x faster than doing 5km of jogging.

>used to drink 2.5L of wine a day and weighed 208lbs
>tfw after a around three months of keto and HIIT three times a week I was down to 160lbs

Either way the most important thing is momentum. The first week or two are hard but once you get that momentum going it gets easier and you'll start to feel loads better. I often get annoyed that I can't run everywhere instead of walking without looking like more of an autist than I already am.

Good luck user.

>German humor

No, that is the predecessor to the American Surge.


Damn. I'm comfortable with jogging, but it will be a bit of a challenge to begin sprinting, but I'll give it a shot.

You'll really want to sprint as fast as you can to maximize return on your effort. It seems to boost your metabolism a whole lot for the rest of the day(s). HIIT might take some getting used to at first though but it's worth it and in the end feels like a lot less energy and time spent on it compared to normal jogging for more reward.

Pro tip: I don't know if you've ever smoked before but there's a certain way you deeply and smoothly inhale and exhale when you're smoking so you get as much air in/out as efficiently as possible. It comes naturally when smoking. Breathe like that when you're sprinting. It's really good at helping you focus, keep going at max speed, and not want to quit.

Don't worry about it being challenging. The only way to fail is to not try your hardest. If you do that you'll be succeeding and shedding the fat real fast.

*If you try your hardest and sprint as fast as you can no matter how fast or slow you might be you'll be succeeding and shedding the fat real fast.

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I'm not a regular smoker, but I think I get the idea. I'm pretty sick of the excessive fat, so it's worth trying to make it a habit.

i have faith in you user

Definitely try it out. And if you find yourself going weeks without doing anything don't worry just start again and wait for the momentum to kick in again. It took me a few times of quitting before regular exercise became a habit and now it's been a few years. (Though maybe you don't need this advice since you say you're already comfortable jogging, then taking up HIIT will be a simple way to look and feel good). And maybe try bodyweight workouts if you don't already have a muscles workout going.

I might take up sprinting again so I can get my six-pack back for summer. No one else will see it but it feels good to have it there. I went from sprinting three times a week to using a stationary bike four times a week for HIIT since it's much more convenient. I don't have to wake up to sprint early in the morning when the sidewalks/streets aren't crowded and it's in my bedroom. Sadly though it's less intense no matter how hard I try to peddle so that with eating a little less healthy than I used to made me get a little bit of fat back to cover the abs.

Good luck, we believe in you user.

that's pretty funny

dumb american CUNT
*shoots you in the face with a shotgun*

Also one more thing I forgot. Stay on your toes lean forward a bit so the momentum of your weight is forward. A really good way to get a feel for it is when you start off. Let yourself very slowly tip forward like you're about to fall on your face then when you feel like you're falling explode into action with that forward momentum.

Another tip: If you don't mind smoking, smoke a cigarette after you're through jogging or sprinting. It feels relaxing and satisfying af, especially if you're watching the sunrise or sunset. I imagine that extra nice feeling is why people smoke after sex in movies/tv.

>soda pop




>Stay on your toes
Maybe balls of your feet would be more accurate now that I think about it, but don't let your feet slam down so the entire bottom of your foot is touching the ground. The foot should be touching the ground for as little time as possible with as little surface as possible without ruining your form.
