Leftist art

>leftist art


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Leftists btfo. Trump 2020

wow really gay


Paul was right, conservatism is the new punk rock

>leftist art

You mean all art?

He's right

Was this seriously inspired by that "badass" antifa who couldn't even knock out Richard Spencer with a sucker punch?

>it's a leftist injects their political views into every artist who isn't openly conservative or is apolitical episode

was enough to scare him into being afraid of it happening again


Don't forget he was also found to be a literal shit-eating cuckold.

Hahahahhahaah hahahaha

This is what single mothers create

Where is your interview about your band?
yeah that's what I FUCKING thought

hi Ben

That was found to be a hoax

We don't need so many threads about it

What makes you think we aren't making those threads trigger fags like you hahahahahahah cuck btfo

For you two party retards it is.
By the end of the next four years, the democratic party will be "punk" again.

reminder richard spencer cried on live tv because he got sucker punched

by a literal shit eater lol

Anyone notice that his hair is kinda nazi?
Also is this fucking satire right?

Richard isn't a tough guy though he's openly effeminate. Him crying was part of his cute guy aesthetic

>hide your identity
>wait till he be unaware to cowarly attack and run from the scene
thats more pathetic than cry in public desu


>rightist art
>pic related

maybe spencer should be more manly and prepared for a fight when it happens and stop being such a beta male faggot

>for getting sucker punched

What is western civilization for 200 Alex

Richard Spencer is a pretty boy. He's not a fighter so leave him alone, seriously. Guy would never hurt a fly he's just proud of his race

Leave Richard alone

>hiding your face to not accept the social/phisical repercution and run away
How isnt that a fag thing? I mean fag=coward/pussy. I dont even really know what Spencer stand for beside "white supremassist xD", so the only thing know he doesnt hide and says what he feels and thats pretty brave. :)

This, they're not obnoxious enough to force their political views in the things they make.

White people didn't create shit. That's just a fact.

Enjoy your lack of culture.

how can anyone be so dumb and believe this meme
yeah im sure he was punched by that 60 something year old guy who died a bunch of years ago

The fact that it triggers so many Alt-right snowflakes makes it a pretty successful work of art, even if it's a shit song.

I'm not even on the right and it triggers me because I hate niggers

I'm a classic liberal


yeah i mean it's not like we needed spacesuits, film cameras, transformers, submarines, telephones, thermometers, telescopes, the internet, ICEs, the printing press, eyeglasses, contact lenses, parachutes, bulletproof vests, alarm clocks, etc. or anything


If you're complaining about politics in art then you don't know much about it. Is it just because some of those things go against what you believe

>this american white cuck on cuck internet battle thing is STILL going on
are you guys not bored yet

this desu

I might start listening to it ironically




That will show them


not even trying to get at anyone my friend

Wow you really showed me

wow you showed me

always been that way buddy


Nothing personal kid

Western civilization is not loading

Hold on, let me refresh

SOAD is actually good, and they appear to be tribalists judging by their acknowledgments of the genocide of their people.

Most writers/musicians of the past would probably be considered "right wing" by today's standards desu.

ted nugent, eric clapton, wagner list goes on...

I hope you didn't fall for the "Wagner was a proto-Nazi" meme

>SOAD is actually good

The user was implying there's no "right-wing art" and I'm just saying, at least no art is better than the embarrassing shit the other side is doing.

>hurr If you're complaining about politics in art then you don't know much about it

I'm not complaining at all, I just rip on politics in art when it's fucking awful.

Dood, if we uzs there insults on them, they will mever see it comin!

>capitalism makes good contributions to culture

Fuck off

Imagine how much traffic and ad revenue you're giving this shitty nu-metal band because you wanna trigger liberals

i know punk rock is intertwined with politics and inclusion but a lot of good punk bands arent political

God this band turned to shit so hard a few years ago

I am a Trumptard but I actually appreciate the passion

Lmao Ted Nugent is a pathetic fucking whackjob, not a great example on your part

You must be a retard.
Noone around here browses the Web without an add blocker.

A proto faggot is still a faggot.

still doesn't mean it aint getting hits

reminder that politics and art never well

stfu anthony fantano of the youtube skeptic community


Bones knows this, despite being Sam Hyde's cousin and good with MDE, he never tweets politics or adds political shit in his music.