What do you think my best friend Hilly C listens to?

What do you think my best friend Hilly C listens to?

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I think she listens to Fleetwood Mac. Nice thread, OP! I have always wondered about Mrs. Clinton's listening habits.

Thank you for complimenting my thread. It did take a lot of work to get here, but I did it. Thanks, user.

I legitimately love that woman and would put her picture on my wall if I wanted to get weird with it. I've read Hard Choices cover-to-cover.

She doesn't listen to music. At least in the past, literally all she did was sit through public policy presentations, read dense foreign policy reports, and work on writing up summaries of proposed tax code changes. She spent her whole life focused on one thing: honing her expertise and judgment.

Literally everything else (the dabbing, the Katy Perry, the Pokemon Go to the polls) was her stooping down to our level and humiliating herself just to try to convince us (retards that we are) to vote correctly.

She literally has no hobbies outside of public policy. She stayed up late every night reading. Everything about her hobbies and favorite music (Beyonce, for instance) was a lie for the general public.

She really does carry hot sauce in her bag. though. She's addicted to spicy food. That was real.

God I love her.

Nice try Sup Forums

God damn. I actually love you. What's your name? I want to meet you in person.

I have never met another Hillary supporter like you. I *NEED* to met you.

meet you*

If you're in St. Louis, we can go to the Wolf Alice show on Saturday.

Honestly, I have a portrait of her hanging my bathroom. Hillary Clinton is a goddess.

>Literally everything else (the dabbing, the Katy Perry, the Pokemon Go to the polls) was her stooping down to our level and humiliating herself just to try to convince us (retards that we are) to vote correctly.
Yeah, that's called pandering. Honestly, the most humanising moment of the 2016 election was Jeb Bush's turtles. Guy came off as kind of a dweeb and unsuitable for any policy position, but he was likeable at least. Neither of the major candidates, Trump or Hillary, were.

Honestly if it had come down to Hillary vs. Jeb...

I still would have voted for Hill no contest but Jeb holds a special place in my heart. The tortoise man. The guac boy. I love him. Mwah.


This was my favorite Jeb moment.

Jeb Bush would have made a better President.

Anyone would have. Ideally, though, I would've like Kasich.


>She doesn't listen to music.

She is a plastic person, a completely unrelatable shell of a human, driven entirely by her lust for power. And you find this endearing

political nerds are legitimately subhuman. I'm not trying to be edgy at all, the fantastically obese disgust me less than you do

I love politics nerds. I am a politics nerd. Hillary Clinton is an amazing lady and she wants you to have health care and shit but you are pushing it away like a got damn retard.

It's too late. She's been trying her entire life to become president. Even if you think she's a good candidate, it's over for her. She's not going to run again.

Fuck of back to Sup Forums, your favorite mouthpieces all have shit taste.

No I don't dispute that. Hillary shall not run again.

I want Hillary to take over this country in a demonic autocratic way. We deserve a winning lady like Hillary. So drunk honestly. Don't take anything I say seriously. Hillary Clinton should be dictator of the entire world. Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf

This is some insane fucking shit, dude. Drunk or not.

she wasnt even able to be dictator of her own bedroom let alone dictator of the world.

This is exactly the sort of shit that Miss Hillary Clinton should condemn. I hate conservatives like you. You should be forced to submit to the death penalty. Hillary would be 100% behind me here.

Here you go, user

Hillary knew all about Monica.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Hillary hates sex and only married Bill for political convenience. She hates sex. It doesn't bother her that Bill is a fuckin horndog. She *does* *not* *give* *a* *flying* *fuck*.

I'm not even a conservative. I'm the guy that said anyone would be better than Trump FFS

Holy shit she's autistic. Why didn't Sup Forums get behind her?

She's truly /ourgal/

musta been really awful to get fucked so much by Trump then

She listens to recordings of children being raped in bohemian groves by Soros globalists

I honestly believe that Hillary Clinton is autistic.

She has only the best interests of the county in mind.


I saw John Kasich in public at Madison and he was honestly a very endearing guy but the problem was that he didn't realize how much of a dipshit he was being

So I talked to Jonny K and he had no idea how to actually address the national debt. All he had was Republican talking points. What a adisappointment!

Trump shill

I witnessed this happening. You didn't pay for those Milky Ways, btw.


ambient deathmetal

she just listens to bill ramming sluts in the room next to her, while she practices her wiccan bullshit

Wowie zowieie I did not listen to thisoi jofjewfoiwefjoaisfjesf f



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obviously indigo girls duh

Real Hillary supporters are legit more cringe than those r/The_Donald autists with the kekistan reddit pede shit. She has the personality of a damp corn husk and is only driven by greed and power. I don't know how people can unironically worship her as a person.

I don't get why people were in a tizzy about the hot sauce thing being, claiming it was pandering to blacks.
I remember seeing a photo from the mid90s of a shelf in the white house pantry with nothing but hot sauces on it.