How do I make weird, innovative, forward-thinking, leftfield music like this?

How do I make weird, innovative, forward-thinking, leftfield music like this?

Step 1: Be talented

>Terry Riley for millenials

go to university for mathematics. if you don't do well, don't even think about starting.

you can't do it by trying to do it. that was all the rage in 2013 - 2015. people kept trying to come up with their own genres and fell flat on their face every time.

be a hack

>listen to this album
>nice collection of sounds, why didn’t he make any music out of them???

you don't

all his shit retroactively got worse lel

even the people that tried to copy him like Arca are evolving while he keeps doing the same shit

>retroactively got worse
this is a retarded string of characters

tell me with a straight face that sampling KotH is remotely acceptable for a serious project in 2017

innovate, think forward, stop being right wing, laugh and not be normal

he and arca sound nothing alike senpai

i see the similarities you could draw between [joke name] and arca but i like arca and i dont like 106
(does anyone else find it really uncomfortable to type this artists name?
it's like i said in this post above he makes cool noises but he doesnt make songs out of them
arca at least you can bounce to in a way

>he doesnt make songs out of them
how narrowminded is your view of songs? these are songs you idiot.

what are the similarities? they both make electronic music and got good reviews from pitchfork?

they both known for their unique sound palettes and being unpredictable and shit. i'd say they are contemporaries in the same field

what is the name of this album? i remember listening to it before need to know
and oh, do dissociatives/hallucinogens/weed. and you cant do it if you have no original feeling or idea of what you like as well

>his conception of music is something you can "bounce to"

neo Sup Forums is something terrible

>remotely acceptable
>caring about music being acceptable or correct
Fuck off.

fine can you explain what's good what you like about this artist? i find his songs annoying that's why i dont like him

pretty vague familia

>neo Sup Forums is something terrible
neo Sup Forums is the only Sup Forums you know, and the Sup Forums on which opn got popular

>while he keeps doing the same shit
have you even listened to garden of delete?

oneohtrix point never is the best/most important musician of the 10's

Didn't Danny go to school to be a librarian/data archivist?

i'm at university for math, and feel better about myself now.
thanks user


>he thinks any electronic music that is discombobulated must be copying Oneohtrix Point Never
kek, did Autechre copy 1otrx.nvr as well?

have ideas, get inspired

>his ambient synth shit was better than the stuff he comes out with now

nigga what