Why do you evan come here anymore

why do you evan come here anymore


>April and the Phantom
Why did you choose that name?

I don't.

So I can get riled up about the 4 grimes posters + that new mod that supports them pre workout.

Bro i ain't been here in a hot minute how's every1 ?

i was young and in love

how young

bro you are so gay and obviously still a young dumbass if you say cringey shit like that

I love how every tripfag has this inflated sense of self-importance

Isaac NEWton


>obviously still a young dumbass
how new are you jesus

Your inevitable suicide will be celebrated

becaues you are my friends!

im not even depressed though

why do you evan come here anymore

And I'm the Queen of Antarctica

>new trip trying to fit in


dude I get so much pussy

i've legit fucked 196 women in the past year off of online dating apps. how can i be depressed? i just like the music dude

shut the fuck arthur go back to sucking buster's dick

nice dude
nice to meet you im april

you've never seen the show faggot arthur fucks sue-elen

You're the one that's new here

lurk more

How about I smash a vase over a head you goddamn cuckold

Sorry I dont keep up to date on this shitty board's memes loser.

Say it to my face not online fucker see what happens.


>Sorry I dont keep up to date on this shitty board's memes loser.
That's cause you're new and all the good trips are in a containment thread.


I've been here since 2013 I remember the Anco leaks, TPAB and Death Grips, and DJ Aaron Ellis. That was when Sup Forums was funny and had great taste but alas I was in high school then and thought juvenile humor and pretentious artistic hipster bullshit was "en vogue". Nowadays I come here on the weekends when I'm done with work you know because I'm not a commie parasite unemployed faggot who spends all his time on this shitty forum to keep up with these new retards.

Get off your high horse fag

>I've been here since 2013 I remember the Anco leaks, TPAB and Death Grips, and DJ Aaron Ellis
so you literally admitted you're a newfag
>That was when Sup Forums was funny and had great taste
>I'm done with work you know because I'm not a commie parasite unemployed faggot who spends all his time on this shitty forum to keep up with these new retards.

Sup Forums was never good and still isn't

but you're my friends!!!

>Sup Forums in 2013 was funny
oh im laffin
