6 years on, how does this hold up?

6 years on, how does this hold up?

Most of Sup Forums hates NMH now so no.

>not a basic Sup Forums bitch

>no Bach
>no Beethoven
>no Wagner
>no Stravinsky
>no Webern
>no Stockhausen
>no Ligeti
>no Messiaen
>no Oliveros
>no Ferneyhough

Yeah, it didn't even hold up back when it was made.

>He still uses the word patrician unironically

Lumpy Gravy isn't even Zappa's best solo album wtf
Weasels Ripped My Flesh is worthy though

i have to agree, the chart at most could probably impress newfriends on here

Lumpy Gravy is the patrician choice

ITAOTS is the kind of album where you listen to early on, because everyone talks about it, and your immediate reaction to it is "this sucks". Then after a long, long time, you circle back around. This time you're finally ready to appreciate the genius of Mangum, and the album floors you.

I like most everything here, though I wouldn't call it "patrician."
Some of my favorite albums are there.

this, he's a songwriting genius. Shame he gets memed.

Agreed, but you're still a "basic Sup Forums bitch" for listening to it, given the amount of memery and common knowledge and praise it has here


A lot of it is pretty meh 60 psychedelic music but there are some really amazing albums on there.

Do people even remember the origin of patriciancore? It's literally just albums that CLT used to blaze up to. That's pretty much it.

>tfw Oh Comely

This shit was a circlejerk then and it's a circlejerk now. At least all the trips who masturbated over their "patrician club" have fucked off.

>I rate Ferneyhough

I mean if this was someone's chart I would be like damn good taste, but only because I like a lot of albums on there.

2012 edition was better

Reminder this was made by CLT so all opinions dropped.



He's also an incredible singer. People shit on Mangum for his voice, but try singing along to any NMH song note for note. It's really hard.

Jesus christ that just screams Scaruffi but let's switch some artist's lesser known albums there just so it's not that obvious.

>implying this wasn't just CLT fucking with people
Come on, there's a fucking Phish album on there.

lots of good albums to help newfriends get into different eras and sounds. Less cancerous then trying to fit in on rym or whatever is hot atm
this one is a little better,yeah

This one better

ITAOTS is just a tame shitty prelude to Niandra Lades & Usually Just a T-Shirt.