
Where were you when you heard Kurt died?

I was in my room, making a mixtape featuring only songs from Ween, Fishmans, and Talk Talk.

Just as I was about to pop the cassette out of the deck, I got a text on my beeper telling me that Kurt Cobain had just died.

I smugly said to myself, "Ha ha, I'm glad that normie is dead. I guess he won't be playing at Lollapalooza this year!"

I left my house to return some videotapes, listening to my brand new mixtape.


I was about to get aborted then my mom was like nah

Jacking off in my bedroom with YoMtv Raps running in the backround when Kurt Loder came on to tell me.

>I got a text on my beeper

you mean "Nevermind"

his journal was fucking hilariours

I even remember what the message was. It was, "Cuck Cobain is ded lol"

I was swimming in the void.
I went over and said hi when he came back in. Nice fella.

They found his body on my birthday. That's all I specifically remember.


I was like 6 years old, I didn't really care.


Oh well whatever

I was playing pokemon and didn't know who he was and didn't care.

on a trip to see some NBA games..
iwas the only one of my group that didn't listen to just hip-hop & someone threw the USA today at me with Cobain & his purple sweater & green hair (or green sweater & purple hair) on the front

apology for poor english

when were you when cunt cuckbane dies

i was sat at home eating kosher foreskin when paul ring

'Curt is kill'


I was about -1 so I'm sure my parents were fucking at the time when it happened. My dad said he didn't give a shit about a drug addict who killed himself and left his family.

I swear its the same faggot posting these nirvana threads everytime

one day the jokes will stop and youll be grateful.
or dead.
either way.
cant wait..

seriously, if your ancestors hate you, youre doing it wrong.

Tru story

I was at home eat cereal
Dave Grohl call
"Kurt Is kill"

I was making a cassette copy of The Downward Spiral for a friend. IIRC, TDS had been released a few weeks before Cobain's suicide.

I was 4 years old.

I was going to my rich friends giant ass house. I'm talking super rich,like he had gates that lead into his massive ass house and the gates had pearls on them as accessories. I brought my recorder for fun and when I was on my way I was passing through a news stand and saw "Kurt is dead" I was sad and recorded my thoughts about this. My thoughts were "When I'm at the pearly gates
This will be on my videotape"

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring

'kurt is kill'


Apology for poor english

when where you when kurt cobain dies

I was at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring

"kurt is die"


>I was in my room, making a mixtape featuring only songs from Ween, Fishmans, and Talk Talk.

>in 1994

I was slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannon ball

Wew lad

>tfw so tired I can't sleep

I wasn't even sperm in my Dad's bollocks yet.