Tfw too intellijent for movies

>tfw too intellijent for movies

*intelligent ;)


>tfw closer to the missing link than homo sapiens

so you're a nigger?

Its intelligent, you fucking idiot

I used to be smarter as a kid. I don't know what went wrong, but I'm an actual moron now.

Inferior plebeians don't understand the superfluous nature of language

>tfw can't relate to married characters because i am too intelligence to get married

>tfw too intelligent for anything but ledeckyposting

me to

>cant watch hipster movies because im too self aware

>tfw me to

So mommy told you that you were "so smart" and daddy didn't beat you because you were actually retarded?

No one told me that I was particularly smart.

>tfw too nihilistic to change my underwear

>tfw to inetligent to feel anything anymore

I was mostly just shitposting. I get it, I used to have an excellent memory and I was top of my class every year. The alcohol has killed too many brain cells and now I've lost a lot of my cognitive abilities. I'm not a moron, but I will be by the time I reach 50.

>notice lighting shadow change when camera angles change in a scene

How are cinema fans too stupid to not notice

>tfw not too intelliJent enough to stop shitposting on shitboard about movies I'm too stupid to watch

>mfw italian
>mfw we cant spell it both way because we invented the fuckin word

Who /intellijent/ here?

Patricc reporting in

>tfw two intelligint for leftism