
With his site and youtube channel basically dead now, what's next for his career? This guy was my hero in my teens, lol.

slobbin my fuckin knob to be honest

>With his site and youtube channel basically dead now
What is this, 2004?

His career is over but what a great legacy of popularity in the earlier internet days.

>trolls with content that attacks women and children
>does a 180 and now has nothing

i'm a badass pirate my website gets more hits than kfc and mcdonalds's websites

Shouldn't have been such a dick to Dick.

When did you first realize maddox wasnt a beacon of wisdom but actually an edgy tryhard loser? For me it was either when I read his terrible "book" or when i saw a picture of his fat paki face

So basically, if they made a Ready Player One type book or movie but for the early 2000s culture, he would be portrayed in it?

He can finally dedicate his life to giving inspirational talks to highschoolers about the wonders of the cuckolding lifestyle.

He really fucked up from a marketing perspective recently, didn't he?

That's what moving to LA will do to you. Suddenly, you're a cuck faggot pussy bitch who only likes what your UCB improv friends tell you is acceptable to like.

It just turned out that his retarded character wasn't a character but in fact his real personality.

It all went downhill the moment he showed us his ugly face and we heard he valley girl voice. Dude was good when he was an anonymous badass, he became just another tryhard faggot the second everyone saw him.

Why is he such a SJW numale now? He did a complete reversal

Why is he such a whiny faggot about everything? I suppose I would be extremely butthurt about life too if I looked like that.

Still better than that faggot lowtax

he's no sam hyde that's for sure

Now that he split from Dick, are their individual podcasts any good to you guys?

Dick is funnier, but maddox has the better show I think. Dick somehow managed to take all of the shittiest autistic fans with him too.

>people who bought his book and other merchandise

i laughed.

Probably when he made that article complaining about people who order pepperoni pizza, when another article from a few years earlier had him complaining about people who order cheese pizza.

Then there was that other one of him predicting the original Xbox would be a failure, imagine being that wrong.


>Balding manlet kike writes the alphabet of manliness


I thought he was arab

Seriously, the whole cuck video was cringeworthy and hypocritical as fuck.

Tomato potato.

This kike wanted to go against Sup Forums and got smoked. Fucking cuck.

Sup Forums is the new god king. All bend the knee.

I don't know how anyone can type that with a straight face.

4th rate podcasts at best

Check out radiolab, WTF w/marc maron, nerdist, or comedy bang bang if you're seriously looking for some good podcasts

I think I could kick Sup Forums's ass.

Also I'm a female black Jew transsexual polygamist.

>Sup Forums isnt the most popular and influential board that generates the most OC on this shitty website
First day here?

Yeah, he was a pioneer of late 90's early 00's internet shitblogging.

Sup Forums creates more OC in a day than you /polcucks/ have in your entire existence. Gas yourself you self hating cryptokike.

Not even from Sup Forums but they are literally effecting the US election. I can't think of an Sup Forums meme outside of the Ronaldo TSU meme but keep talking out your ass retard

He ruined himself when he did a video defending cuckoldry. You can't be a badass and enjoy watching another man fuck your wife/gf. Destroyed my opinion of him completely.

You type this while spouting Sup Forums meme lmao

Letting Dick fuck his wife.

>I'm a fucking liar and a newfaggot please rape my dumb fucking heeb face

Again, gas yourself with your delusions of grandeur you cocksucking shylock kike.

>Hating Jews is a Sup Forums meme

This is how fucking stupid you secret kikes are. Please fuck off back to your containment hugbox Shlomo.

How is this Sup Forums?

>if I hide how stupid I am behind a few layers of irony I won't look like a huge faggot on Sup Forums

it isn't. most things on this board aren't.

No real board for podcasts/radio shows.