Gonna go watch a horror movie later with my family and I was thinking of watching the Witch

Gonna go watch a horror movie later with my family and I was thinking of watching the Witch.

Is it actually good or do you guys post it cause of some meme I am unaware of?

Also, if there are any other horror movies you wanna rec, drop them down below.

It's the most compelling horror film I've seen in at least the past 5 years.

Caution: The dialogue is a bit mumbled and the 17th century Essex dialect is a bit difficult to understand sometimes, so you may wanna consider subtitles.

where does it rate on the spookometer

Do not believe this mans lies.

It doesnt. It's not scary, it shouldnt even be called horror.

It's a nice drama I supposed, well acted and good story but it isnt a horror in the slightest.

literally 0 it isn't a horror movie and was only marketed that way to get the teenage audience.

everything on Sup Forums is satire friendo

It's not exactly "scary", but there's a rumbling intensity and palpable sense of dread that builds throughout the film. I thought there was one critic who hit the nail in the head -- "it feels like we're watching something we shouldn't be seeing"

>"it feels like we're watching something we shouldn't be seeing"

i thought the same thing about pall blart mall cop, it's not a compliment

A new world pilgrim family meet their wits end, and then some.

Bretty gud

It's one of the best horror movies of the decade, but if you and your families are plebs you won't like it cuz it's 2deep4u

The Witch isn't scary. You see the witch within the first ten minutes of the movie. The movie is all about building tension then having it go no where.

>not thoroughly enjoying Paul Blart's kooky antics

>The movie is all about building tension then having it go no where.
are people still forcing this meme? the tension builds up to phillip killing the dad and thomasin killing her mother.

fuck off i'm so sick of retards like you

please have sex

not an argument

not an argument

He's right. How was the ending NOT a climax?

Good film, but not a good horror film

Watch it with the subtitles on. You'll thank me later.

Why would you watch horror with your family?