Box Office Cancer

>Morgan, a sci-fi horror thriller targeting younger consumers, may only earn $3 million-$4 million from 2,020 theaters. The good news: The movie cost $6 million to produce. Heading into the weekend, tracking had suggested $5 million-$6 million.

Damn! Post box office cancer.

But this article suggest the movie could make its budget back.

do you think if i dedicated the rest of my life's efforts to one day being raped by kate mara, that i oculd have a chance of succeeding?

Kate Mara always looks like she's smelling a fart, I can't really stand watching her in anything because of it.

Here you go.

that movie looked intredasting

Didn't even see it marketed anywhere. So no shit it won't make any money.

>Kate's movies flop
>she has to work more to stay in the picture
>neglects Rooney
If Rooney isn't being watched 24/7 she might do some bad things, anons. I wouldn't be surprised if soon she'd walk around with an assault rifle, shooting everybody who isn't made of LEGO.

Thats still a failure, considering its a ridley scott movie youd expect much more.

Did someone say box office poison?

This was a good try at memeing but i feel you lost points on the execution

I look forward to your future efforts

Why does she wear her pants so high? She looks like Mike from Monsters Inc

>chloe tweets a pic of her hand with five dollars and some change, talking about the wage gap or some shit
>someone responds that was coincidentally the amount the fifth wave took in on it's opening weekend

Ridley Scott's son*

leave chloe alone

None unless she's already a rapist. You can't control the willing behavior of other people, sir.

it's how some pants are meant to be worn
ie: at the waist

not at the gay "slim" waist

Rong Rooney

Chloe, pls go

>Kate Mara always looks like she's smelling a fart

Kate, I had an accident in my pants

>Kate, my pants are an accident.

oh gosh :3