Why the fuck were kendrick's TPAB b-sides better than DAMN?

Why the fuck were kendrick's TPAB b-sides better than DAMN?

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Because he and his team actually cared about TPAB. DAMN felt rushed.

they weren't
DAMN was just a different style of rap that you don't like (because you're white)

pretty much this


i see it
it's wrong

dropping a hot fuckin' word on this right here

>white guys likes mainstream rap
>OMG what a poser!
>white guy likes alternative styles of rap
>OMG what a psuedo intellectual! What, are you too good for mainstream hip-hop?
idc if youre baiting or serious, fuck off

Because it's not B-sides, it's just material from the far superior TBPAB album that he couldn't get to fit thematically or within the time limit.

i dno

>dat samba song with all live instrumentation and Cee-Lo doing an Al Green hook

KDot haters need to neck themselves

Your point would be valid if Kendrick did any of these things himself

shut yo bitch ass up

lol go to bed Dave Grohl

(According to my black friend who's into music)
Kendrick made damn to appeal more to his black audience rather than the white hipsters who loved TPAB

theres not even complete songs on that thing

this explains alot
tpab has trash beats and shit tier spoken word rap

>kendrick fans would rather listen to boring pretentious garbage like tpab than k-dot going hard like in DAMN

I'll never understand how an album that compiled and paid tribute to the history of Black Music didn't appeal to his black audience.

They're both great albums from an artist who is at a place creatively where he can go in completely different directions with his music. Why do you have to be angry?

>he's enough of a normies for TPAB to be too much for him
Why do you evan come here


that and he noticed his concerts weren't fun at all, I think when tpab came out he toured with jay rock, and basically played most songs from his first album. with DAMN hes finally doing arenas and shit

> I also think he made DAMN because drake is killing it tour wise and radio play


I just didn't like that album, its Kendrick weakest I think majority of people pretend to like that album because of the "message" and "muh layers " when I listened to it all I heard was a corny poem at the end of each song, spoken word rhyme schemes, than the you hear the full poem and an OLD tupac interview

dont worry kid im the only on Sup Forums who doesnt like this album

Because all they want is nigga beat booty shaking music