Why didn't nazi germany just build a nuke?

why didn't nazi germany just build a nuke?

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Because they were killing all the brains in their country (Jews)

some norwegians blew up the heavy water factory

They were

top scientists were jews and fled to murrica

They couldn't get critical war materials with all that blockade going on, let alone something valuable as uranium.

because reasons.

They were trying unfortunately, all the people who really knew how were Jews or otherwise oppressed by the Nazis.

Norwegians prevented them for doing so. We saved the world. So why does everyone on Sup Forums hate us? We should be loved

No one hates Norway lol....

because nazis are stupid. for all the economic excellence or whatever you can argue they are held back by being autists.

They didn't let Jews do science, so Jews invented the atom bomb for America instead.

They tried. But they weren't fast enough.

Didnt you see episode 5 of Timeless?


Because they used the nuke to power up their timetravelmachine

not enough ressources

episode 4, excusez moi

They thought "Aryan physics" was superior because of >muh ideology and ragged on "jewish physics" for being... jewish? Then they drove out all the jewish scientists who then worked for the USA instead.

they didn't believe in atoms because they were retarded pagans who thought physics was a tool of the jews

>the so-called master race

The Germans didn't realize the master race didn't include them. Only the Dutch/British/French/Italians.

Because Hitler killed himself. XD

they didnt have enough americans to make the water heavy

Say my name

They tried. About 350 physicists and engineers against the 20 000 of Project Manhattan.

You're joking, right?

nukes don't exist

The only disliked country is Sweden. At least until Rasmus comes back.
