Who has the best taste?

Who has the best taste?

Other urls found in this thread:

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=esoteric&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&include_child_genres=1&genres=&include_child_genres_chk=1&include=both&origin_countries=United Kingdom&limit=none&countries=


clearly not the US

>Americans like Loveless more than Brits
>Frogs and Germans like King Crimson more than Americans and Brits
>Only Brits like The Smiths
>Only Americans like Pet Sounds

>TVU&N is the only universal one accross

>Germany is the only country with TBSatSL in top 10

Germany, seconded.

How is Loveless in the American top 10 but not the British one?

To start things off France is dropped due to 2 KC albums in the top 10. What's going on?

UK has two Dylans with also means a big fat drop on that one.

And again the US comes stampeding in with two Radiohead albums.

This just makes Germany the best list because it obviously isn't biased towards a specific band.



I'm more shocked at how the other 3 have Dylan albums and the US doesn't.

UK is worst

Germany, but 95% of the music on there is from the US/UK anyway, so wouldn't that make them the ones with the best taste?

Didn't think we loved KC so much

Germany for sure



>US has a memerap album
>Not the worst

How did you find that out?

This actually raises a lot of interesting social and cultural questions. Like why does America prefer TDSOTM while the Euros prefer WYWH? Why does UK and France like Revolver while US likes Abbey Road? Why doesn't France like The Beatles?

UK also has two Smiths. Definitely the worst list.



Use the "As rated by members in:" option.

>think esoteric will be better
>fucking Mighty Boosh

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=esoteric&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&include_child_genres=1&genres=&include_child_genres_chk=1&include=both&origin_countries=United Kingdom&limit=none&countries=

"Bottom" is actually kind of interesting. It appears the Brits hate boner is for Crazy Frog and American hate goes towards Brokencyde.

>pros: wu tang, coltrane, mbv
>cons: pink floyd, one extra radiohead and beatles album

>pros: pixies?
>cons: it's basically a rolling stone magazine list

>pros: davis, gainsbourg, red, sabbath out of nowhere
>cons: pink floyd number one

>pros:Mingus at first, Davis, Coltrane, Hendrix
>cons: generic entries (as everyone)

It's between Germany and France, UK being the worst.

american is the best
germany is the worst

>germany list
>two of the most boring jazz albums ever
>shittiest singer songwriter ever
>dad rock like doors and hendrix loooool
>a shitty floyd album

no suprise they elected that fat whore like 100 times

France or Germany.

Wow you got awful taste

t. ahmed

>pros: wu tang
>cons: pink floyd

t. nu-male

US has a shitty rap album, but at least it doesn't have 2 fucking Smiths and Bob Dylan albums

Is RYM the epitome of 'born in the wrong generation'?


crossed the awful albums

I'm pretty sure Roger Waters is the original numale

>ITCOTCK over Red

Round 2


How do you filter countries?

Ireland is the best there.

Are you retarded?

Radiohead is dadrock you pleb

This is actually really well done and kind of where I was going with it, too. I'm American and fully expected for us to have the worst taste, but shit, the Doors? The fucking Doors?? C'mon, Europe. That shit sucks.

The Doors in the top 10 is an instant disqualification IMO. So it's really down to Great Britain and the United States. Putting Abbey Road above Revolver is ridiculous, but then again so is two Smiths albums in the top 6.

I'm torn between either saying the US wins or calling it a tie between the two English-speaking countries.

Australia knocked this one out of the park IMO. Japan did well, and Canada just screwed the pooch.

So far Australia is my overall winner. Not surprised, those guys have great taste in general.

France best

Pink Floyd especially the albums present on those lists id essential numale core. Men listen to Ummaguma and Atoms Heart Mother


Reddithead should be an automatic disqualification.

Germany > France >> UK >>>>>>>>> USA

>radiohead nowhere to be found on france and germany top 10


Italian one is not bad

Ghana t b h

Germany, definitely.

That's not surprising, it's the best rock album ever (not my favorite though).

>Scaruffi and his hundreds of alt accounts

Suprised at how ok my countrys taste is

I like the way Iffuracs thinks!

>the gay voice album on top

? Doors is at number 6 though

A part of me really thought Canada would have like 4 Rush albums

Ok user define memerap for me. Memerap is rap music that relies on memes to work, Lil Yacty is memerap Lil B is memerap Yung Lean is memerap.


t. numale

How do you find the RYM top 10 for specific countries?


Which one is the least cucked?

not bad; I think that's the first country so far to have Love in the top 10

lol it's already been said, but I understand scaruffi now

What does Nigeria and Australia listen too?

Damn swedes have shit taste.

>least cucked


honestly Denmark is in the running for best taste overall IMO

pretty patrish if you ask me

Guatemala likes memerap and le zappa


best is Iceland. surprised it wasnt all Björk and Sigur Ros

Macedonia is the closest to a decent top 11

signs your country is patrician:
>jazz album in the top 5
>bonus point for having more than 1 jazz album in the top 10
>Remain in Light
>no more than 1 Pink Floyd album
>bonus points if it's not Dark Side of the Moon
>no more than 2 Beatles albums
>bonus points if Revolver is ranked highest
>no more than 1 Radiohead album
>no more than 1 Bob Dylan album
>bonus points if it's Blood on the Tracks
>Leonard Cohen
>Pet Sounds
>bonus points for not having Ziggy Stardust in the top 10
>bonus points for having something interesting like Nick Drake, Love, Slint, or Neil Young in the top 10

hot damn Macedonia sure does like lengthy songs

Clearly we have not shilled hard enough

>they all have the Beatles

They also like lengthy country names
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Usa, because of Wu- tang

Forced to have that name after the jews claimed "macedonia" was theirs

More info

Pretty generic, but I'm surprised Joy Division and The Cure are so high

Also Painkiller by Judas Priest is 31st and album by Czech songwriter Karel Kryl 45th

Greeks are turk rape babies not jews.

expected GSBE

>france has ziggy stardust in 5th place


Isle of Man

1. Can - Tago Mago
2. Pink Floyd - DSOTM
3. Eno - Warm Jets
4. Pink Floyd - The Wall
5. King Crimson - ITCOTCK
6. King Crimson - Red
7. Can - Ege Bamyasi
8. Beatles - Abbey Road
9. King Crimson - LTiA
10. Pink Floyd - Division Bell

France because Black Sabbath.

Well this one is interesting with 2 Russian albums in top 15

Also Jesus Christ superstar soundtrack is 45th

>Joy Division in #1
>Kid A 9 spots above OK Computer
>Joy Division twice in the top 10
>The Cure

Czech Republic confirmed for /dark/


wtf am I listening to
this is wild

>all that metal

Why does Sweden like Bob Dylan so much?

>nearly half of the top 10 is Iron Maiden

I was just gonna look for this. Sounds neat.

Guess the country



finland has the best taste by far

The Stone Roses debut is ranked 8th in China but only in 54th the UK kek

>Tool at no 4
>2 Death albums in the top 20
wew lad

You don't remember the 1993 Iron Maiden annexation of Bulgaria? It was a bloodbath.

Where do you get these lists, and what do they display exactly?