Is hiphop even music? I mean really now

Is hiphop even music? I mean really now

what is music?


everything can be music stop pigeonholing music in a box

Yes. You not liking a genre doesn't make it not music.

blacks aren't smart enough to make music though, that's a fact

Well it's definitely music, just really bad music

Sup Forums has no taste confirmed


>what is jazz

>forgetting about jazz, blues, and rock
fuck off back to Sup Forums

>what is rock

haha dude, nice!

>fuck off back to Sup Forums

This seems quite the argument, do you mind if I steal it. Fuck off back to tumblr.

Explain how it isn't music. I don't even listen to it but calling it not music is a little much

epic! LMAO

got em hahaha

Jazz is literally black people co-opting white technology to play evolved variants of marches and ragtime (which, despite Scott Joplin, evolved from "Coon songs" that literally made fun of black people). And, unsurprisingly, it evolved into the talentless free improvisational jazz prevalent in the 1960s, and it's only great composers were Ellington, Mingus, and Coltrane. All of these composers are rivaled by whites Gershwin and Tristanto and dwarfed by Zappa.

Blues is simply extremely rhythmic music (because blacks could not write melodies well) with a certain flavor of pentatonic scale. Why aren't white mod bands like the Rolling Stones and pre-Tommy Who considered masters like Bob Dylan or the Velvet Underground? It's because they played black-influenced blues, which is one of the most trope-tired genres ever invented.

Rock music is the worst one. The 99% white-created combination of black rock n' roll from the 1950s, jazz (which is more like 50/50 black/white), white folk music, country music, eastern music, white electronic music, white-created stochasticism, white music-concrete, white chamber music, white pop music, and white-invented studio technologies is obviously distinct from 1950s "rock", which was just fast boogie-woogie. The funniest part is that the largest black influence on post-1965 "rock" music was Chuck Berry, who played "riffs" (already played contemporaneously by white Jerry Lee Lewis on piano) on an electric guitar, a white technology.

Imagine being this upset at the mere thought of black people

One thing I would like to see evidence of is the assertion that the driving percussion in rock is distinctly African, too, and not just a byproduct of how boogie-woogie was just made faster and more intense.

t. somebody really upset that the nog musical invention myth got btfo

explain dub then

Why? I never said that blacks literally invent no music. The post asserted:

1) Jazz didn't come wholesale out of blacks from nothing, as is often portrayed.
2) Blues was invented by blacks and sucks ass.
3) The influence of black music on white rock music is vastly overestimated.

sick burn bro!

They can make music but their influence on white popular music is comically overestimated.


Jazz is post classical

Blues is post folk

Rock is shit

Rap is shit

t. white rock musician

i don't disagree but how is this relevant

now THIS is shitposting

Why do black people make so many songs about their skin color

Jazz is shitty classical music.

Blues sucks ass and is worse than metal and memerap at being caked with really boring tropes.

"Rock" is a meaningless term that refers to about 1000 different things.

Rap is one of the least innovative genres ever and it's resurgence is due to the demographic decline of the USA shifting market trends; and brown people are way dumber so it's easier for executives to force-meme rappers as good.

It's their only personality trait, half the time.

Most white kids today listen to memerap as well you sperg

Skin color has less genetic FST distance than neuron development between races lol.

I frankly don't give a shit whether nogs wuz kangz or not, I just find it funny how determined you are to disprove it to an anime board of anonymous neckbeards.

Maybe, but it's resurgence is a function of more dark people in the USA.

>so it's easier for executives to force-meme

So? Enough people read autistic Sup Forums effortposts for it to be worth sperging about. Otherwise the thread would just be filled with ignorant circlejerking about how blackz wuz kangz

>he doesn't think record executives control who becomes A-list/B-list stars

I have some bad news user
