Do you like her or not? You guys are pretty rough on her

Do you like her or not? You guys are pretty rough on her.

No, you're the pretty one.

I'd go rough on her.

i hope she stops breathing in her sleep


omg brb


Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen

I loved her till she was 15. Then she went crazier and crazier and got pretty shitty. She also pretty much died as an actress post 2010 with the notable exception of Hugo.

Needs a personal trainer.

Her face is iconic & even though she's a horrible actress it's worth saving.

They're on the same nfl team


If she played her cards just right... future Faye Dunaway.


she used to be the queen of Sup Forums when she was loli, how the tides have turned.

I thought she was transcendent in Kick-ass.
Her magnus opus.
She peaked too early.

Her parents' genetics were pretty rough on her.

Honestly, I only knew her from Kick-Ass.
Of course she returned taller in Kick-Ass 2.
Says she didn't wanna do a Kick-Ass 3.
Fuck her.
I guess I can't blame her for getting out of that little girl stage in her life, since that's what Hit-Girl is all about.
I've never watched any other movies with her in it so she'll always be Hit-Girl to me.
Chloe should have at least taken the opportunity to do a Hit-Girl spin-off comic movie before he went full puberty.


I'd be pretty rough on her, if you know what I mean ;)

of course i liked her. i just don't like her now.

I'd be rough on her pussy but in a way she would enjoy it

Post a picture of yourself as you look right this minute. I'll bet you're a stud.

She's a pretty big guy. She can take it.

sure gimme a sec

Go back to you fruit.


Is Pedro OUR guy?

he has to go back


>Literally no tits or ass
No, u


>no tits or ass
>a real line from the first Kick-Ass movie

i dont like her sorry

I used to really like her.
I still want to.
But feminism ruined her.
