Artists you don't understand the appeal of

>The White Stripes
>Tame Impala
>Father John Misty

Other urls found in this thread:

Every time I hear any of those bands, I start pacing back and forth in my room, murming to myself "this is reddit, this is memes" over and over again in between blowing raspberries and shaking my hand

>also weezer

All of those bands cater exclusively to nu-males anyway

>kpop in general

shit like noise, ambient, boring minimalistic stuff
most avant-garde stuff
music that was literally made to be "challenging to listen to, understand or enjoy"
some jazz, mostly the ones that they all go nuts for no reason, that shit its annoying

homer simpson do'h

Nu males are pathetic creatures and you shouldn't feel sorry for understanding their corporate feel good self pity emasculated muzak

Every single artist itt are nu male panderers, especially radiohead

I really tried to get into Radiohead, but Ok computer turned me off.

this my god. jesus it's all the same song. Jpop/idol music as well

Dua Lipa. She's getting a lot of hype from the type of gays whose Grindr profile is "buy EMOTION on iTunes", but I don't get it. What about her is knocking the socks off so many poptimists?

As a fan of Radiohead who doesn't think they're superior for liking them or their political message or their "boundary pushing experimentation," I find their songs emotionally evocative, their messing with time signatures (more so than many popular bands) is pretty cool and every album offers something different as a listening experience. The progression of their music's quality as they go is gratifying for me as well. But that's just me.

>The Beatles
>U2 (unlike the rest, i've never met someone who likes them)

>Panic! At the Disco
>Lana Del Ray
>Green Day
>Joyce Manor

I do get The Gays™ stanning Carly but Dua's debut is literally just all of Top 40 consolidated into one boring album. Be The One is still her only decent song.

I understand their appeal, I just don't see how they became so big around here:
Death Grips
Kanye West

are you me


it's literally just shitty, even more commercialized western pop music but with asian people


Music is shit.


yea man music is for cucks and nu-males

I sincerely feel like a significant portion of Velvet Underground fans say they like them because contemporary online rock communities say you have to herald them as geniuses/ahead of their time.

>Childish Gambino
>The Black Keys
>The Velvet Underground
>The Shins

Music for easily manipulated, image obsessed idiots that feel emotionally distant to western culture.

I mean she's not game changing but her music is good. I love her new song and her vocals on scared to be lonely are 8-9/10. I didn't know she was so overhyped but how do you not get the appeal at all?


Agreed with this mostly

Did like 2NE1 though, they had some great songs

Any nigger music (aka rap and hip hop)

I agree. Only rap I really ever wouldn't mind listening to would be De La Soul, or Phi Life Cypher. That's about it.

fuck off lurker

>Tyler, The Creator.
>Captain Beefheart & his Magic Band
This is the only White Stripes song I like.

>linkin park
>Pink Floyd

Not even Beastie Boys user?

>Children on my board

>Frank Ocean
>The Velvet Underground
>All of the big 4 of thrash and the big 4 of grunge
>Pop-punk as a genre

>David Bowie
>Neutral Milk Hotel
>Hip Hop in general, sure there are some songs I like, but at the end of the day it's probably my least favorite type of music

>mumford and sons - each single they put out sounds just like the last one. Same stomping chorus.
>the who - i don't get why everyone calls pete townsend a great guitarist. He's not terrible, but I don't get why everyone calls him one of the best of all time. Music as a whole is good, but I can't get into it.
>King Crimson: the songs are just too long and I don't have the time to really absorb it. Fripps guitar technique is pretty cool though.

So fat autistic weebs? No wonder there's always 2 or 3 fucking kpop generals going at one time

Beefheart to me is honestly just good blues made by a white man. You probably don't really like Trout Mask if you don't understand his appeal, but you might like some of his more poppy/melodic stuff? Something like Safe as Milk or later era Beefheart like Clear Spot or Doc at the Radar Station might be of more interest to you

she has a low/husky enough voice to ALMOST sound like a guy, which helps to the gay appeal.

>The Velvet Underground
>Vince Staples
>Carly Rae Jepsen

>Radiohead (Only song that is alright with me is paranoid android)
>Subhuman rap and hip hop garbage
>White Stripes
>Red Hot Chili Peppers

you just don't like them or you actually don't understand the appeal? you might be autistic if the latter

>The strokes

I really enjoy Radiohead (since Ok computer) and Tame impala (lonerism/innerspeaker) music, and the white stripes were my fav band when I was in high school

>the songs are just too long and I don't have the time to really absorb it.

Well at least you admit to being a pleb.

I actually agree with this.

T Rex, what the fuck?