Is Grimes bad or good

The debate ends this week.

Is Grimes Ugly and Bad or Cute and Good?

If Sup Forums calls Grimes cute, I will forver keep my trip on because I have been considering taking it off forever.

Vote smart.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ugly and bad

Wata from Boris is truly best waifu


she's beautiful and great


>/threading yourself


Reminder to vote. I was stupid and forgot to put the strawpoll link

Every generation needs to "rebel" against their parents somehow. But what do you do when your parents rebelled against THEIR parents so hard that they still pride themselves on noncomformity and anti-commercialism? Naturally, the pendulum swings back, and the answer is in acting willfully inauthentic, cliqueish, superficial, materialistic and generally yuppie-esque. It sounds like something out of some mediocre dystopian satire, but there you go: the terrible roots of the "hipster"/twee/tumblr ethos.

So, adding to the flavor-of-the-week garbage heap of Crystal Castles and Lil B, we have Grimes, who repackages what Boards of Canada already did better a decade ago ("hazy" nostalgic recontextualization of muzak) with added "detached" blank facial expressions, memes and ironic metal poses. Basically brain poison. When I'm old I hope generation Z realizes this stuff (not grimes in particular, who will be completely forgotten in 5 years) is soulless pap and discovers guitars again.

shes good why the fuck is this even a question you dipshit boys

Ugly and good.

she's beautiful and great

all the people who would vote to ban grimes discussion already have the word grimes filtered and therefore won't even see this thread. so this is an inaccurate test group

>declared grimeshater in charge of a poll + debate
>neutrality my ass

>the person making the poll matters even though all they've done is post it
How much of a victim complex do you have?

post Nike Marie Fox's asshole pics NOW!!!

>all the people who would vote to ban grimes discussion
Are nitwits because you can't ban certain topics of discussion on an open posting internet discussion board. If you could, KPop threads wouldn't currently exist.

>because you can't ban certain topics of discussion
Who can't?

ugly, bad

How's your sister doing at school? She hasn't transferred had she?

>Who can't?
Anyone who isn't in control of it being an open posting board.

How's your mom doing, Matthew? Would be a shame if someone started callspamming her again.

So the people in control can. Maybe this poll will convince them.

topics can be banned if they cause enough long-term distress to the board. with the ceaseless shitposting that grimesfags incite, i wouldn't be surprised if grimesposting was banned. at the very least cracked down on much harder. the same shit happened with my little pony

Looks like the Grimes fans are mad.

Cry more, pussy.

he could vote multiple times through vpn like that dumb op who ruined another poll few days ago

just started to seriously listen grimes like a week ago so i started with art angels. really like california, scream, and flesh without blood. Where should i go next?

hello mont

>implying you could stop people from grimesposting
>implying you're not grimesposting right now instead doing something productive, you toxic wanker

itunes store
bring your life saving and knock twice

visions is the next logical step. her older stuff is less accessible though. still catchy.

>believing the one grimesfag pretending to be OP
>implying isn't just as trustworthy
Please kill yourself

Listen to Halfaxa and Geidi Primes, they're her only good albums

>implying you could stop people from grimesposting
We can't, but Hiro/other admins can.
>implying you're not grimesposting right now
Really, we're metaposting, since the connection to Grimes is thin at best. Even if we are, we aren't praising her and invading threads that we don't belong in
>you toxic wanker
Ooh, classy

She's a bit of both

grimes bad

>implying you could stop people from grimesposting
that's not even what i implied though. work on that reading comprehension bud.
>implying you're not grimesposting right now
i never implied that either..

why does montie hate me?

hi grimes, you dropped in quality

i did it out of spite

>Listen to Halfaxa and Geidi Primes, they're her only good albums
shit advice. that user already told you he enjoys art angels. visions is closer to art angels than halfaxa and geidi primes.
>>implying isn't just as trustworthy
i didn't imply anything, prick. if that prankster (i bet $1000 it was you) really vpn voted then the poll is null and void. but i think it's just your campaign of spreading lies and bullshit. literally fuck off.

So when a grimesfag clearly pretends to be an OP, you believe them, but when someone else does the same thing, you think they're spreading lies. That is the DEFINITION of a double standard my friend.

verse chorus verse

Are you discussing one of the original names for In Utero? Very good album.


Fucking talentless goblin whore

>topics can be banned if they cause enough long-term distress to the board
They effectively can't, because there are no special permissions needed in order for someone to post here (thus making it anonymous.) And let me tell you - the idea that the existence of one unassuming Canadian woman is enough to dismantle Sup Forums's anonymous culture (what would happen if site registration is required) speaks to how insecure people like you really are.

>the same shit happened with my little pony
MLP has an ENTIRE BOARD dedicated to it. If that's the direction you think /grimes/ should go, email the mods about it - stop shitting up threads on /mu with your complaints. It's against site-wide rules.


You never did tell me what she's studying. Is it education? Because you know the teacher's college there is to die for. The music school too...

>They effectively can't, because there are no special permissions needed in order for someone to post here (thus making it anonymous.)
what the fuck are you talking about

>the idea that the existence of one unassuming Canadian woman is enough to dismantle Sup Forums's anonymous culture (what would happen if site registration is required)
what the fuck does this have to do with site registration

>MLP has an ENTIRE BOARD dedicated to it
yes, because of how much the ponyfags shat up the other boards

shes lit

God, what an old picture

Depends on your tastes desu. All of her stuff is lauded almost universally as good by people who ALREADY like the kind of music that it is. Go in the order that makes the most sense to YOU.

what part of
>if that prankster (i bet $1000 it was you) really vpn voted then the poll is null and void
didn't you understand, dumbass?
leaving that aside, yes, you're a complete moron who's spreading lies and bullshit. god knows how much crap you posted so far but it must be a lot. aren't you ashamed of yourself you demented fuck?

>Really, we're metaposting, since the connection to Grimes is thin at best.
That's off-topic posting bro. Which is against site rules.

Do you think that the pro-Grimes votes are VPN or not? You said that you think that the claim that the votes are faked is a "campaign of spreading lies and bullshit", correct? However, one post earlier, you said that the other poll had an OP that "vote[d] multiple times through VPN". However, in that poll, the only person claiming that a VPN was in use was one person (without OP's trip) posting a screenshot. Now, why are you willing to suspend your skepticism when it comes to results of Grimes not being popular, but you (reasonably) think it isn't true when the faked votes are pro-Grimes. Do you obsess this much over Grimes?

Since we are discussing the fans of an artist (artist discussion is allowed), we are still discussing music and topics related to music, as thin as that distinction is.

>The debate ends this week.
I think I split my pants.

the other poll was really fake. over 100 negative votes in half an hour, that's highly suspicious. this one could be fake too. i don't trust any poll posted on Sup Forums. there are people voting multiple times.

>we are still discussing music and topics related to mus
If it's IN a thread, and isn't directly related to the topic of the OP, it's off-topic and violates site-wide rules.

Cute shit music

I haven't heard her music, but she really isn't a looker, atleast not in that photo.

This thread is about people's thoughts on Grimes, I am discussing other people's thoughts on Grimes

>that's highly suspicious
lolno, it was posted during the most active part of the week for Sup Forums during summer. That just isn't true. And does that mean that you don't think that the pro-Grimes VPN poster is faking now, did you change your mind?

montie the prick posted an ugly picture intentionally. he hates her.
she actually looks like this these days.

>she really isn't a looker

>montie the prick posted an ugly picture intentionally
and you posted an attractive picture intentionally, so?

>atleast not in that photo
Can you actually read? Or does your ass hurt to much?

She's clearly something between that ugly photo and that obviously shopped photo

she changed her look many times. that grimes from the op doesn't exist anymore. that look is not relevant anymore.
>and you posted an attractive picture intentionally, so?
because unlike you, i try to put the artists in a positive light. i'm biased and i don't care.

you btfo yourself. if you imply she's ugly then it means people like her because of her music. nobody would like her if she were both ugly and untalented.

>obviously shopped photo
Here's a high res.

>I am discussing other people's thoughts on Grimes
What are YOUR thoughts on Grimes?

>was posted during the most active part of the week
All polls linked to on /mu are subject to the whims of the most determined VPN-er online atm. Polls here mean nothing because this place is anonymous.

looks like a corpse


she's got that courtney love plastic surgery face going on

she used to be so damn cute too, when she knew how to make music

>What are YOUR thoughts on Grimes?
see >subject to the whims of the most determined VPN-er online atm
Give me a reason to believe that
1. Anyone is willing to do that to a poll about an artist they dislike
2. Grimes is really well-loved even though only 25 voters were pro-Grimes
3. That the poll was fudged in the first place
4. Any more people like Grimes then what was shown in the poll

i have not one idea on how these posts are deliberate and shill. it does not read that way at all


>she's got that courtney love plastic surgery face
It's called white-face, user.

Why? Beats me. Although harlots where known as "painted ladies" back in the day...

i wish her music meant something like it used to

>Give me a reason to believe that
1. (Yous)
2. These threads exist
3. I was involved
4. See #3

not enough of a reason
>these thread exists
this thread: 25 posters
most other threads: 40-50 posters, around half of which are haters
>I was involved
I don't believe you nor do you have a motive to do so

ugly and baaaaaaaaad

It grims

>not enough of a reason
Are you new here?

>most other threads: 40-50 posters
Most other GENERALS 40-50 posters. Not jsut regular threads. Grimes generals usually top out anywhere between 30 and 65. And keep in mind, this is going on 2 years since she last released an album.

>not enough of a reason
>implying faggots won't argue just for the (YOU)'s
Holy shit, you haven't been here long have you?

>top out between 30 and 65
Both very low for a fan base
>and keep in mind, this is going on 2 years since she last released an album
Why does that mean that the people who love her would stop loving her? She doesn't have a very loyal fan base
I have a hard time people would work that much just to convince people that Grimes isn't well liked, which doesn't matter as to her quality. I'm probably wrong though

She's just a little stupid

*a very loyal fanbase, apparently

Just grimes being grimes

1. of course. it's not a mere dislike, it's hatred. they wanted negative votes and they got them by any means necessary.
2. only 25 voted. those who vote are always less numerous than the total fanbase here.
3. even the op posted about his dirty tricks.
4. see number 2.

maybe you're right: a large part of Sup Forums hate her. because of frustration, desperation, stupidity and envy.

>She doesn't have a very loyal fan base
>he believes that
the grimes-fans are the most loyal fans.

>mfw Sup Forums comments on the attractiveness of people who aren't land whales
>implying Sup Forums would be happy to have anyone that actually cared about them emotionally and romantically
you're all just very very sad.

>Both very low for a fan base
Fanbase of an ENTIRE genre? I agree. The thing is, Grimes isn't an entire genre - at least not yet. In anything her music is a proto-genre...
>Why does that mean that the people who love her would stop loving her?
It doesn't. It means that people who love her MUSIC aren't as likely to post new things about it since they've already done that.

>I have a hard time people would work that much just to convince people that Grimes isn't well liked
It takes virtually no effort (less than forming a coherent sentence in one of these posts) to troll an internet poll like that. And the guaranteed reward is (You)s. So...

Then why is the fact that she hasn't released music contributing to a lack of a turnout? Why'd they drop her like that?

>it's not a mere dislike, it's hatred
I think you're believing the trolls more then you should
>those who vote are always less numerous then the total fanbase
>even the op posted about his dirty tricks
First off, that user could not prove he was OP, and second off the fake OP continued to make claims after the real one adopted a trip. It was clear damage control

>because of frustration
That doesn't make any sense
See above
So you think it's stupid for someone to dislike an artist you like? That's pretty pathetic
If you really think that Grimes' level of success is enough for envy, then why do the same people also overwhelmingly like Björk? She's far more successful.

What are you talking about
>it means they're less likely to post new things about it
In the same way as you say, it takes less effort than to post to vote in that poll
>and the guaranteed result is (You)s
That's not guaranteed at all. How would fudging the results get (You)s? You don't have to post to do it. In fact, the most (You)s in the poll thread were given to the people crying about how they thought it was faked

>Then why is the fact that she hasn't released music contributing to a lack of a turnout? Why'd they drop her like that?
they just took a break from posting. it doesn't mean they don't listen to her music anymore. you'll see a big spike of activity once she releases a new album. she will gain new fans too.

>Then why is the fact that she hasn't released music contributing to a lack of a turnout?
Probably because they have lives outside of Sup Forums.

Fine, I guess we'll both find out when that new album does drop, since there's no way to prove it

>Grimes fans
>lives outside of Sup Forums
Whatever you say man

>If you really think that Grimes' level of success is enough for envy, then why do the same people also overwhelmingly like Björk?
are you sure the same people hating grimes are also bjork fans? could you prove that?

>Grimes fans
>lives outside of Sup Forums
actually yes. you haters on the other hand...

Not conclusively, but most people complaining about grimesposters complain that their Björk threads are invaded, many are angered by the comparison of Grimes to Björk, and many also say stuff like "Björk is far superior". Even if Björk isn't a good example, then why would they like any successful artist?

>actually yes
I don't believe you, especially because I've seen a lot of grimesposters throughout the entire day
>you haters
I don't hate all of Grimes music nor do I hate her as a person