I see a suit of armour around the world

>I see a suit of armour around the world
>But not around Hawkeye or Black Widow. Fuck them.

Why doesn't Tony Stark make an Iron Man suit for Black Widow and Hawkeye? He has like 50 million of them. Does he just not value their lives?

>implying these movies have any consistency

Literally because then he wouldn't feel special anymore

Max Dex Modifier

Then why does he let Rhodes have one?

the nigger stole it unironically

Why doesn't he steal it back or otherwise disable it in some capacity?

if you put a big heavy metal suit around the planet it would sink below the solar system

Rhodes stole it, and notice how after that Tony goes nuts building prototype after prototype to make sure his suit outclasses the war machine suit

I forcibly exhaled slightly harder than normal. It wasn't quite a kek, but it was pretty close.

Why does Captain America make a shield for them? Why doesn't Hawkeye make everyone Bows? Why does Thor give them Hammers? Why doesn't Widow give them push up bras?

It would kinda make their skills useless. cant exactly be a ninja or archer with a clunky suit,

They would probably say something like it would hinder their mobility/accuracy/agility/whatever but thats bullshit because they don't need a full suit, just like a slight exoskeleton or something to enhance their strength and natural abilities

Because then rhodey and tony wouldnt be friends.
also he cant cause he broke rhodeys back

That would be a direct attack against the US military


Tony let him have it in exchange for becoming his freind

Why doesn't he, at least, make Black Widow those gauntlet things she has in the comics?

Then why not let them have a shitty one. One that, like, doesn't fly but also makes them impervious to bullets?

I'd be pretty fucking outraged if I was them. It would be like being on a police force in a rough neighborhood, and your partner gets a bullet proof vest, but you have to wear nothing but a sign that say "I hate niggers"

>This is less than a decade old
Don Cheadle really didn't age well.

Vibranium is hard to get
Sporting goods stores exist to get bows whenever you want
Hammer is magic and one of a kind
The guys didn't ruin their chests with reductions

He made a suit for Spiderman

Captain America doesn't make shields, you dumb motherfucker. Thor doesn't have any more hammers you dumb motherfucker. Not everyone has perfect aim you fucken nigger.

She has them already you dumb dumb.

What do the gauntlets do?

they're filled with spiders so every punch has the combined force of a swarm of spiders too

Exactly why

DC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ROTTEN SHIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MARVEL

i think it shoots bullets or electricity

That's so fucking awesome. You best not be memeing nigger.

Why doesn't the government make more of them and give them to Widow and Hawkeye? Is Rhodey's the only one?

Why doesn't Batman make power armor for Superman or Wonder Woman


Cuz Batman doesn't really give too much of a fuck about Superman or Wonder Women.
Real question is why doesn't Superman or Wonder Woman shut down Batman knowing he's smart enough to kill both of them?
Cuz they're scared.

They're SHIELD agents not US government operatives

Why didn't Jimi Hendrix give everyone a guitar?

Wasn't SHIELD a part of the US government? If not, what the fuck is it?

Because blacks are greedy, petulant people.

He literally explains he wants the Avengers to have a life outside being a superhero.

Superman can literally move faster than the human eye can see and can kill someone by looking at them
"Muh Batman with time to prepare" is a tired meme and its pathetic a supposedly serious and mature series let's themselves be influenced by it

Cool beans.

>Step 1 to having a life outside of being a superhero: Be alive
Hard to do when your fleshy marshmallow body is riddled with HYDRA bullets. Probably safer to be in an Iron Man suit.

Because they don't need it?

It started that way but expanded to basically become world police that tries to maintain good relationships with the world's governments so as not to piss them off and start of a war

Think of it as something like interpol but with far more power and money and no direct oversight

haha funny.
>superman can move faster than batman but NEVER makes a move
>let's Batman prep
>Batman takes advantage
>Batman can literally kill Superman

That's the thing.
Superman ain't gonna kill Bats.
He's a whimp and Batman won't hold back, BUT SUPERMAN WILL.

What don't you get?
Superman is weak, Batman isn't.
Just cuz Superman could kill Batman in a less than a second doesn't mean shit.
Batman would take advantage of and kill Superman, which has happened in the comics and even almost happened in the movie.

Pretty sure they were being ironic, considering Superman and Wonder Woman are invulnerable god-people

If I was a playboy millionaire, I would let my best friend have one. Not some super secret agents who work for the government that tried stop me from making sick ass mech suits.

That's why you install a fail-safe on the power suits to insure that you can shut down anyone trying to stop you with the push of a button.

>Batman's entire story arc in BvS is based on his fear of Superman and his destructive power
>acts in fear, lashing out at someone who just came to talk
>could have been killed multiple times by Superman but was spared due to mercy and compassion, ironically proving Superman was the better human being
>projects all his fear and insecurity in his edgy speech to Superman
>b-but he wasn't scared

Batman fan boys are the worst


Marvelcucks everyone

But if
Batman < Superman
Batman + Power Armor > Superman
Superman + Power Armor > Literally Everything?


He wants to see Widow in her tight leather outfit

That post is so full of irony
I'm sorry you missed the running theme of the movie that due to fear Batman was losing his humanity and alienated from people while the being from another planet, Superman, was one of the most human characters in the movie and that realizing this is what gave Batman a moment of clarity to begin regaining the humanity he had lost

Literally does not contradict anything I said and even supports that I said Superman was a better human being than Batman


She doesn't use them a lot, I guess.

They are her "stingers," because she is a "back widow" which is a "spider."


>Literally does not contradict anything I said and even supports that I said Superman was a better human being than Batman

this is well known, what is your point exactly?

Batman was the one acting out of fear, lrn2 read quote chains

>Batman was the one acting out of fear, lrn2 read quote chains

Sorry I joined the convo late.

But yes, right again. Batman has always relied on fear driving him, as well as striking fear into opponents. Nolans trilogy expands on this immensely.


Yet in every scenario Batman would have killed Batman.
Unless you include the non-canon What'-ifs.
Every scenario, Batman takes the dark route to kill Superman whereas Superman acts more righteous and Batman sees it as a way to kill Superman.
Yes, Superman COULD kill Batman, but Batman would be the one to kill Superman.
At this point, what are we debating?
Yeah Batman felt he needed to exterminate Superman but Superman was only try to hold back back Batman.
Superman let Batman prep his way to kill Superman which he would have if it wasn't for Martha.

I dld cw today. HOW IN THE WORLD WILL THEY DEFEAT THANOS? Half of them have no superpowers

With the power of friendship or some other gay disney shit.

>Superman can literally move faster than the human eye can see
does he just run into walls and shit constantly then? inb4 his eyes see faster

>Thinking for more than 5 seconds about the plot of a Marvel movie



Tight Tight! She has a tight ASS !!

What if Thanos outdances and outquips them, then what?

Rap battle then.

I'm amazed that there hasn't been more discussion about this.

I mean, we've known the final boss would be Thanos since Avengers 1.

>GotG beat Thanos in a dance off
>anyone beats him H2H

>They disarm the IG in some way
>They find some other equally-powerful weapon to use
>Thanos becomes bored and gives up the IG

what else?

Another reason you don't give a suit to a Shield agent. BECAUSE MOST OF SHIELD IS HYDRA

They cant, he too strong

Never, baby.