When you realize George was the best Beatle

>When you realize George was the best Beatle

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George knows...

Is there anything more contrarian than calling Ringo or George the best Beatle?

Calling Pete the best Beatle

>ruins sgt peppers with within you without you
>best beatle

Best post-Beatle. Doesn't deserve that much credit in the band, but I love his hippie ass.


I think you mean "makes the best song on Sgt. Pepper's"

Ringo is goat man

Everybody laugh at this idiot

dubs gets it

bump for george

fuck you Summer you bitch

They ARE the BEST Beatles.
What do you mean by "Contrarian"?
I do not understand your post, user.

>Pete Best
I see what you did there.

Actually, the mono version of Getting Better is the best song off of Sgt. Pepper IMHO.

Of course, that being said. I do love Within You and Without you, and I'm even planning on reciting it as a spoken word piece at a memorial for a close friend this weekend. (Plus I just plain old love Indian music, and how The Beatles helped introduce Ravi Shankar to a western audience)

Ringo and George are tied for first place as best Beatles.

Yoko is best:



oh god this pic is fucking perfect thanks user


George knew didn't he?

>tfw it's not Harrison, but Martin who is the best Beatle

I will not let this thread die

You've got good taste, user. That's one of my favorite George songs.



Thanks pal, you made me smile. That song is really a wonderful experience.

he's seemed like such a genuinely cool guy.

Steady on, Ringo.

Whats going on in this pic?

That song's on the same level as Day in the Life tho

The Devil, casting spells.

how the fuck is ringo the best beatle when paul had to redo the drums when he was out of the studio

hahaha ringo isnt even the best drummer in the band loool


He fucked Ringo's wife while they were married

He ”got blisters on me fingers!".

dumb idiot

Some people have memed too much and have read Scaruffi too much so they take his words about Ringo being the most technically profound instrumentalist of the band literally. In reality he was an ok drummer but nothing close to the instrumental capabilities of Paul. Ringo was essential for the band for the fact that he was just a nice simple guy that didn't create any tension with the other members of the band, while Paul and John both had huge egos.

But for fuck sake when Ringo was ill for their tour in the Netherlands and Australia he was still worried his replacement for those gigs would permanently replace him. Ringo knew he was the least important man for the creative process

He's a cuck.

Only because Ringo quit the band during the making of "The White Album". (Of course I can't explain why Paul played drums on The Ballad of John and Yoko, though)

>You will never become a millionaire by playing drums and then marry a Bond girl

>when you're such a contrarian that you think ringo was a valuable member of the group


You might've gotten dubs, but you forgot to mention that Ringo also fucked George's wife as well.

I know nothiing about the beatles, so never.

One year ago I was visiting the site 'who sampled' and decided to see if anyone covered revolution 9.
When I opened the beatles profile I saw they made 89 covers of other people songs.

I said to myself "HOLY SHIT".

Actually based at how people talk about the beatles, if they had just one cover song I would still think "HOLY SHIT"

PS: This is how few I know about the beatles

no, that was Eric

You know who was the best Beatle? There was no best one