Chubby thread

Chubby thread







more slutty shit plz



Looking for more Samantha



Cmon Sammy!


Lets see some more

Stop posting this fucking monster. Generally chubby threads are for cute chubs. Not this hideous beast.



Would you fuck her? Hard?

Samantha/Stacy/Chelsea Wilson is in almost every chub thread. She's got fans



You like?

Got any full body?

someone'd do her?

Like this?

I'd do her


Asking for a lot here, user lol. Let me see what I have

This thread is driving me nuts. Can't wait to get off work and fuck my fat ass gf.

Here's a tease

Looking good




What was the name of the chubby girl with huge tits on tumblr. had a number after her name



No I think ou was emma something

The one chubby thread yesterday had a nice looking chub with black see through on, anyone save that?

Any pussy shots?

Yeah what?

Yeah nice piece


Only other pic i have is this

Her name emily?


Nope, Hannah

Moar of best Chubb girl on Sup Forums pls



Best chubby

Thanks user


Seriously I reason why I come to theses thread, based nilly and ken masters. Would kill to cum on those panties
Got any new cosplay ideas coming up?

I'm so sorry.

Haven't seen this one. Gonna save it to fap to tonight

Actually yeah. Her birthday is coming up so thinking about getting her fav sailor Uranus. Also looking at a classic Harley, Elizabeth from bioshock and Wish cosplay was cheaper or I'd get them all!


Pretty sure she'll nail the sailor uranus costume can't say there was a cosplay she looked bad in tbqh. Thanks bioshock one just sounds pricy with turn of the century cloths tho I thought OW shite would be easy to get now.

Well, with a body like that and a girl who's willing to wear and pose with it on, I'd say she's worth it.

She really wants the sailor outfit too. i never watched the show as a kid but I like the look of them.

She's so worth it. We spend most nights getting high and playing video games. Not to mention I've gotten anal the last three nights in a row. I'm so fucking drained and I know she's gonna want more either tonight or tomorrow


I use to watch sailor moon as a kid my mom aslo watched it errrrr it's alright I guess can't remember what color uranus was tho. And lol since doc who jumped the shark there always that for the next cosplay

Bro just stock up on eggs and orange juice you should be able to quinch her lust for anal lol. Also have any leggings pics

And here's the butt


I've got this! Probably about as good as I have on me.




Chucks and leggings, hell what more can an user ask for? Wish I could poloymorph into those panties lol



Absolute full package. Just spoke to her (to get the leggings pic). She's just at home busy cleaning.

>The dream is real


Man fuck this pic lol, I want to get high but I'm out shweed ;_; wat strain be that?
You could meet her half way and help clean while she goes willy nilly and takes that pic

Those thong marks are hot


That's either "the hog", "stardawg" or "Tahoe OG" we buy a lot of variety so I'm not sure what it was in this pic.


Spread them cheeks


Ha I that our cali weed had some crazy names, pretty sure I had tahoe og before. Chernobyl and Jackie chan of is prob the craziest named strain I had

this one?

Worst kind of booty



Whelp I lost to this pic, idk why but pubes always get me
Time for round two

How much do you pay on average for a gram or ounce? Just curious.


No,but that's not bad

Not that guy, but Are you in Cali? I pay like 5 or 10 a gram depending on what kind and where. I'm in Sacramento tho.



I've seen her posted a little, but not much... hoping to find the entire set or more.

Didn't link to my last pic because I'm dumb
More of these then!


