What should a name my new bong ?

What should a name my new bong ?

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Ribbed. For her Pleasure.

Equally lame



Heil Hitler!

Dog dick

Name it "Faggot" after people who name their bongs.

Sriracha face

"The only thing I have in life that might connect me to other people, no matter how briefly" rolls off the tongue.

Das bong or Unkrautbekämpfung ofen

Big Knot

Middle aged retail associate

Dragon Dong

Name it "reminds me of my dad"

Job application

Kim bong ill

[email protected]

Kek, brutal



LaVar Bong

Dog dick of destiny

LeBong Flames

poor choice

This makes me a lazy loser

OP here you win

trailer trash?

I know those bongs are cheap, but come on. you can get a decent borosilicate bong for about $30, and a dab nail for another $20. $50 you're set for literally anything that you or your friends will ever want to do with that bong.

Trust me, I used to have a nice little 14" bong. Looked professional to the point my land lord came in one day (sent me an email the day before that I never noticed, so with 24 hours notice he barely knocked before coming in), saw my bong just sitting on the window sill, and goes "hmm... nice rig. can I test your smoke alarm?"

Then it shattered into 1000 piece when the wind pulled it out the window and down 8 stories onto concrete. still miss that bong. never did name her.

It's a dog penis, user.

I hope you fucks dont suck your dogs off or something how would you know ?


Guido John