Dude, I should scream Nazi Punks Fuck Off during the final breakdown

>Dude, I should scream Nazi Punks Fuck Off during the final breakdown
>ya, that'd be cool dude
>no, bad idea. dumb pretentious leftwing punktards will probably think we are ripping off the Dead Kennedys rather than referencing them.
>No problem, I'll just say credit Dead Kennedy's in the middle of the breakdown so people don't think we are ripping them off. We can't be called posers, that would destroy our punk image.
>ya, lets go with that

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Nothin' like a Miata. ;>)


>anti-authority protesters
>"h-he's gotta stop, these cops should do something"


IDK why a modern nu metal band on Sumerian Records would give a shit about appealing to people that still listen to an 80s punk band, kids today probably don't even know who the DKs are

They should've yelled something more modern and relevant like IT WAS HER TURN or GOOD NIGHT REDDIT FROGS

Why do retards always try to jump infront of cars? Do they think they're gonna stop it or something?


cant believe they are the same band

they all bend the knee eventually

>Alt-rightoids get so triggered about some irrelevant metalcore band making some lame song that they have to start 1000s threads complaining about them

someone explain the pic i keep seeing this shit

some band made a shitty metalcore song about beating up the alt right
and since the alt right are asiliy offended snowflakes they keep spamming this shit and making fun of them
the song is called goodnight alt right


lmfao that's hilarious

pol literally can't recover from this post.

I just like the reaction pics.

DK is t shirt core alongside the misfits and ramones. not much rarer than dsotm. Not that half of the people wearing the shirts have heard more than one song of theirs.

No, I can believe it. I can believe it.

I'm pretty sure they're just making fun of them, but what ever you wanna believe is fine

He's the new YOURE A FUCKING WHITE MALE meme, AIDS skrillex can finally rest in peace

Everyone who is a leftist, just hide the thread. Let the boys have some fun with the memes and don't get triggered.

this thread being spammed so many times is exactly how to make something that had the potential to be funny disappear after only a week

such a radical song

i like the way they rip off inglorious basterds at the end as well.

Why do you guys keep posting this

It's not hard to see it's the same people