Shota thread let's go

Shota thread let's go

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OP here contributing




Phone's charged, what'd I miss?


Not much, just getting started. I like OPing these threads, it's a shame that they're pretty rare on Sup Forums



True, most of the regulars hate OP'ing, and many others for up, like not having shota in title, ss or no, or w/e.
We still have our marathons tho, all good


I just like doing it. I enjoy it and I don't mind all the hate.


Same here, save for the fact of OPs not being able to bump threads.
For frequent posters, it's a little unnerving to watch that page counter slide ever precariously to the drop off.
We do usually I'm cap tho.
Also, das a cute Len



Len is my absolute favorite

can anyone post the discord again?

be better with a sweaty sock or running shoe, but still nice :P


mmm tasty head to toe

Cute > Lewd
Admit it user

LEWD > Mild lewd > Cute.

A mix of the two is always nice

Lewd can be cute, but cute can't be lewd therefore lewd is best

Sure are making a lot of assumptions with those O P I N I O N S, there buddy.

He's a bit too much of a blank canvas to have him as one of my ultra favs, but he has been a striking mascot for qt animu boy arts and community to grow with

This, just enough lewd to fluster over, and just enough cute to keep things chill.
Fill in the rest with random bantz, venting about issues, overly horny ppl, ppl complaining without contributing and random shitposting.
Layered and of scant substance,
A trifle defined in thread-form



Poll: Do you prefer shota or loli
>inb4 obvious answer due to thread subject

>tfw secretly hoping for gohanon to pop back up, cause phone died after the 3rd post in this set and we were 404 when I got connection back
Can't say I'm as obsessed with Saiyan boys as him, but ya gotta admit they're making stuff happen, and have also been quite generous with sharing

OP here. I vote shota obviously because I'm gay as all hell.

Shota overall
But if toying hard, self insert fag here, so Loli, actually. They tend to have more intense themes of power and roles than shota. Stronger connotations, and more dominant scenes.
Again, all else is shotastic


Dude, meta.


Cant jerk off to cute
skip to 6:00

More shotas masturbating (with anal) pls


That’s a pretty big cock for a boy his age. ;)

Better quality vid

Sounds like a personal issue.
Pls dun die bread, gotta visit family in hospital, need distraction from brutal reality when I get out

Mods? Well, I know it isn't CP because it isn't intended to be sexual, but even still
How old is he?

Who knows, I’d guess 12 or so

I dunno. They are standing on a public street

Maybe he has a semi or something?

no older than 12.
no fur

Either way. It’s nice

Hiro the best shota, don't know why.


Is it? Do you like that sort of thing? I mean, real boys? Personally I have 0 attraction to real children, but I like loli and shota


Nice to look at, not fap to
Shota is another story



looks uncut
probably only gains an inch or two when hard.

really cute

he usually pops up later in the evenings


Still big for a

Somehow he seems both exotic and relatable.
Like, at one point we all knew a Hiro.
Excitable but cozy
Anyway, back to shotaposting, seeing wrekt fam and dodging two ex co-workers has me at ludicrous levels of escapism

I'd love to have this. Mess with my own age and see what trouble I can get to.

I hope so, I hadn't heard from him in awhile, and then to hear he had more goodies, plus some for a more narrow audience..

>What is the thing everyone ITT would do?
I'll take potent shotables for $400, Alex.

yeah, he's one of the few "regulars" that pops back up kind of steadily
or maybe he's just around when I'm lurking heh

yeah, glad he got something during the desolate wait that is Jun.

Suggestive cute a best

The mere matter of him even getting ahold of me, let alone commissions is just outstanding.
And ye, the usual suspects are not only scattered across the globe, but the effect of timezones seems to be far more disjointing than one would think so far as missed connections.
The amount of times I've gotten off work to see "shota thread 4: something something edition" is infuriating.
I wonder which reg you are tho..

Danshi Chugakusei uniforms and randoseru if you've got them pls

didn't mean to quote sorry

Getting ahold of MJ*

yeah, definitely.
I think it's more due to everyone's haphazard sleeping patterns. What you say is very true as well though.

yeah, I popped off for a long while and just go through archives.

I'm the creative one you could say.

I know what you meant, no worries.

makes me jealous, all i had was a tater tot at his age.


No worries, only seen you requesting this as of recent, but really have been going at it, hope ya get good results, a nice stash.
Not sure about the backpacks, you goddamn weeb, but I will keep an eye out, kinda found them cliche, but I've likely got some~

Exactly haha. I’m only 5” when hard and I’m 25


I wonder if he is "active"

Gay shota. Preferrably when they're just hitting puberty.. Favourite stories are the "first experience" type.

Don't call me a weeb xI
But yea I've been wanting to get more of the jr.high uniform and randoseru are just cute and aesthetically pleasing . Thanks man.

And if so, which “side” he’s on

Oh god yes, if there's one thing other than self esteem issues, it's abhorrent sleeping and eating habits among shotabros.

Can't wait till I get my rig rebuilt so I can was in the archives again.

Hmm the creative one, that does narrow it down.
We normally scare off any artists or writers, so neat to see you found a means of chill.

Someone of talent survived the shitposting, it's give a cozy feeling, like a pair of soft, warm pyjamas

I like both but like shota more bc I like guys.

Mah nigga

I want to imagine another shota slurping on that...


Annnnnd thread ruined.

or sliding it into another shota butt.


>abhorrent sleeping and eating habits among shotabros

That'll be awesome. It's satisfying going through stuff.

Yeah, I just lurk mostly nowadays. Have an ever growing collection of cute boys going tho.

Most definately, or a nice worn warm hoodie.

Stop being creepy guys. Please.


cute Deku, moar?

I want to imagine that he is secretly loving being exposed in public

Or even sliding into yours?


Just ignore them, they can do their own thing to the limits of the rules
There are qt animu boys to be had

you're right, thanks
