Should little girls be allowed to carry firearms to protect themselves from pedophiles?

Should little girls be allowed to carry firearms to protect themselves from pedophiles?

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-every white male on Sup Forums


BUT there's also the risk that the gun could be used against them. They're small and vulnerable to almost any man.

"Yes, so I can steal it from her"
- Every black guy on Sup Forums.

if every child had a gun there would be no more crime in the world.


pedos will have to start carrying automatics and grenade launchers. Then Little girls will need tanks, and pedos will start using helicopters.

Soon enough we'll have little girls with nukes. It'll be hellish.

Of course: give children a weapon. What is the worst that could happen?

Whats worse, a pedo or an illegal firearm owner?

Honestly they should be taught how to fight back with any means necessary. If I had a daughter I'd teach her to kick or punch a guy in his "hurt area" if he was a stranger trying to take her. Also would teach her not to talk to strangers obviously.

Please, make this movie.

little girls carrying guns is sexy

a black one

Double dubs of destiny. I HAVE to do it now.

>this thread

I think you meant child molesters not pedophiles

the only protection they need from pedophiles is a condom

Die in a fire you degenerate fuck. But before you die in a fire, I hope you watch your mommy burn first

No more humans in the world. FTFY

only little girls should be allowed to carry arms.
loli fascism!

Pedophiles are just child molesters who haven't met the right girl yet.

>doesn't believe in the use of contraceptives

And I'm the degenerate? lolok

Huh? I think my point was about meeting the right girl. Consent between partners is important.


Children can't consent, dum-dum.

Yes, and also pedos should be allowed to carry the armed kid around for protection from niggers.

I think you underestimating the intelligence of children, just how ignorant can you be, you haven't been around many kids have you?

Ya lets give guns to kids and expect them not to shoot people at random.
"I said i wanted ice cream!!!!!" BANG


Eat shit, pedo.

Lmfao ya lets give the average 5yo a fucking loaded gun.


btw i'm all for giving them a weapon for protection from molestors, but condoms are also a good weapon against disease ya know, basic health stuff for kids.


yes, but if he breaks through her defenses, he can't be charged for what happens next

nice lil bitch

Bruh you should always use protection da fuck is wrong with you?

Not sticking your dick in every hole you find is a better way to prevent diseases.

Little girls and guns are not a good idea

Fuuuucking hell man

I know! I wish a little girl would shoot me in the dick.

Little girls are okay. It's those teenaged girls that are the real problem. Them hormones and shit, man.

Triggered, little boy???
I got a nice big van for you to stay in.....

It is ok as long as the gun is pink.

Is everyone a pedo or just you, closet child fucker?


Kids are irresponsible as fuck. I don't think anyone would trust a kid with a gun.

Go back to highschool kid.


No sarcasm. Off course this would imply psychological assessment that will prove once and for all they can consent.

Can the kids be used as ammo?

O look I got told'd by a nigger

lol like talking to eunuch or priest, repressing that shit is going to drive you nutty, more likely than not you'll be the one shooting up a school or mall.

But that's literally the only reason we're here.

The trips have spoken.

Keep your daughters safe from predators. Legalize pink guns for girls.


repressing isn't the same as constraint, dumbass

Old enough for Glock, old enough for Cock

explain what you mean by constraint and why you think it's important. oh that's right, something a feminist probably brainwashed you with, because man penis is evil compared to vagina.

Repress and constrain are synonyms, actually.


Self control. Just because I can stick my dick in a vacuum cleaner doesn't mean I'm obligated to do it.

Fuck off to Sup Forums

You are mentally ill if you are sticking your dick in a vacuum cleaner user, sounds like you need a therapist dude.

Are you really this retarded? Inbred nigger.

From where is this scene?


With what she's holding? That's a Red Ryder BB gun. The only thing it'll do is shoot her eye out

no. children should be fucking supervised. if you think a gun is better than a parent you shouldn't have children.

Fuck no should a child be trusted with a firearm.

Girls with firearms are hotter than defenseless girls, any ways of you can not talk her to fuck willingly with 20-30 years more confidence, mental maturity, and romantic experience then you don't deserve the pussy.

No. Little girls should be accompanied by an adult.

>calls me retarded yet
>doesn't believe in contraception
>doesn't understand basic consent
>thinks people should repress sex
>thinks that normal sex involves sticking dicks into random objects and vacuum cleaners

I think it's quite clear who the inbred nigger is user.

>proceeds to put words in my mouth
Reading comprehension has failed you miserably.

Good times where had by most... 9/10 people enjoy gang rape and that is why democracy always works.

keep in mind you're arguing with someone that has already justified to themselves having sex with kids. you're not going to win this one bud

Good point user.

I'm not you're bud pal

>this old joke

they should be armed with katanas.

Ain't your pal, friend.

Then you'll have a MAD scenario. A Pedo Cold War. No one dares raep, or, if raep'd, dares report rape out of fear of unleashing a world ending war.


>Implying that shit isn't classic


I didn't put words in your mouth retard, go back and look at the conversation

Also you are right, he lost this argument because he lacks basic logical thinking and common sense. As for justifying having sex with kids, I only said that consent is important, take with you what you want from that common sense point of view.


Does the type of firearm matter? Like can they open carry grenade launchers or drive fighter jets to Sunday school?


what would you consider it? a line from a comedy show?

those are called jokes

i didn't even say buddy though. i said bud. it's tiring

On a serious note,

Minors carrying a gun isn't okay. They lack the critical thinking skills to responsibly utilize it.

Could a 10 year old connect with a pedophile at 5 yards? Totally. There are videos of kids younger than that hitting a milk jug at 1000 yards.

What I /do/ advocate is training children to responsibly handle and use firearms from a young age. It's fucking horrible how often kids end up shooting themselves or their friends because the parents couldn't be asked to teach their children some simple gun handling. Guns shouldn't be feared, they should be understood and respected.

If you spend the necessary time to educate your children on gun handling, your daughter is gonna be a regular Annie Oakley by the time she's legal to carry.

no, there was never an argument to lose. you had already made up your mind and were just spouting things to "discredit" him. it's actually pretty pathetic if you read though it.

This user is right the other is an idiot cuck

I ain't your friend faggot

This is only a problem if you're dumb enough to believe denying them ice cream is worth your life.

I don't see why not.

Where's the full video

Thank you.

lolok he discredited himself.

The girl in this webm just started, fag. Practice makes semi-perfect.

>Should little girls be allowed to carry firearms