Good evening, Anonymous! How are you doing tonight? Is anything on your mind?

Good evening, Anonymous! How are you doing tonight? Is anything on your mind?

Come hang out in my shrine, and get a Fairy Fortune for your troubles! Oops, I mean doubles. Dubs, please!


W-when are we playing table top?

hell yeah nigga

Hello, Reimu.

Rolling for Harambe

You wanna set that up? Cuz I just happened to talk about that with a couple of our friends recently!

N-not me, that's poison

I wanna stalk reimu

s-sven co-op though,,,

Look what I found.... Hey Reimu

Well why are you sitting at home, then?

Whew... I guess I was a little distracted by another thread!

Hi Reimu!!
Nice to see you!

I just want a fortune I'm gonna cry

Can the miko even afford a table?

Hi there!


Oh w-we haven't watched that yet! We'll d-do so soon

Welcome to a world without light

Don't cry! Here you go!

Your fairy is...
>Lake Maiden

The Lady of the Lake is the mistress of deep secrets and fairy magic. She reveals that there is a hidden power at work in your life, protecting and guiding you, equipping you with the tools to succeed.


Fake stutter >.>
Sage much

I need PS+ :(




I like this

how much is it?

About $60 :(

is it worth it ? ???

Probably, I've only seen some gameplay

Next person to ask gets a fortune! I'm feeling generous!

just kill yourself

yo reimu when we gonna see some armpits

mmmmmmaybe I buy it for you

meanie! you need a fortune

No thank you!

Will things continue down hill?

Satan demands armpits!

What does the future hold for my friendships, Reimu?

when we gonna see some titties then

i predict you will commit suicide before you are 35

Hah... And here you beat me to it~

probabl y


I guess when Little Mermaid 3 comes out!

When the card of Yule appears, it heralds powerful currents of birth, rebirth, the recovery of vitality and health, illumination, enlightenment, revelation, and a change of consciousness.

Here comes a comeback!


Don't worry, I'll still give you one of course!

When Habetrot appears in your cards, she indicates the workings of fate and destiny. Habetrot spins you a change of fortune. You will make progress; there will be advancement, accomplishment, new opportunities, and perhaps a change of career.

Ooh, lucky us, huh?

2/3 replies got dubs lol

what wait what does that even mean?

Hi everyone

... Wow. Those are ALL good things. Thank you, Reimu~ I'm happy to hear it. Then I just need to work hard.

hey mrs ihaveeverythinginmylife
how have you been


Hi Reimu

hello! how are you?

What does what mean?

Mmhm! Hang in there, it'll get better!

You think I have everything? Life is a mixed bag, you know?

Hi there! Congratulations on breaking the sleep cycle!

pretty sure you said that a couple of time

I know ;~; But now I get to hang out with you and Alice!


I just make the best of what I've got!


I think I need help, usually around nighttime, if I'm alone, I'll have these depressed thoughts, usually just shit about how I don't deserve friends, or how I'm a waste of a human body...
I would usually come to threads like this looking for help, and some people got my Discord info, and started chatting to me, some people just say "If you need help, I'm here", and some people just say I have straight up depression...
I think I need help, but I don't want to message anybody, because I feel like a nuisance... what should I do?

I can't complain. Another calm night. And you?

What's going on in starbound recently? :)

Very long and stressful day at work and as soon as I come home my friend is relentlessly harassed. "Regular", I suppose.

Did you see my fortune, Alice?
Message people, of course. Doesn't matter if you feel like a nuisance. If you have depression, and I wouldn't exactly be shocked if you do, then it's only natural that you feel like a nuisance. So why let that stop you from pursuing help? Go see a doctor too, of course!

Good evening all. I hope everyone is well.

So how do these fortunes work, Reimu?

Throw out that self pity and start being a nuisance.

Nobody's time is more valuable than your own, and whether you can believe that or not, act based on it. Don't worry about whether you deserve what you have, you have it because you've gained it. If they're not getting anything from it, that's their failure not yours.

Wanna vc/msg? Not like a lecture or "you're depressed lol", just liike, talk

I have discord

Taking to your doctor and counseling is an option. Though your mileage may vary.

Wrong chick. I'm the Starbounder. They've added mech combat to the game and missions that work kinda like a game of Sinistar but with a portion where you get out of the ship at the end.

It's pretty rad. There's also space stations and a trade network, and you can build your own station too.

Reimu, I've been thinking about persuing a certain career choice. What does the future hold for me if I were to go with that career?

It doesn't sound good. I finally see some hope in my life. For the first time in 2-3 years...

For where I am right now, I cannot afford any type of visit to the doctor... but I'll try to message some people... Thanks

I can has fortune \(°^ °)\

!!! that's a good thing to hear! What makes you feel that way? What's the good news?

I'm not sure, maybe...

>Tryamour - Reversed
When Tryamour appears reversed in your cards, she indicates external and internal pressures on a relationship. You may experience contradictory feelings, inner conflicts, and indecision.

Aww, too bad! Don't trust a reverse fairy though!

If you don't have health insurance, then I'd suggest consulting Alice. She's always willing to pay for people's doctor's visits, it seems like.

do midgets have night vision?

this is an after-hours bar thing right?
hey people! pennyman here

Oh (._.)

Look in your Player's Handbook.

do grills fly when no one is watching?

if you are in the states you can look up your local city/county MHMR. They can provide you with low-cost referrals or even help make sure you can get treatment. Good luck.

Reimu predates the Bar, actually.

Reimu, help! What's my fortune with a certain cute shrine maiden?

This is a little bit... uncommon or weird, but the good news is that my gf's stepfather is going to jail. Finally, because he ruined her life ( maybe unintentionally, but who cares) and 3 years of my life too. So this is rather good news and a big hope for us.

No this is a shrine! No drinking unless we host a party!

ahahahahahah thats like chinese to me, but i get the point, i know theyre slightly different, i just wanted to know if they were the same kind of threads. how are you doing?

ahahahahahahah who said i was drinking! i bet you dont have the psychic ability to tell if im drinking anyway

I shouldn't borrow money from this guy, I'm already in debt, so I probably can't afford to pay them back...
Besides, maybe I don't need to visit the doctor, I can just shut up, it'll be all right

Don't forget, user, you're a wonderful person. I hope you have a good week this week.

It's... Like chinese to you?

I w-won't ask you to p-pay me back. Consider it a gift

I'm 9734 #3319 if you want to say hi !

Hey, that's definitely something to be happy about if he wasn't a particularly good person! Justice is good

This one does.

When the Fairy Hart appears in your cards, it challenges you to follow, wherever it may lead. Though this may sometimes be difficult and unpleasant, it will engender changes that prove beneficial in the end. You will develop and grow immeasurably if you meet the challenge with courage and determination.

No, it won't just be alright, user...
I hope I didn't go too far by making such a suggestion.

nevermind, im stupid and have no ability to communicate my ideas clearly ahahah

Okay, thanks, I'll try it out

So I should keep trying, even through difficulty and unpleasant things, because our bond will grow!

I don't know about all that but you sure to laugh a lot. What's that about, user?

Just what kind of trials is this mystery girl putting you through, anyway?