Is she fasciste?

Is she fasciste?

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She is nationalist, traditionalist, statist, authoritarian and socialist. Literally Hitler.

she is murras

Name one (1) fascist policy she has suggested

PS: Her father was like her, but liberal instead of socialist. He loved Reagan.


Shes poutaines bottom bitch

Her father sounds like a better version of her tbqh

I don't think so but there are actual ones in her party.

No, shes a leftist

Sounds perfect 2bh. Reminder that there is literally NOTHING right wing about combining a welfare state with strict immigration policy and closed borders


she is french

her father was a sperg who couldn't shut his fucking mouth enough for the party to have any success besides protest votes in European elections, he should have stood down and let her taken over years before he did.

the real story stinks
pootayn through his secret sir vices get the muslim to kaboom just before the elections so people would vote for the French fersion of Drumf and in doing so Pootayn gets his pawn elected as president

its not about muslims
its about Pootayn indirectly controlling all you cuckolds
enjoy being Pootayns vassal states faggots

>enjoy being Pootayns vassal states faggots

would take that over turning into muslim/nigger shithole

> anti-immigrant centrist

a hero west europe needs

Yes worst than hitler

A bullet belongs in her head.

fashionista? probably not.

nobody is emigrating to Ukraine except Russians who are quietly taking over your country under your very noses and she is Pootayns butch

supporting her means supporting Russia in taking the rest of Ukraine from you

imagine a security council vite where France supports Russianagainst you guys

Three of our four Presidential candidates are pro-Putin to be honest.

I just hope for France's sake that Le Pan isn't actually as leftist as she let's on. France doesn't need any more socialist policies dragging their economy down.

I do like her stance on Immigration and general sense of nationalism though.

She's a populist

Fillon is a liar, he isn't pro-Putin. Should I remember you he was PM under Sarkozy when they gladly supported the rebels in Georgia against Putin?

President controls all foreign policy so it was never anything he had influence over.

the french are always playing some stupid alliance game

dont you guys feel alarmed by that
nationlist politics due to eye sis is one thing having openly pro Russian presidential candidates is another

Pootayn seemsmto be very successful
Drumf has been proven to be linked with him and yet he continues
imagine what Pootayn will do to France if he gets his president elected there

It's not uncommon for right-wing parties in Europe to suck the social state's cock, because they know that working class voters who are sick of the socialist parties that have historically represented them are their largest growing demographic and future base. The Republicans do it to in America with social security, farm subsidies, etc. but to a lesser extent because there isn't as much to defend.

Probably nothing, France and Russia have no conflicting issues, all it would do is remove a hostile vote in the UN.

Why do so many of the French voters want to turn their back on the west and align with Russia?

Most people have a negative view of countries like the USA and Britain in terms of foreign policy.

Who has more leftist economic policies? Le Pen or Melenchon? Doesn't the latter want to keep you in the EU?

>Is she fasciste?
She's Putin's lapdog.That is the only thing that matters.

Both are anti-EU. Latter is more Socialist and is linked heavily with Communist parties.

I just checked the polls and she was leading for a long time. I thought you guys said she was going to get slaughtered?

she got a bump because the centre-right candidate got caught up in a corruption scandal and is basically ded

Her gigolo is arab

He is back up to 19% desu. Only 2 points behind Le Pen.

I agree with you, but Rupublicans supporting Social Security and farm subsidies out of the sheer necessity of winning any election here is a far cry from supporting stuff like a 90-100% tax on people making over 400k a year.

That would be considered an absolutely ludicrous policy here for even the Democrats.

Not until trump. Before that republicans would openly say they want to privatize social security, Medicare and Medicaid. In fact trump is basically the only one who says he doesn't.

preese exprain

desu I really don't understand why the French hate rich people so much either

She might win the first round but will probably lose the second, or so official propaganda would have us believe.

She's not a monarchist dummy

Because of history going back to the revolution.

You should be glad, UK is the first destination of our rich.


How is Russia any better though? It sounds like you guys have a "Grass is always greener on the other side" delusion about Russia.

SHe is literally hitler.

Because Russia is too weak to do anything West of Poland. So it doesn't matter to us. Whereas the USA fucks up all the time and it effects us.

Actually it's the other Anglo countries they go to.

Russia is complete shithole, but definitely not weak one.
Especially when euroscepticists want to made job easier for them, by dividing europe on small meme armies.

>French Army
Maybe compared to how many soldiers we fielded historically, but Russia is no threat to us at all.

>but definitely not weak one.
It is weak relatively, it is no Soviet Union. It could never get past Germany if it tried to go to war, never mind pose a threat to French borders.

Just refuse to go along with our shenanigans. You did it with Iraq. France is a sovereign nation. What are we going to do about it?

Flood us with refugees like you did with Syria?

>muh homo europeanus

Your cunt wanted to intervene more than we did.

is that hiw Frenchies think?
what will happen when they have Germany?
waking up then will be too late
wrong way of thinking dear Frenchy

To stop refugee flow but your king nigger said no.

They won't ever have it so it is not an issue.

How in the hell are Syrian refugees our fault? That's one of the few countries in the Middle East that we HAVENT yet intervened in.

Those refugees are Assad's doing for killing his people, and his people wanting to flee somewhere to safety. We vaguely support the Rebels, but they'd still exist even if we didn't. They're rebelling because Assad is a cunt.

Which is why we should have removed Assad.

how is it not your fault?
almost everthing on this God damn rock is your fault one way or the other
but tuis one clearly is
always sticking a finger up somebody elses butt

Which creates another shitfest power vaccum like Iraq.
No matter what any foreign power does or doesn't do, the middle east is going to be a war-zone of clashing clans and ideologies just like Europe has always been.

Not if you keep the occupation there. Iraq only fell to pieces when Obama pulled out.

I agree, but the US can't just go in Willy nilly like it has in the past because that has shown to lead to other problems. We have to be careful and pragmatic, and wait till we can assure that there is enough popularity to support a full on military intervention.

smelly paki fuck off back

>Americans that just elected Trump who promised being friends with Russia in his campaign are wondering how France could turn it's back on the West by voting for pro-Putin candidates

ahaha so much this

look the average fn voter doesn't care about putin, but marine has to get money from somewhere

i don't care if it's the russians or the chinese or the americans that give her money, the point is that she isn't anti-white
and that is literally all that matters to me, there is no point having a rich france if no french people are living there, i really don't care about the rest AT ALL

I don't believe there is such a concept as a "West".

Trump complimented Putin on being a strong leader a couple times. That's it. He was in the middle of a campaign where he was trying to show contrast between Putin and Hillary/Obama and how the latter two have been weak compared to Putin.

He never said anything about forming an alliance with Russia and bowing to Putin. That's all bullshit cranked out by the leftist media.

it's almost as if the whole Trump-Putin thing was made up or something


Its the best com combination

There is. It's just hard to see when you're viewing things in the present instead of a large window of time where multiple countries make up the "west" due to extreme similarity to each other in politics and culture.

We banter with each all the time, but ultimately have far more in common than not. The US, UK, France, Germany, and other countries like us are full of people that really have similar views of the world, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

Not really. I do not have common views with Anglo-Saxons or Germans.

I think there is such a thing as the west and i think it is trying to fuck us.
No one in the west wants France to do well, otherwise it'd rule the west again like it used to before. The rest of the west wants to keep us down.

In fact as soon as the war ended in 1945, our fellow western "friends" started fucking with us and try to reduce our power. If De Gaulle didn't intervene we'd be even worse than today.

You're currently in the midst on an election that was eerily similar to ours and the Brexit election because your people are also eerily similar to ours and Britain.

The WW1 and WW2 alliance of the US, the UK, and France is still very much alive and well today, and was formed in the first place because centuries of fighting and close interaction with one another actually pulled us closer together.

Not really.

She's just extremely conservative, statist (though her party has changed on that), pro-order, traditional and probably holds some form of personal contempt for some cultures.

She's not a racialist, not an expansionist, far from authoritarian, doesn't want to deport people (won't be able to, anyways), but her party certainly was.

>alliance of the US, the UK, and France
dumb, dumber, and braindead
amazing team we have here

The similarity is because of the dissamilarity.

Are you algerian?

we are different posters

nope i am native french and a patrotic fn voter

I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but you're right. Individualism is the biggest component of "Western" culture.

No I mean the elections are similar because we are different. Everyone votes against globalisation to protect our own cultures from one another. That is why.

>being this blind

>90-100% tax on people making over 400k a year.

Please tell me Le Pen isn't supporting that kind of horseshit. I thought that was the communist guy?

She scares the rich traitors to terror, it is glorious.

French people are so left-wing that even their right-wingers are commies.

It's in their blood ever since the French revolution.

i have no problem with that
fuck the banks, we know very well who owns them
it's high time they give back the money

>otherwise it'd rule the west again like it used to before

The world needs rich people, and not all of them are jews.

If only

I miss you, Maurras (even though I didn't know you) ;_;7

All the way from the middle ages to the 1800s it was
Then UK took over but France was still independent and solid 2nd place
Then after two world wars it went to shit and became the shithole we all know and hate today

Who cares? Melechon will murder her in the second round anyway.
t. knower

Yes of course. However our current rich (i mean actually rich) are clearly working against us.
As we have seen in all the anti-French propaganda they produce, in cinema, music, tv, or even schools.
You just can't deny it.

Their propaganda is blatant and if you tell me you don't see it i can't take you seriously.
There is a whole system at work here and it is corrupt.

It needs to be fixed. That's all.

Here is what will happen if you try to unironically instate a tax that retarded:

1. People in that income range are gonna leave France (Which is already becoming a big problem for France)
2. They will Find a way to not actually play the tax

In the first case, that's money, businesses, and jobs that leave France, and in the second case, you will be getting NO tax revenue as opposed to some tax revenue if they are low enough that simply paying them is cheaper than pursuing complex tax evasion.

NOBODY is ever gonna actually pay such an extreme ridiculous tax.

of course they won't pay, that's the point when you prohibit them from leaving the country and forcefully seize all their assets

Cuz they're useless parasites'état