ITT: we throw around great riddles

>ITT: we throw around great riddles

Give me your best.

pic related, the Riddler by Jim Carrey


I'll start with shit tier:

What has ears but can not hear?

When is a door not a door

ear muffs?

when it is a door knob.

When its ajar

Riddle-Master here.

Corn. Step up

What has sex with your wife but is not you?

I remember when that movie came out, worst Joker ever. Even the new one in that Suicide squad crap was better than this atrocity.


What do you call a dog with no ears?

A tampon made in germany but soaked with the blood of my enemies

Shit-tier pun fam tbh

You can do better

What is the difference between a duck?

Doesn't matter, he doesn't reply.

nice dubs


The answer is 'Good boy'



What do you call a person who has one X chromosome, one Y chromosome, and claims to be a woman?

How Long is a Chinese name

10 fish are in a tank, 2 die, 3 swim away and 4 drown. How many are left?

It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?

You, OP, the Transfaggot.


Riddler =/= joker
You can see in the new Lego Batman movie that those people are completely different. Besides most of the old batman movies have some cringe to it, it has something to do with the decor as well as the villains.

The answer is:
It swims better than it walks.


that is oddly specific

When the many are reduced to one, to what is the one reduced?


7 I guess
Implying that was OP
I don't know but I guess it has to do with a letter.

Oooh so close. The answer we were looking for was: 'A man'

A man in Texas is driving as it breaks down.
In the car he has his pregnant wife and 2 year old son. They are arguing about missing their favorite TV-show.
What time is it?

ping pong bing bong

Vague wording does not equate riddledom, there are multiple interpretations

Yeah, that was lame.

If a chicken says, "All chickens are liars" is the chicken telling the truth?


Never rub another man's rhubarb


OP here:

next tier, still kind of easy.

You get in a room with 2 doors and 2 guards. One of the guards is always lying, the other one is always telling the truth. You get 1 question to figure out which door to choose, GO.

trick question chickens cant talk

You ask them why OP is such a flaming faggot then pick whichever door you want cause OP fucked up the riddle

cheeky cunt

Why don't you get back to one of those intresting "Dubs get" posts?

Gilligan's Island. Comes on at 4 p.m.

Where does the doors go?
You forgot to say that one leads to heaven and one leads to hell.
And why are you posting the most well known "riddle"?
Why can't the OP ever come up with something original. Make your own riddle.

You are a disgrace of a riddler.


It is time to get a new car!!!


I kek'd

If you were in a box, how would think outside it?

Like this.


A mathematician was arrested at a bar, why?

A man.

Yeah, i know it is.

I am a 5-letter word. If you take away four of my letters, I'm still pronounced the same way. What word am I?

crack cocaine

because he was doing illegal things ez

by going outside of it or erasing the box


You are prisoner who is about to die. The guards give 3 rooms to choice from. Room1 is a very dark room where a hidden assassin is ready to attack you. Room2 is were a starving loin that hasnt eating in days. And Room3 is a room thats on fire. Which room would you choose?


OP goes 1 up:
I've 3 lives. So hard I break rocks, so light i caress the sky, and so smooth I clean your skin.

The loin


The starved to death lion please.

Wade ran away from home and took three left turns. He wants to go home, but there's a masked man there. Who's the masked man?

>inb4 "bane"
>inb4 4u


What item can you find in a man's pants that has a head on it, and that women love so much they often blow it?

Himself looking into a mirror

Because it is already starved to death

Ice. Steam/water vapor. Water.

Drinking and deriving

easy, a deaf person



Next one from OP, hurry up with the last one:

soft as a petal that falls from a tree, the more i dry the wetter I'll be, what am I?

nope, nice dubs tho

A woman


How many legs does a dog have, if you call the tail a leg?

Everyone's and no one's, infinite and infintesimal, relative, relevant, and nonexistant, what am I?

Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain on earth?

A towel.

The umpire.

What does a dog do that a man steps into?

Mt Everest still

close enough, i was looking for the catcher tho.

When its a window.

Ha, umpire. Stupid fuck.

You ask them if they are guards. Easy



Why is that the end of the thread, edgemeister?

Well, if you are most definitely going to die, you are going to pick the room with the assassin. They are trained to kill quickly so your death will not be very painful.


I am a jumble of sticks stacked together, what am I?

What if its painfully painful poison?
