Disney is Closing The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror to Build a Capeshit Ride

The Tower of Terror, based on one of the greatest television shows of all time, in which Rod Serling ingeniously used science fiction to tell parables about the human experience, along the way creating many of the most famous moments in the history of the medium, will be closing at Disney's California Adventure Park to make room for Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout.

Art is dead.


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And I just rode on it little under 2 months ago.
Guess it was the last time.

All good things Picard...

>twilight zone
literally what


Yeah they haven't changed it for decades. It's a fantastic ride with great ambiance. I'm surprised they're closing it. I went a few months ago and the FastPass queue was 45 fucking minutes. It's not like people are bored.

Goddamn it's too bad, no Guardians of the Galaxy shit can beat the vibe there. Best queue by far.

Oh for fucking sakes

If they change the one in Walt Disney World, I'm going to be so fucking pissed

>Things aren't like they used to be!

Get over it.

Fucking retarded, capeshit needs to burn

>it's a tryhard "bait" post

wtf i hate disney now

Seriously though, what a crock of shit. Disney, you're a multi-billion dollar corporation, just... fucking... BUILD A NEW PARK SPACE.

What happened to capitalist expansion?

The aesthetic of the line and Rod Serling on that old TV are pretty great. Sad to see it go

Wow that's sad

>used to work at disney
>cast members knew about this since may

also all the princesses are hot af but surprisingly racist

Goddamn I don't know why but that ride was always the most memorable.

Hopefully based Flordia will hold onto one of the best rides at Universal...Went on it last Xmas, and a girl started screaming that she wanted off the ride right as it was beginning.

OP, The Twilight Zone is my favorite show of all time but this doesn't bother me because, to be honest, that was a shit ride they slapped "the Twilight Zone" on and it doesn't represent Serling's vision at all nor does that fuck awful movie they made based on it with Steve Guttenberg and Kirsten Dunst where they simply called it "Tower of Terror". Anywho, let's forget it and watch this doc about the man himself!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/T4ALNnImsmU


Daily Reminder

Universal Studios >> Disneyland/world

Universal Studios is even more pleb than Disney.

Tower of Terror is just a fucking ripoff of Demon Drop. Oh boo hoo some ripoff ride nobody cares about is getting dismantled, seriously go fuck yourself OP you know nothing about ride experiences.

Have you been in that area? Every square inch of land for miles is packed with shit. Real estate costs a fucking fortune there. A new park is unlikely to even make it's money back at this point.

Is this the one with the elevator? Why would they close this, it's one of the best rides they have.

the twilight zone is officially dead, everyone go home

>California Adventures
lol who cares, disney world master race

Almost, sport.

nah disney world has like 4 or 5 parks now right?

i doubt they would close it there. they've got room.

The Universal tour in Hollywood is like one of the greatest things a fa/tv/irgin could ever experience. Riding through the sets, all those classic posters... movie magic aside, it can't be beaten.

New generation has never seen a fucking Twilight Zone episode, but everyone knows who Meme Lord is.

My guess is only the branding/queue is changing. It will be the same core ride with some changes, probably more dark ride elements.

they probably have to constantly deal with black people and their kids grabbing them and shit

>disney world
>master race
>satan's humid asshole is better than socal in the summer
jelly east coast cuck spotted.

honestly anyone that works/lives in a place where they interact with black people on a near daily basis is racist. it's impossible not to be.

Suck your mothers shit off my cock, faggot!!!FACT!!!

Rides are gay anyway

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the screams emanating from our still-standing Tower of Terror.

They have a lunch thing at an Ariel-themed restaurant where for $60 a plate you can meet 5 random princesses. I took my girlfriend and her kid. AFAIK Frozen is not in the rotation but I did get Rapunzel.

The price tag filters the absolute poverty out of the room but there's still some real unique specimens of humanity they have to talk to and pose for photos with. And everyone is eating and shit.

>The ride is getting a makeover, they're just ripping off the facade and slapping on a new Marvel exterior and coat of paint

Honestly, that seems worse/more insulting than just demolishing it altogether.


>my girlfriend and her kid
you posted this on the wrong boardbuddy


got ummm

just come over during the off-season, nice and cool with no crowds

Did you not realize that Disney rides are for children? Children don't give a shit about old 60's shows and they're the ones going on these rides not 60 year old nostalgiafags.

Oh, it's just the shitty California one? I thought they were changing the real one in Orlando. Thank God they're not. I just rode it last year and it was awesome. Even waiting in line they had a bunch of shit from the television show on all the walls and ceilings.

The queue in California kicks ass. It starts in a hotel lobby and takes you into the basement, everything looks fucking great, it's creepy and the illusion is perfect except for some safety shit they added in the last decade because people are stupid enough to die on these rides.

>mfw twilight zone fag
>never rode it
>never will

why not?

Just shut the fuck up. My son died on this ride, it's not something funny or something you have the right to make fun of. I bet you never even leave your parents' basement you fucking fat fag. Nice post, mock the dead innocent some more you evil fucking disgusting wretch.

The queue in Orlando does the same thing, except it has a kick-ass garden as well

prove it

If you weren't a fuckup parent he would still be around today, shitposting in your place.

>fast pass queue

Literally the most jew thing a theme park can do. Not only do we have to wait an hour in line, there are now people essentially getting to bud everyone. Fuck that shit

actually blacks aren't so bad because they're not painfully awkward or shy kids

they're actually racist towards chinese tourists because they're disgusting and rude as shit

Imagine if you owned a theme park. You wouldn't squeeze out an extra $100 from each person that's willing to pay more to not wait in line?

Yeah I played that game too you fucking fat fag. Go outside.

poorfags detected

if you could actually afford to get into disneyland you would know the fastpass system is free morans

wow that's actually really sad. isn't this attraction like 20 years old?

Why is nobody addressibg the fucking vile ballbag ear the guy in this video is sporting?

I was at Disney last year. We had like 3 choices to use fast pass. And I was speaking in generalities about fast passes at any theme park.

>Only tourist give a shit about Disneyland
Who gives a shit. Place sucks anyways

Ok people look hes clearly angling his head and gesticulating violently to draw attention to this shit

Sorry to hear about your wife's son.

He's been designing attractions at Disney for decades. He's a pretty cool guy, the earrings are souvenirs from his travels to various parts of the world. It's just offensive that they'd replace Twilight Zone with Guardians of the Galaxy.

what the fuck, that shit was dope

The only thing you got is herpes from your moms STD riddled sewer of a cunt from where you slimed out of like soo much putrescent shit from a pigs asshole!!!FACT!!!

LOL isn't this like the second most popular ride at california adventure? fucking mongoloids

>Not naming the ride Superman: ride of steel or Goliath

Talk about a missed opportunity