So, is Lena Dunham's career over?

She's the #1 trending topic on Twitter and the entire Black Community now hates her


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Based blacks.

how long before she appeares on BLACKED to apologize

>people just now discovering how much a hypocritical twat she is

>black people hating Lena Dunham for being racist

so it this something Sup Forums is capable of cognitive dissonance on or nah

>tfw looking down and whispering "no"

jesus SJW's hate their own kind it makes no sense

>blacks vs feminist

let's see who is oppressed more

its called intellectual consistency


im sure all these people were rapidly defending her just a year or 2 ago. the oppression olympics have just moved from focusing on rich white girls to focusing on black people

Not long enough. I'd rather see a bowl of potato salad get blacked.

>the left eating their own
Business as usual. That being said, I'm glad. Fuck that kiddie fiddler.

Sup Forums is just enjoying the side, watching leftists tear each other apart over who is more oppressed

t. Sup Forums

sjws have disliked lena dunham for a long time, pretty much since season 1 of girls when she said she wouldn't show black people on the show because it didnt represent her personal world

that's the whole reason she started her own newsletter, she wanted to make a women's site without "snark"

This would actually be great to see. All the buildup and production value of a blacked video, just to watch a nigga fuck a bowl of potato salad.

Someone shop this.

huh at what point does the twilight zone end

>belonging to a "movement" that has no standards of conduct so you're bemused when other people hold each other accountable for living up what they profess to believe

well maybe you'll grow out of it

>about my own insecurities as an average-bodied woman

Lena will take 3 black dicks unsimulated in her new HBO show as an apology

prepare your vomit bags

I've been waiting for this for a long time, this is one time when the entire internet can agree on something.

t. Leftist sick of champagne socialists and rich hipsters trying to speak for other people

>My story about him was clearly (to me) about my own insecurities as an average-bodied woman at a table of supermodels & athletes

Kek this is what Americans call average.

i dont even know any hipsters that like lena dunham, i think its purely a college girl type thing

you know like those girls that are in sororities but are also #woke and volunteer for shit

I have never heard of this person.

This thread is a faggy little gossip circle and anyone posting in it is a fucking faggot.

They aren't exclusively women in my experience, but most of the hipster (as much meaning as that term has anymore) types I know might as well be Lena Dunham clones as far as their politics and modes of thinking go. Maybe it's a regional/location-based thing though.

Congrats on being a faggot like the rest of us. Enjoy your stay

Her being racist is well known. Her career should have been over when she admitted molesting her sister.

nice of you to join us lena

No, fuckface, that's just her being psychotic.

>>belonging to a movement

Says who? If you don't believe there's an effort to conflate the struggles of all oppressed groups under one banner, against straight white males (evil), then something tells me you never spent time in academia. it's just amusing when a white woman realized she's lower on the oppression scale than a black dude.

She's a crypto-Samoan.

her show is ending, she's producing (writing? she almost never writes anything not autobiographical so idk) a new hbo show or two, she has a sure to be mediocre at best short story collection coming out

best move is to stop saying stupid shit all the time (doesn't she even have a publicist now?) and actually work on growing as a writer and direct a new movie in the next few years
doesn't have the in her 20s thing going for her anymore and more talented women writer/directors are coming up

It's always a faff & a half to watch anti-white leftist factions to tear eachother apart for not being oppressed enough.

pretty sure most people who aren't white already hated her bc she's gone out of her way to say racist shit about literally every group
lots of feminists, especially black feminists have hated her since girls first came out
even before, when she had some poorly written racist lost in translation style essay on japan come out
and people noticing there were literally only white people in tiny furniture

you're not wrong but you're no better than us

You expect Hollywood to care about her being a deviant child molester? If anything that just makes her fit right in with the rest of them.

Doesn't Sup Forums already do this to itself?

the strange thing is she probably isn't even plus-sized when she goes into a store, her frame is naturally short and small and she grew up thin, she also doesn't know how to dress herself even with all her money/free clothes

why do these dumbass coal burners always have to point out how much they want to fuck black guys? is it a way for them to get back at their fathers?


Some of you niggers are alright.

>smug pseude-intellectualism on Sup Forums

i'll take the shitposting

No one mentioned anything about fucking niggers you insecure cuck

why is her face not fat?

>make up some shit to get attention
>get attention

Seems to be a recurring theme in women huh


that's a rhetorical question right

Maybe you can just tell me what you confused you and I can explain it, instead of falling back on your favorite meme term.

Unfortunately that actually is average, considering all age groups.

Why are they all manlets ?

It doesn't matter what black people think of her, they were never her fans in the first place. Her audience is almost entirely made up of white women and they'll continue to prop her up because they believe she can do no wrong.

It's always amusing to see the left eat itself. These are the same retards who are somehow pro-gay and pro-Muslim; there isn't any consistent logic in their ideology. It's merely one big pissing contest of "who is the bigger victim?"

>intellectual consistency

More like justified self-hatred

>mark dice

i hate that guy even more than i hate lena dunham desu

he's like the christian version of a third wave feminist which is a christian who complains about satanic shit in music videos, movies, video games instead of sexist shit(like a third wave feminist does)

wtf i hate koreans now

It's depressing...it looked like she had promise a few years back until it became clear she only cares about herself and her boring life/ the boring life of her rich friends and the "satire" wasn't even that.

Another funny thing is that her sibling (? idk if they've made whatever public knowledge but there's boy names on the social media) is very socially conscious leftist on twitter, but doesn't say anything about Lena's bullshit out of loyalty, I assume, which I can respect. Lena is surrounded by people who could help her be less of a dumb ass, but I guess she doesn't care and is surrounded by even more people propping her up.


the "heeb" always cracks me up because of how mildly it's said

>average-bodied woman

Someone should tell the poor gal.

>it looked like she had promise a few years back

No. She has always been an extremely narcissisitic silver spoon blimp devoid of any redeeming qualities.

deep down she knows she's fat and unhealthily overweight, she's just trying to bait people into calling her fat on twitter

All i see is ...
Bitch getting alll butt hurt cuz she couldnt get...tha dick

give me a 1000 dollars and i would fuck that

Yeah that's clear now, but when Tiny Furniture came out I thought it was a satire and it was exciting to see a young women getting the hype usually only young men/barely any young people usually get until her personality became clear.
Also she was billing herself as a director which she's given up on?

average in america maybe

If faced with the dilema of having to choose between race or gender solidarity, the black woman will always choose race and side with the black man over the white woman.

That's literally what he said dude

based BBC cucking the jooz

>SJWs turning on each other
Once again Sup Forums was right, they've been saying this is the inevitable outcome.

lena is only for white women like herself and she makes it more clear that that's not changing with every fuck up like this, with white women like this who would side with them but other terrible white women

It makes perfect sense.

Mark Dice is a far right Christian conspiracy theorist.

>they've been saying
Don't flatter yourself, this has been a recurring theme since the first internationale.

wtf i love korans now

Where to cop

SJW care about
The irony of cause is lost (that Muslims hate gays and subjugate women)

Twitter has been a goldmine today. Y'all niggas ok sometimes.


I take offense to that

>And I molested a little african american

Wait a second this actually starts off sounding pretty hot. Is Lena Dunham writing /ss/ fiction on her twitter.

The whole thing sparked because Lena Dunham was upset a black guy didn't want to fuck her.

SJWs don't care about men. It shouldn't even be on the list. Also I think women are pulling slightly ahead of gays right now.

Donald Glover never should have agreed to lick her nipples and appear in her show as a not very smart(/ly written) sex object. False expectation for plain looking white girls...

>Imagine being Oldell beckham junior, healthy diet of models, etc.

They are, homonormativity is a thing in the sjw community, gay men just aren't oppressed enough.

Maybe in a couple years when gays start becoming more anti-muslim, feminists will say that homosexuality is just an extreme form of misogyny

Lol it's hilarious how quickly liberals turn on their own kind. Then again I wouldn't turn my back on the average Sup Forums poster for a second.

Maybe it's because "SJWs" aren't actually some global hivemind where they all hold exactly the same beliefs?

thats average in the midwest, parts of the south, and alaska

thats true for 90% of Sup Forums, why single out this thread?


>he thinks being part of Sup Forums is cool

Sup Forums sounds more and more like Sup Forums every day. Fitting too, since both boards are the worst when it comes to invading other boards on this site. Is the average age of the board 15 years old as well?

in the summer the average age of Sup Forums and Sup Forums probably dips closer to 12

Nu-Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums with less dickpics.

SJW hates gay men, unless they are effeminate flamers that wants to transition

gay men are misogynistic (for not wanting to date women, ftm and mtf), racists (mic.com/articles/144985/here-s-one-brutal-truth-every-white-gay-man-needs-to-hear) and are too privileged (because we can't be cucked by females).

they want us out and away from lgbt events.

sjws are all sheep who follow a hivemind you're delusional if you think otherwise

forgot image

if you waited 3 more seconds it would have been a convincing same fag attempt

Women are between blacks and trannies at the moment, which is why the Hobgoblin thought she could get away with it.


poor guy, all he wanted to do was attend a social event.

This pasta needs to happen. I want to trigger some people on normiebook.

>nigger is now not a word
Tell that to spaniards, portuguese and the rest of the world.

Nigger in my language shows the persons skin, not that he is a slave or whatnot you liberal crybaby.