What would we be doing right now if we had girlfriends Sup Forums?

what would we be doing right now if we had girlfriends Sup Forums?

Eating out her ass while jacking off my 3 inch dick

Prepping the bull.

sucking some toes

this is not r9k you faggot

Sleeping after intense friday night sex.

i don't know what I'd be doing

but the world would be poorer in meeems

Getting cucked by jamal

Glad to know I am not the only one with this fetish user


Fucking her up the ass.

I have a gf but she is overseas and asleep

ignoring them

Absolutely nothing, because you're all faggots.

I'm laying next to mine right now while she sleeps.

Went out to a nice Italian dinner, had sex when we came home, now she's peacefully sleeping and I'm quietly watching always sunny and posting on Sup Forums.

Get out of your heads, get active, and make conversations boys. Girls are fun and nice and hot, and many of them can be good people.

I'd be wishing I were alone with my gentle faggots on Sup Forums's television and film board.

>tfw you just now realize it's Friday
On the bright side I won't be the only guy showing up to work...

trolling liar or normie please go
either way, fuck off

My gf checked herself into a mental hosptial.

We'd usually be sitting on the couch looking at our phones with her elbow trying to destroy my kidneys


but i can still post on Sup Forums, and enjoy film and tv more than the average person.

so no, you fuck off, loser

I have a girlfriend but she is very mean and I try to be a man and leave her or tell her to shut up, but I am scared she will leave me and she knows that I'm scared and she abuses it

I wish I could die in my sleep so I could leave her without being sad.

right now I would probably be annoyed at her but we would have sex. Afterwards I would try to sleep with her next to me but she would keep squirming and trying to cuddle all night or take all the blankets so I would never get any sleep.

Any one else have this problem with sleeping with people? Its a pain in the ass

>My gf checked herself into a mental hosptial.
Woah same!

Life is much simpler now without that psycho.

>Craving the vaginal jew in an age of instant gratification

true men are above such as squabbles

yeah that feeling of your hand covered in jizz, and that sense of shame you feel watching the porn for a few seconds after you've cum, that's great. you're living the way life was meant to be lived for sure.

lol who watches porn in 2016

I guess I must be gay

>My gf checked herself into a mental hosptial.

that's a rare trait in a woman, acknowledging and admitting that they are fucking crazy

she's a keeper

I feel no shame.

I'm gay user. If I had a boyfriend we'd be kissing and cuddling and watching movies together right now.

>take all the blankets
Literally never a problem for me, I'm skinny as shit but somehow my body temperature always seems to be high enough to where I feel the need to keep my windows open during the winter (in Wisconsin). I almost never use blankets unless it's just padding to put between my knees. I don't mind cuddling, if I really like the girl it's nice, but it does get a little hot (temperature-wise) for me sometimes.

why can't I stop watching this?

eww, thanks for sharing, not.

>tfw no qt twink bf to fuck into submission then watch kino with while we cuddle

End me ;_;

fuck off faggot. every fucking thread you fucks have to pop up. Is there anything else to your life besides being a faggot?

You're welcome. :^)

why are you so intolerant of the gay man?

yes, but it's an anonymous imageboard so you only realize it's a gay person posting when they talk about being gay

t. virgin

I'd be happy and not thinking about killing myself.


Considering it´s 1:40 AM where I live, and that I live with my parents, probably still shitposting here while my gf is sleeping at her home.

I mean these gay people come in to every thread no matter the topic and start saying gay shit like the star wars threads devolve in to fags saying they want to fuck hamill boy pussy, or the stranger things thread that have just become a home for pedo faggots to lust over children. you all know what i'm talking about. theres gay shit in every thread these days.

>not getting a job to help you maintain having a girlfriend then losing the girlfriend then job over the course of a month in that order then ODing on international overdose awareness day
Get on my level faggotron

>completely disregard females and their mind games
>don't have to talk your partner into fucking
>can basically do whatever you want and not have to act macho or conform to societal expectations in any real way

I'm not gay but it seems like it must be great. Why do they complain about anything?

Smell her feet while watching Tarantino films

>these days
You're too new to be posting, lurk moar faggot.

why do you post this evil cunt, this charlatan of a human being, this langolier, to make your point user?

The exact same can be said of straight "people"

same reason you wear a fedora while you post probably.


First of all the facial expression made it the perfect reaction image for my post, and secondly it gets people mad. Free protip for harvesting (You)s: make a folder exclusively made up of images of strong, authoritative women making smug expressions.

I want to cuddle with someoene

do u want to cuddle w/ me


We're here, we sneer, we jeer, get used to it.

I'm sorry about your terrible taste

I've been here for years. I know how Sup Forums is but the last couple of years there's been a steadily increasing amount of faggoty. The last few months things have been worse with the constant pedo and porn spam. None of this stuff is new but it's become unbearable lately.

Actually getting a girlfriend



that would be cuter and more appealing if it was an actual female instead of an ordinary faggot

Nothing but this.

But women are shit user

>message ex because shes the only person that told me that she loved me
>havent talked in about two years. havent seen her in over three
>get response
>see her picture
>shes dating that handsome dude from the commercials
this year i end it all. i feel it.

It's not the same. anons should be able to talk about subjects without bringing up what they want to put their dick in.

>sense of shame


Isn't there anything else to you?

posting on reddit

Do you also feel ashamed after enjoying a good shit?

>its a thread about not having girlfriends
>one gay guy shows up and says he's gay so he would be having a bf
>oh no how horrible when will this gay menace end when will these gaybos stop rubbing it all our are asses and faces this is such a crime against the universe lets pray to javhe we'll never have to see one out of 39 posters say they are gay ever again ;_;

>used to have gf
>broke up
>this girl from work keeps texting me
>i just want to shitpost on Sup Forums because she's not as hot as my ex
>i'm capable of talking to girls but i've been shitposting on Sup Forums since 2004 and this is the real me

i chose Sup Forums tonight bros

why does my dick twitch while watching this

Ignoring her and watching Tarkovsky

What, are you gay or something?

So my points would be valid if they were posed in another thread where gay shit has nothing to do with the topic?

I have similar issues with showing girls the real me, but that's because all the girls that like me are retarded hipsters from the suburbs and I grew up in a half white trash/half ghetto area listening to shit like Knuck If You Buck all the time. How do I suburban white person?

>have gf
>only have 1 friend who is on the other side of the country
>still have depression and anxiety
>im sure im going to get laid off work any day now
The highlight of my week was finding out kickboxer vengeance came out today.

Only if you react the same way if people always stay on topic. Do you also have a fit if some guy says
>saw this movie with my gf tonight
just stop being such a fucking statist, teach your eyes to ignore gay stuff if it bothers you this much.

Brofist bro..
Since thread still up here's answer
Eat ass from behind
Eat that vag make her squirt swallow a few good squirts (inb4 puss)
Smash a good 30 mins finish in her mouth or on belly
Bitch falls asleep
Go on Netflix and watch some Law and Order while shit posting on tv
Count the days till I gotta figure out how to ditch her so I can be alone since fuck hoes anyway

I picked the wrong thread to have a winge in however it's getting unavoidable at this point. I don't hate gay people. I just don't need to see it constantly. I can't even visit Sup Forums or read the news without seeing gay stuff these days. I'm just sick of it.

nobody cares, go whine elsewhere bitch nigga

haha you cared enough to reply you little bitch.

>old meme taken over by Reddit/Facebook years ago
>underage redditors and Sup Forumsermin everywhere
>cuck maymays


I'm married with one kid and fucked my wife before going to work around 1pm to my "job" that has no schedule and I'm on Sup Forums