When did punk stop being a vehicle for nihilistic underclass rage and became a refuge for oversensitive college...

When did punk stop being a vehicle for nihilistic underclass rage and became a refuge for oversensitive college liberals and braindead middle-class children instead?

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Punk isn't right-wing, chill.

somewhere in the 70s
sorry pol

The 80's

I feel sorry for these fucks here

when it started taking sides

When it started lol

Blame The Clash. Joe Strummer was the original rich kid punk poser.
Same goes for the Dead Kennedys and Jello Biafra.

At least they're not cuckservatives like you


r u fer real
it's always been for lefties

o shit you caled him a cick

o fuk lad I did

About the same time as everything became "you're either liberal or a Nazi".

Idk, but now I'm listening to some Ramones music for old time's sake

The minute it became an image, something people wanted to be and aspire to. Punk died the minute it became marketable.

classic punk was just pure anarchy that didn't support a government
it was fighting the police
it was pissing off old people
it was a social movement and not a political one

Who is the best Ramone no why is it Dee Dee?

anarchism is left wing


not "no"

>classic punk was just pure anarchy that didn't support a government
>it was fighting the police
>it was pissing off old people
Sounds like a bunch of criminal scumbags

modern punks are fucking cowards

It's progressives
You tried but you're shit at this

Slurp slurp

It's clearly Johnny.

Is minor threat punk?

Was Joe Strummer rich?

Always? The ramones and sex pistols and the whole la scene were a bunch of spoiled fags

it's always been the second thing

His dad was an ambassador.

So here we have another case of caviar communism

Strummer was a grave digger.

The Ramones and the Sex Pistols all came from pretty poor working class backgrounds though.

I mean, in some ways it's actually more impressive when someone from a decent family decides to shun that to pursue music and not go to college or get handed a desk job by his dad. He played for a long time before real success.

sex pistols were shit though


>le write no songs man

Johnny was pretty cool though

>the alt-right is the new punk meme