cover songs edition

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BASED nonbiased poster, what do you think of this one?

i love songs and music and koreans and pop edition


>half moon eyes
>mochi cheeks
>pucca hairstyle
why haven't you devoted yourself to arin?

Wtf is going on, it seems like I can't post the Xiumin teasers without the thread getting deleted

alright some great kpop music discussion gonna take place in this here thread where we talk about music

here's a good cover

akmu comeback when?

they're busy doing it to his teasers anyway, just keep posting them

oh wow this is good



really soon actually please anticipate

Anyways here's 1 out of 5

>first week of promotions and they're already missing shows

haha i sure love sm
what a bunch of funny guys lmao

is it always this shit around this hour?

how much does eunseo want for the cheng xiao folder


the way his lips are shaped is cute kek

2 out of 5


it's smtown. what can you do

Is it weird I think he looks jewish for some reason here?

it's just choa now

Choa (ft. AOA)

3 out of 5

why is she so cute


i enjoy korean music please don't delete the thread what korean music do you fellow users enjoy

4 out 5


but they're clearly copying big bang like any sane group would

she got it from her dad

send them out earlier
cant do that though because we cant overlap nct with anything . lets just overlap the two biggest acts we have instead haha

I like twice my favourite member is alpha boy here's her picture for reference

5 out of 5

I enjoy the artist known as twaise tzuyu

black hair looks the best, based sm stylists
brb btw

Based akcuties

she's a woman now

i particularly enjoy twice's oeuvre, their avantgardistic approach of kpop is very refreshing

wow me too
here is a picture of her for reference


this straight hair is fine but it's better curled

>bts releases "fire"
>right away nct releases "firetruck"

Sooman knows what he's doing

YGEX doing work for BP in Japan.
Damn son.




Don't you dare


if there's one thing that I absolutely despise about south korea, then it's their need to make "trends out of the most mundane shit

can someone explain to me why all those threads got deleted?

i'm just gonna watch a video of artificial love
it's a great song bro

sounds similar to american *spins fidger*

this one's the best

Twice is nice!


it's friday night, everyone knows janny likes to have a bit of fun at kpg's expense on weekends

seemed to be a lot of proxying going on

personally i'm fine with aoa not being allowed for a month or two if it keeps retards out of the threads


if you're from the 13th century maybe

Can JYP stop cutting Momo's hair?

Just give them all long hair already.

>on cuckchan

it doesn't work like that

cute girls

I enjoy Korean shoegaze.

so you just got here?

the last 5 threads were all disasters either way

Sana spreading her head lice around

>he doesn't know

They think short hair is the secret to harnessing jeongyeons powers (it isn't)


Kek but I know your intentions with that video you kfapper

Like who? Only heard Gloomyband myself but I loved the album, shame it's near non-existent on youtube

i know this is supposed to be sana but this fanart also reminded me of yeoreum

>chen teaser tomorrow

sana getting her pussy nice and wet before having a train run on her by like 9 black dudes with zero mercy

waiting for the ksoo teaser is suffering

i'm back
and i'm not sure why wanting to raise the view count is bad for you but okay

not that guy but Sup Forums is for sharing music i guess

this is really nice and chill

and this is a black metal album that seems really good tho I haven't gone through it

>chenuggo and fatass only ones left
what's the point anymore? just cancel the the teasers and drop the mv already

best exo is his name

cmon man...

>teasers i've been waiting for are the only ones i won't be able to see until hours later
t-this is fine chen's will probably just be a shitty ballad anyway right guys


forgot your stupid jimin uggo avatar

>no fun allowed

I can never tell when one is a genuine Xiumin fan or just some other kfapper

yeah man, like, he definitely gained some fat to where his face is now a rounded pizza instead of a slim jim, but at least he isn't a shindong

stop replying to them, you know they did something more than just "raise the view count"

are there any good kiss me webms

bona looked good

>does the exact same shit everytime
>instead of getting good, just buys a new account every 10 minutes

Is Heechul our guy?


i just like expressing my appreciation for my favorite exo

how can exo compete?

I found the m/v kinda non-eventful, but maybe I'll take a look at it again at another time.

by not being a literal girly twink lmao

>raise the view count
holy shit I just figured it out
